President Spartacus
ME3 did not cost 10x as much as BG2. Do the fukkin' math and use logicalness. FFS
I bet it did if you count advertising.
ME3 did not cost 10x as much as BG2. Do the fukkin' math and use logicalness. FFS
Oh I meant to say I got a 49% cut of your RPG Codex posts the last 24hrs. My mistake, Volourn.
Obsidian said that the studio was going through a million a month in development costs during the production of FNV and the...other ones.
So the mystery of Volly's codexian stalker is finally revealed?Volourn is 35, he was born on December 27, 1976.
Call of Duty is Activision, they don't even make NBA Live anymore getting creamed by 2K so hard.Oh go get a room already!
Ok back on the subjetc, although the articule is well written and quite entertaining the fact of the matter is that is simply NOT how EA rolls; they buy companies to squeeze as much as they can out of their IP and they have been crashing and burning for the last 15 months with DA2, ME3 and TOR (which would have made 2 if not 3 wonderfull singleplayer games instead of 1 failed moneygrab MMO). Hell not even their Sports lineup can help them (Madden is stagnant, NCAA is worse every year, their NBA cant compete with 2K Sports etc) with Call of Duty running on fumes, Medal of Honor shunned by even their bought and paid reviewers, and their few publishing oportunities vanishing quicky they will need something to cash on quickly. Their fucking bride of frankenstein DA3 sounds more awful by the second...
EA will go on and just for the record, since Skyrim has sold over 14 million copies for EA selling "just" 2 million with DA2 was seen like a failure....
Biowere is DONE the people who made the company (the biodocs and its best designers and writers) so they have no chance in hell of righting the ship....it is just what EA does...
Oh all of this comes on top ofthe decline of the current consoles so even if the had an almost ready to ship new game they dont have much faith that w¿they will get a final big seller on the last legs of this console cycle
Bioware produced the biggest flop in the history of EA
Mr. Industry Expert, SW-TOR was worse than Sims Online and I can't remember any bigger (product) flops than those two. But maybe you can enlighten me with your infinite wisdom about the industry I am working in for 18 years now (and about the entire universe if possible). The PopCap deal will surely top this, but that was an acquisition and not a single product.It wasn't true BIO. And, more importantly, I doubt it was EA's 'biggest flop'. EA has a long history and they've had some doozies.