There is difference between direct slander with criminal possibilities and talking shit.
No, to begin as all this is US based then we are talking about CIVIL because oh I checked, there are no Federal criminal charges and Defy Media is N.Y. based as CIG is based in Texas, none of those states have criminal libel (and neither does California), as pointed out UK law doesnt apply (it would be a mockery if it did as both are US citizens)
This is also why they didn't mind earlier articles or they don't sue Smart for his continuous attacks.
No, there is not ... only reason is that Derek Smart is Derek Smart as The Escapist is a entirely different thing, in fact I would point out their unwillingness to address Derek Smart would be a point against since its not as nobody else was making similar accusations, smoke ... fire.
If you actually read newspapers you will see that they don't say "xyz killed zyx" but they report investigation or court case.
If you actually DID then you know that yes, they will say that because thats a FACT, its a question of circumstances as manslaughter can be entirely justified as homicide is criminal.
I also recall when Jackson died the media was pretty fast as pointing the finger to his doctor, Conrad Murray and should I even mention OJ? Should I?
Some idiots here actually think newspaper can run any story like "Bill Gates raped Rihanna" and not get sued.
As I pointed out, you have to show malice ... not even good faith but malice, this means a reporter can write about what someone he believes to be credible (not actually be credible) told him, at no point is the journalist writing something he personally saw and there are things you cannot prove without breaking the law to begin (like access to CIG financial records since its privately owned and thus not public) but if they believe that source is credible, thats enough.
According to your idiotic notions, Watergate would never been reported since were is the evidence (destroyed)? This is putting a incredible stress on anonymous sources and whistleblowers to the point they would cease to exist, reporters only need to believe the information and the source is credible to write it and the Editor to approve.
This aint a joke and I am going to point this out, only thing for Chris to get this away was simply prove all those allegations are false ... easy right? so let me ask them ...
why he isnt doing that? Why such a aggressive tone? This isnt the first time we read about problematic work conditions, I remember the "EA Spouse" so why did EA, the hideous monster, didnt sue every single outlet that run that libelous post and force it to be taken down?
Oh right ...
The United States of America's Freedom of Speech and Press.