Has anyone actually bought this thing?
Yup, I'll give it a go over the week-end and see what's up.Has anyone actually bought this thing?
I will buy it as soon as my vacation ends. I will probably play it while waiting for Owlcat to refine Wrath of the Righteous.Has anyone actually bought this thing?
I am also on a vacation. Stay strongI will buy it as soon as my vacation ends. I will probably play it while waiting for Owlcat to refine Wrath of the Righteous.Has anyone actually bought this thing?
You clearly meant a fearless spider, right?This game scares the shit out of me and I am a fearless man.
Imagine if this thing becomes a streamer meme and prosper makes 100 mil on it.
This is a blobber, eh?
Casuals be damned. Either you like video games or you don't. Art can be replaced, and iterated. The game is the horse, the wagon is your fancy presentation points. Horses take you places, wagons are just necessary for the trip.
There's a reason scam artists focus on the look of a thing over function. It comes from their actual inability to do something not just lul someone else will fall for this.
An artist has art, a programmer has a game. I say that as an artist. What should worry you is someone who promises a bunch of gameplay features but starts off with just some highly quality art with ability to only move around in their artistic world. That person is likely going to fail.
The graphics are really good.
But you need to do something about the autistic UI and menus.
How do you view your weapon skill, melee skill and defense skill? Those stats that you get from reading books.
This game is what happens when developers spend too much time here, listening to autists saying that graphics in RPGs don't matter. You did it boys. This is your incline. Now go and play it.
This game is what happens when developers spend too much time here, listening to autists saying that graphics in RPGs don't matter. You did it boys. This is your incline. Now go and play it.
It's in 3D so it's a game for graphic whores.
And you got it wrong, nice 2D graphics within a reasonable budget is what it means but you know it already.
By the way, i noticed minimum spec. for the game are:
Win 10
8Go HD available
Just to run this:
Just buy/use/mod Might & Magic 6 engine, it runs with 512Mo RAM and takes less than 1Go on a hard drive, you're not going to make any money out of this anyway, seriously...
And the combat... I thought we reached the bottom with PoE, NWN 2, Numanuma and RT blobbers but apparently, you can always get worse.