"Then he smiles: "We've signed a five-year contract for this office!" (Interview with Frankfurt studio)self.starcitizen
Submitted 59 minutes ago by TyphooniGrand Admiral
Quote from the Frankfurt interview with Brian Chambers. I guess it is settled now, there are no money problems at CIG. Nobody would sign a 5 year contract, if they we're not certain they could pay for it. Pretty much confirms CIG is going for the long run aswell!
Source: https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http://hessenschau.de/kultur/teile-des-videospiels-star-citizen-entstehen-in-frankfurt,neues-entwicklerstudio-in-frankfurt-100.html&edit-text=&act=url
The subreddit is particularly good right now, the jokes and groupthink are so bad you can almost smell the desperation building up. I can't wait for the ball to fall.
Found a pretty funny one, a "backer" going by the name of Skullface360. What has he been posting about in the subreddit? Oh the same fucking shit 20 times.Remember to take some juicy snapshots for prosperity and laughter.
Sharing is caring.
Want to learn to play the game? Only 12.50$ for the Squadron 42 digital manual.
This... can't be true, can it?
In the grand tradition of Claw Marks, Voices of War, Victory Streak and Star Soldier comes the next great video game manual! The Squadron 42 manual will introduce you to the world of the Bengal-class carrier Steed. Learn about the life and times of your character, meet your wingmen and practice your ship identification. (Digital version)
Note: This is a pre-order and won’t be available until closer to game launch.
About 120 U$D if I remember correctly.So how much did drax pledge to Scam Citizen?
Is there some reason they need half a dozen offices scattered around the world?
Bah, weaklings...
My manly will was to follow this through, only faggots desert.
And when it collapses and companies start sifting through the debris in bankruptcy court or auction, my guess is that you can probably pick up that $20K (!) cappuccino machine purchased for the new LA office (the one where all work has stopped due to a dispute with one of the contractors), for less than $5K. No, I’m not kidding. They apparently have a $20K cappuccino machine that backers paid for. Because Chris always wanted one. Go ahead, ask him