Also, I'm 32 years old, I'm becoming a successful normalfag who's reinvigorating his social life (and actually touches women in their no-no zones more than two or three times per year for a change), and my interest in games—including cRPGs—is waning.
GamerGate (e.g., feminists and SJWs) is actually a part of the cause. Many of the women I meet now who know almost nothing about computer games assume that gamers hate women, when and if the subject comes up. They only know what they read on the news, and even if they don't consider themselves to be feminists, they are wary of "gamers." Currently, I'm keeping my gaming on the deep down-low. Don't get me wrong: Feminists are SJWs are completely in the wrong, and the stigma against gamers is sheer idiocy. However, pussy comes before video games.
If the woman I'm seeing ends up moving in with me, you'll all get your fondest wish, because I'll become awfully scarce here at the Codex until she eventually realizes I'm a bastard who only wants her for her body and leaves.