Looking back through the various web attack prefabs, some inflict Stuck and some inflict Hobbled. One of the disadvantages to how the data was structured on PoE is that all spell/attack variants have their own prefabs, so it's easy to miss individual instances when making changes.
To distinguish Tanglefoot and Binding Web, I think leaving Tanglefoot as Hobbled/Reflex and switching Binding Web to Stuck/Fortitude, with both at standard spell accuracy (+10), would be better. Hobbled is not as powerful an effect, but if you hit with it against Reflex, you're more likely to keep the target Hobbled (Tanglefoot already had standard accuracy, and that doesn't seem to be a big issue). Stuck is much more powerful if melee opponents are involved, but attacking Fortitude means that hitting doesn't make subsequent attacks any more likely to keep them Stuck.