Disappointed by the Raedric quest, which had the great beginnings of solid C&C. But for all the possible ways to enter the castle, once you reach Raedric, you can either kill him or go back and kill Kolsc. No way to solve this through conversation.
The troika of "force, stealth, smarts" was not used for this quest for reasons unknown.
Stealth is only partially implemented in the quest. You can get to Nedmar wearing disguise, but once you kill him, the entire floor turns hostile and you have to fight people.
If you had pickpocket, you could've stolen the key from him, too, but something as simple as pickpocketing is not in the game. Even if you don't have it as a mechanic, you could implement it through dialogue.
Smarts are used in episodic instances, but never for anything significant in the quest.
And once the quest is over, nobody even wants to talk to me, like I'm yesterday's news. No follow-ups, which is a missed opportunity. Osrya promised we were going to get rid the Valley of the curse. I kill Kolsc, come back and she won't give me time of day.
Raedric could pretend he needed something else of us, but in reality would send us away on a suicide mission hoping we'd die and he'd never have to pay up. And when we come back, now he really has thank us big time.
Even something minor, like a letter of introduction from him to some erl in Defiance Bay. Anything. Life doesn't stop just because we killed Kolsc.