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Risen 3: Titan Lords


Jun 4, 2010
Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2

Too difficult. Poor joe.


Love fool
Feb 7, 2013
Smyrna - Scalanouva
Divinity: Original Sin 2
Too difficult?!? For real?!?
He just need to keep on rolling and use fucking quest compass...
This is one of the easiest cRPG I have played for years, even from start.


Jan 8, 2009
I'm sure somebody in the PB offices is now clapping their hands. See guys? I told you we made the game too hard, that's why it hasn't sold 4 million copies! We needed to give them another big breasted lady!


Jan 2, 2011
the parts that he shows are ridiculous, though. especially that dragon thing that evades all melee attacks. but maybe the point of the game is to not fight the wildlife? only played the original Risen and it was shit when it came to combat


Nov 22, 2012
If it didn't have giant chicken kicking your ass at the start it wouldn't be a PB game :obviously:

Also, gotta love those youtube comments :



The combat isn't good, we all know that, but too hard...?

Joe is a total retard if he couldn't figure out the combat. He should stick to playing Fallout 3 and Skyrim.



The combat isn't great and the UI is consolized shit, but I still like the game and am still enjoying it about 15 hours in. :) It is not as good as Risen, but it is definitely better than Risen 2.

Hopefully PB fixes the combat for Gothic 5 or whatever they will be making next. Or they just copy Bethesda's retarded shitty combat to make Angry Joe Retard Joe happy.

They could just copy/paste Risen's 1 combat instead building further on a shitty foundation

The combat in Risen 1 was actually pretty good IMO.


Jan 8, 2009
That face is very, very unsettling.

Risen 1 combat was excellent. It took a while to master, then delivered a real sense of satisfaction. Every enemy type was geared to basically kick your ass if you went in swinging, but to be eminently beatable at almost any level if you took the time to observe and learn. It is this that broke in R2 and for some of R3's enemies, so that you can 'accidentally' just spam left click and kill difficult enemies if you happen to initiate at the right moment. Ironically, all it would take is some fine tuning in animation speeds and patterns for enemy types to make R2/3 melee combat just as (or nearly as) good as R1...


Jun 4, 2010
Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2
Joe is a total retard if he couldn't figure out the combat. He should stick to playing Fallout 3 and Skyrim.


Shop a roll of money in his mouth and a little Pete Hines and Todd Howard peeking from behind his shoulders.


Dec 1, 2013
Land of Bier and Bratwurst
Divinity: Original Sin 2
Explored Kila, did a lot of quests there. Some of the NPCs are amusing and I like the transform into a parrot ability, but I'm really not feeling the exploration/world design at all. It feels like the most you can get from exploring every nook and cranny is yet another chest with mostly useless stuff or a little bit of additional gold. Not really worth going through all the boring combat for. I think I'll just tag along the main quest(s) instead.
I see, so loot distribution is just as shitty as in the first Risen, only this time not even the combat can make up for it. Pity, think I'll pass on this one.
Too bad she's telling bullshit. Firstly, you really, really need gold in this game. Lots of it, and i'm always broke. Gold is as much important as experience points. Secondly, there are stat increasing unique trinkets to be found. They're usually hidden in clever places. And there are also rare plants which can be used to brew permanent stat increasing potions. That being said, i haven't really found any weapons or amror. Pretty much everything of that sort is only obtainable from merchants.
Sounds like Risen 1 to me, and on paper it's all fine and dandy. But after perceived hundreds of disappointing "treasures" I didn't really feel rewarded for exploring the gameworld. Quite the opposite, there always was an easy to obtain weapon only marginally worse than the ones you got as exploration rewards and those strength bonusses made the game much too easy in the end, would have been way more fun without them. Recipes were rubbish except for strength and dexterity bonus potions and after collecting hundreds of plants and just as many health and mana potions I rarely used I felt extremely exhaused by all that exploration "fun".
Maybe it was similar with the Gothics and maybe I got less patient with mindless going through the motions in games though, dunno. Will see, next Gothic replay is already scheduled.


Oh. My. Fucking. Gawd. Voodoo wins again. Possession is just simply a-fucking-mazing. Haven't laughed so much playing a video game since... since South Park RPG?

On Tacarigua for example, i possessed an Inquisition cook and then i spoke to one of the NPC's in the area. He asked me if he could get some wine. So, i decided to sell him some for 50 gold. Then i sold him some food to go along with the wine for 50 gold. And then a plate for 100. Pure fucking comedy genius :lol:

The "game is too hard" comments are fucking hilarious. The game is easy. Too fucking easy to be honest. I blame the open world nature of it. Wherever you'll fucking go, there will be plenty of spiders, boars and sea devils to kill. A more linear game would definitely throw more powerful enemies as you progress in the story. And there's simply nothing i couldn't kill so far.

Anyway, i'm really enjoying R3. It's a huge game, there's plenty to do and i even don't mind the combat, it's not that bad IMO once you learn some spells and melee techniques.

Some tips for people that just started playing or are planning to buy the game:

- Join a faction ASAP. Seriously, make up your mind, drop all other quests and focus on the main faction quest. Combat is really dull without spells. And try to buy riposte as fast as possible. Riposte will finally allow you to land the 3 hit combo that knocks enemies off.
- Learn distilling, this way you will be able to make healing potions (alcohol). You'll need it more than any other crafting skill.
- Faction spells can be bought with faction specific currency only. Guardians want Magic Crystals, Demon Hunters want Ancient Knowledge and tribals want Jade.
- You'll need to learn spell making to be able to make voodoo dolls. You'll need them in some quests if you join the tribal faction.
- There's plenty of stuff hidden on roofs, high pillars etc.
- Travel alone. Companions can kill pretty much everything without your help. It just feels wrong.


Dec 1, 2013
Land of Bier and Bratwurst
Divinity: Original Sin 2
Damnit, that AngryJoe video finally makes me wanna play the game.
Hilarious stuff btw, I remember raging at Gothic and Risen combat just like that. Good times. :smug:
From his comments it seems that either he's a total moron or he never before played a Gothic like game.
Your sword swings are too slow at the beginning and you get your ass handed to you even by giant chickens?
Then earn some XP by doing less dangerous quests and invest them in improving your sword skill, dumbass.
Or git gud.

Also why does that sucker not realize that he should fucking wait and figure out the attack pattern of those birdies? Always trying to do some fancy combos when his char is clearly not experienced enough for that. What a braindead fucking idiot.:retarded:

Still, :decline: that you can block animals. But they seemed to have increased their speed as compensation, these chickens looked like they were on crack.


Jan 8, 2009
God damnit. Next playthrough will have to be tutorial => voodoo ASAP. I knew it would be hilarious.

Anyway, yeah, getting riposte, hoarding magic crystals / ancient knowledge / jade is sensible, and if you arent travleling alone everythin gyou say about PB games is retardshit anyway.


Jan 2, 2011
Always trying to do some fancy combos when his char is clearly not experienced enough for that. What a braindead fucking idiot.:retarded:
you didn't watch the video and are quick to label someone an idiot. good thing I'm here to save you from embarrassing yourself even more.

he states in the video that no matter how he presses the button, the char always goes into the long attack animation, basically, the whole video is of him struggling with the controls. now, why he has trouble controlling that clumsy pile of polygons is hard to say: maybe he didn't bother to learn the controls, or maybe the devs didn't bother to make the controls fluid. I suspect the latter, since he says in the video he spent 3+ hours playing the game before making that video


Jan 8, 2009
If you remember where, the merchant probably has kept everything you sold, at least.


Jan 8, 2009
Always trying to do some fancy combos when his char is clearly not experienced enough for that. What a braindead fucking idiot.:retarded:
you didn't watch the video and are quick to label someone an idiot. good thing I'm here to save you from embarrassing yourself even more.

he states in the video that no matter how he presses the button, the char always goes into the long attack animation, basically, the whole video is of him struggling with the controls. now, why he has trouble controlling that clumsy pile of polygons is hard to say: maybe he didn't bother to learn the controls, or maybe the devs didn't bother to make the controls fluid. I suspect the latter, since he says in the video he spent 3+ hours playing the game before making that video

Long attack animation doesn't matter because enemies don't interrupt you as maniacally as they did in previous games, and when you are attacking one enemy and hitting him successfully, other enemies do not interrupt you. In fact, the problem is that it is too easy to do long / power attacks without interruption.

Him spending 3+ hours has nothing to do with how wrong he is.


Dec 1, 2013
Land of Bier and Bratwurst
Divinity: Original Sin 2
You can block animals in Risen 1, too. Well some animals.
But it didn't always work, right? I think I remember fights against boars and wolves where they hit your block very hard and made you stumble, unable to block the next attack.

Always trying to do some fancy combos when his char is clearly not experienced enough for that. What a braindead fucking idiot.:retarded:
you didn't watch the video and are quick to label someone an idiot. good thing I'm here to save you from embarrassing yourself even more.

he states in the video that no matter how he presses the button, the char always goes into the long attack animation, basically, the whole video is of him struggling with the controls. now, why he has trouble controlling that clumsy pile of polygons is hard to say: maybe he didn't bother to learn the controls, or maybe the devs didn't bother to make the controls fluid. I suspect the latter, since he says in the video he spent 3+ hours playing the game before making that video

Long attack animation doesn't matter because enemies don't interrupt you as maniacally as they did in previous games, and when you are attacking one enemy and hitting him successfully, other enemies do not interrupt you. In fact, the problem is that it is too easy to do long / power attacks without interruption.

Him spending 3+ hours has nothing to do with how wrong he is.
Yeah, I also suspect he didn't figure out that you have to time your attacks (at least that's how it was in Risen). Maybe that's why his attacks are so slow in that embarrassing video, not only because of lack of skill points invested.
no matter how he presses the button, the char always goes into the long attack animation
And I call him a liar, simple as that.
Last edited:


Queued Possibly Retarded The Real Fanboy Edgy
Jan 24, 2014
Always trying to do some fancy combos when his char is clearly not experienced enough for that. What a braindead fucking idiot.:retarded:
you didn't watch the video and are quick to label someone an idiot. good thing I'm here to save you from embarrassing yourself even more.

he states in the video that no matter how he presses the button, the char always goes into the long attack animation, basically, the whole video is of him struggling with the controls. now, why he has trouble controlling that clumsy pile of polygons is hard to say: maybe he didn't bother to learn the controls, or maybe the devs didn't bother to make the controls fluid. I suspect the latter, since he says in the video he spent 3+ hours playing the game before making that video
He streamed the whole thing on twitch. In the first half he didn't bother to read, understand the tutorial messages, he just goofed around with his friend and shout at people who subscribed to his channel. He skipped important dialogues, missed the parrot transforming tutorial. In the second half of the stream his friend left, he restarted the game but still didn't pay attention to the combat tutorial and skipped dialougues even more, missed the parrot transforming tutorial again. He compared the game to AC: Black Flag, to an action game, all the time. He didn't bother to read the skill descriptions. He didn't realise that there is a quicksave button in the game hence he blamed the game for the save system. He called the combat system simplistic yet he died all the time. Oh and he played the game with a gamepad.

The combat is bad but not that bad. He basically blames the game because he is bad at it.


The combat is bad but not that bad. He basically blames the game because he is bad at it.
The combat isn't very good, but that is because of it's simplistic and rather goofy nature and the crappy camera (big deal if you play with a controller), not because it is hard to learn or is unresponsive. Joe couldn't even figure out where the dodge button on the controller is, I mean, how sad is that? Joe could actually try and learn how to play if he had some patience, but instead he just rants about the game and blames it for his own lack of skill. He also doesn't understand basic RPG stuff like learning new skills to improve offensive combat or staying away from areas with enemies that are too powerful.
I'm playing the game on hard and getting on by fine while having a lot of fun. I don't understand why this thread has the "decline" tag either TBH (I do admit that Risen 1 is much better than this game). BTW I'm playing the game with a gamepad too, works better than with the keyboard IMO. :obviously:


May 15, 2014
The combat is bad but not that bad. He basically blames the game because he is bad at it.
The combat isn't very good, but that is because of it's simplistic and rather goofy nature and the crappy camera (big deal if you play with a controller), not because it is hard to learn or is unresponsive. Joe couldn't even figure out where the dodge button on the controller is, I mean, how sad is that? Joe could actually try and learn how to play if he had some patience, but instead he just rants about the game and blames it for his own lack of skill. He also doesn't understand basic RPG stuff like learning new skills to improve offensive combat or staying away from areas with enemies that are too powerful.

I just saw his streams and holy fuck - he doesn't even realize that you can take Bones with you, doesn't level up, doesn't do simple quests first and then complains that everything kills him. If his 'strategy' worked that would say very bad things about the game.


Nov 5, 2013
So, what are the main differences between the factions? Spells and armor?

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