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- Apr 20, 2019
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The metahuman talk reminds me of something I always felt would enrich Stalker:
A Souls/rogue-like "no reload". You die, you pay in ammo/rubles/food and go back to the nearest "bonfire". It could be unlimited revivals ala Souls or limited revivals that you cumulate/manage ala Darkwood.
It could be justified supernaturally - maybe protag is a "metahuman" like Scar from Clear Sky, touched by the Zone so it always saves him and sends him to wake up in some shelter, and the more you die the more debilitated you get until you consumehumanityfind some special artifact - or not, maybe you just pay jink to stalker groups, like Beard and the Skadovsk crew, so they give you a signal emitter and keep an eye on you. The more you pay, the wider the "coverage area" and the less items you lose upon rescue. Or something.
I say this because, frankly, for a game so atmospheric like Stalker, the save-reload-repeat really holds the experience from achieving its full potential. If there's something Souls proved is that nothing generates more tension/immersion than knowing you can't just reload to 3 seconds back if you die, and will have to redo a 5min-10min chunk of play instead. Of course, for this to work the difficulty should be adjusted accordingly, less the game becomes excessively frustrating. The endless waves of monolith in CNPP wouldn't make sense here.
A few mods have featured "fire saves". Most notably in NLC7, where it's a very difficult and dangerous mod, and the sources of fire light not only are often not obvious throughout the maps (such as in the underground, where there are no campfires.... but there are saves for attentive people) but you need to make sure you have enough matches to light them if you want to save. Some people don't appreciate this system, I did however, I think it adds a lot of tension and real difficulty to the game. By technicality, every game becomes "easy" when you can just make a save state before any possible failure state.