Let's be honest here: had this game been so flawless and good as some people claim Darth Roxor's arguments would fall on their own. The fact is however they are spot on and the only thing PoE fanboys are doing right now is either calling DR an idiot or saying that the flaws are minor. The thing is, even when you assume that the things DR mentioned are minor, they do stack up and that says something. Sure you can ignore it all but for many people these things ruin the gaming experience.
Another interesting thing: the fact alone that this game brings such controversy shows that Obsidian did something wrong and DR did something right. This game will probably be even more controversial than Wasteland 2 (judging by number of replies in this thread). I'm in the pro-Wasteland camp but I can understand the hate for W2. On the other hand I don't even care about PoE but with the amount of butthurt I'm reading I'll definitely check it out once it's on sale. So again, DR has done something right by advertising this game (I would argue that this kind of review is the best advertisement on the Codex, better than 10/10 review).
And why is it so strange that someone would consider this the worst Obsidian game? If you have the least amount of fun when playing it then it is the worst. Just like someone might ignore Fallout flaws and call it the best cRPG ever, one can dismiss PoE's merits when compared to flaws because they ruin the fun. I think some people have problems with reading with comprehension - DR wrote "worst Obsidian game" and "mediocre/underwhelming game" not "shitty game".
In what fantasy world did anyone ever expect THAT to happen?Be a true successor to Baldur's Gate 2.
Probably all these retards who gave $1000 to have themselves included in the game, and all these people who paid ever more to be made into portrait. I wouldn't pay $50 to be put in the PoE, yet I'd surely pay that 1k to be put into BG2.
If you compare it to only 2 games from 15 years ago then it's obvious that it will bring some innovations. You could have also said that it's innovative because it introduced resolutions over 1024x768, 3D models rendered in real time, developer commentary, viseable cloaks (!!!), elemental races and Steam release on premiere.
Guys, just because I'm kinda curious myself.
Please give me some examples of edginess from the review.
Darth Roxor said:what they gave us instead was the story of BG, the combat of PS:T
They set out to make a RTWP party based CRPG in the vein of the IE games and that's what they did.Well, unless you think poe was about nice graphics, decent music and Na´Vi rejects im guessing.... everything? from balance, to reactivity, to writing and fun gameplay, it simply isnt very good.Which is what exactly? Everybody keeps regurgitating this same fucking point over and over again, but nobody seems to explain what they mean by it.Very good read, fair review for a game that utterly failed at everything it set out to do.
I still think it isnt a bad game, some details ive found in the game design tell me someone at some point cared, and that makes it even more of a disappointment.
This fallacy seems to always get pushed. The review here was detailed and described everything he criticized in the game. Being critical and not being a bootlicker does NOT make someone edgy. Being a bootlicker or copying what everyone else thinks doesn't make your opinion correct either. Either his arguments are sound or they aren't. Address them or shut it. This is a poor attempt again to dismiss a review that doesn't jump on the bootlicker bandwagon without having to address a single argument.Yet another 'edgy' review to stick a spoke in the eye of most every other review of PoE. Codex stays true to its roots as the place to go to for diametrically opposed views on everything.
I wonder had Angry Joe despised PoE we'd have gotten something else entirely?
I'll pull up a chair though to see if Twitcher 3 wins 2 or 3 Codex GOTY awards instead....
They set out to make a RTWP party based CRPG in the vein of the IE games and that's what they did.Well, unless you think poe was about nice graphics, decent music and Na´Vi rejects im guessing.... everything? from balance, to reactivity, to writing and fun gameplay, it simply isnt very good.Which is what exactly? Everybody keeps regurgitating this same fucking point over and over again, but nobody seems to explain what they mean by it.Very good read, fair review for a game that utterly failed at everything it set out to do.
I still think it isnt a bad game, some details ive found in the game design tell me someone at some point cared, and that makes it even more of a disappointment.
It doesn't matter if it's shit or not when they delivered on their premise.
Project Eternity will take the central hero, memorable companions and the epic exploration ofBaldur’s Gate, add in the fun, intense combat and dungeon diving of Icewind Dale, and tie it all together with the emotional writing and mature thematic exploration of Planescape: Torment.
It doesn't make sense to compare a 2D isometric game with an MMO like WoW.
Everyone expected POE to be a sort of revival of the IE games, so it makes sense to compare it to those.
viseable cloaks (!!!)
Our middleware solution for capes suddenly stopped working on more recent versions of Unity on the Mac build. We are investigating it, but I don't have a good answer for you right now. Unfortunately, we do not have source code, so our hands are a bit tied in this situation. I would like to have capes work and look the same on all three platforms asap.
Hmmm. Baldur's Gate (1-2) had mostly shit and forgettable companions, PoE is even an upgrade in this regard. All IE engine games had horrible, horrible combat so I'd put PoE at least on par with them (notice how they don't mention encounter designThis is what they've promised:
Project Eternity will take the central hero, memorable companions and the epic exploration ofBaldur’s Gate, add in the fun, intense combat and dungeon diving of Icewind Dale, and tie it all together with the emotional writing and mature thematic exploration of Planescape: Torment.
Please give me some examples of edginess from the review.
Well, I haven't played enough of the game to meaningfully debate you about whether the execution fails or not; for all I know, I'd agree. But I disagree that it means "nothing"; NWN2 OC is a quite bad, I think, but MOTB is magnificent. MOTB would not exist without NWN2 OC. I'm not a particular fan of BG or even BG2 (I only really dabbled in the former), but without BG, there would be no PS:T, which I love above most other games. So if nothing else, the assembling of functional parts matters because it allows later refinements and transformations. POE is a framework on which future games can be built; if the frame is solid enough (and I think it is), then the building of the frame means quite a bit.All that shit means nothing if the execution fails. And the execution fails.
Please give me some examples of edginess from the review.
"This is literally the worst Obsidian game I’ve played to date. That’s right, I even had more fun with Dungeon Siege 3 - at least it was a fun beat ‘em up, as opposed to this lifeless, uninspired husk. Disappointment, thy name is Pillars of Eternity."
Exactly. No one that would be making a 'serious' and 'objective' review could ever claim that DS3 was 'fun' or a 'beat 'em up'.
In hindsight, this should have been a giant red flag.Project Eternity will take the central hero, memorable companions (...) of Baldur’s Gate
Sure, but Roxor is not reviewing PoE: horse armor dlc or PoE 2, hes reviewing PoE.Well, I haven't played enough of the game to meaningfully debate you about whether the execution fails or not; for all I know, I'd agree. But I disagree that it means "nothing"; NWN2 OC is a quite bad, I think, but MOTB is magnificent. MOTB would not exist without NWN2 OC. I'm not a particular fan of BG or even BG2 (I only really dabbled in the former), but without BG, there would be no PS:T, which I love above most other games. So if nothing else, the assembling of functional parts matters because it allows later refinements and transformations. POE is a framework on which future games can be built; if the frame is solid enough (and I think it is), then the building of the frame means quite a bit.All that shit means nothing if the execution fails. And the execution fails.
This is true and i can only hope it happens, i believe this game doing good is a good thing, and im happy for the guys at obsidian for the success.Moreover, while you guys will know better than I do, I don't think there really has been any game even attempting something like the IE games in a long time. DA:O is probably the closest, but it was heavily reliant on various high-budget cinematic tropes that all but guaranteed that sequels would move in the wrong direction. Even if PoE disappoints you -- and clearly it has, and no one can dispute that it has failed at its goal of pleasing the most well-versed of audiences -- it has drawn tens of thousands of players back toward a set of of gameplay elements that have been lacking for a long time. Future games will benefit from PoE's "education" of gamers.
It failed at delivering what it promised, but people didnt care, The success of PoE is more about Obsidian and "isometric" and "old school" RTwP than it is about the game itself, and im ok with that, just not ok with that kind of mentality in thi siet, so many shit games get praised outside of this place than PoE getting 10s everywhere doesnt bother me one bit, fact im going to clap, clap hard at obsidians success, because hopefully it will bring good things, even if not from them, from others imitating them.None of this is a response to whether or not the game fails in its execution. Objectively, it has failed with respect to many people whose opinion I respect; objectively, it has succeeded with respect to many more people. I think it is weird to call the game a failure when it is already beloved by players and critics, or to say that it has accomplished nothing when it has already provided a framework for at least one other eagerly anticipated RPG (TTON). But it is entirely reasonable to say it has the following thousand flaws and is unappealing to serious RPGers as a consequence.
Kagain is a better character than you.In hindsight, this should have been a giant red flag.Project Eternity will take the central hero, memorable companions (...) of Baldur’s Gate
Probably something like this:I would LOVE to see the codex how they would rate games like
Wow this is a really cool setting and there are so many ways to finish quests, plus some c&c. Shame about the combat and the writing was pretty uneven though.Fallout
It's pretty and there's a lot of stuff to do. Nice to see a real d&d cRPG after so long.Baldurs Gate
Great art, atmosphere, and writing. Some cool mechanics with factions and companions. Some minor c&c, but nothing really earth shattering. Cool you could sell a companion into slavery. Also, the combat feels a lot worse than BG, but I'm not sure exactly why.Plancescape
I'll remind everybody that the reason why Obsidian did this kick-stater in the first place. It's because they couldn't find a publisher that wanted to back a Baldur's gate, infinity engine inspired game. If you backed it expecting Dinosaurs in space with a cyberpunk futuristic setting (innoovvvvaaattttiiiiooonn), you're an idiot.
Let's be honest here: had this game been so flawless and good as some people claim Darth Roxor's arguments would fall on their own.