Incline Incorporated needs to be in there somewhere 

That can't be condoned by Chris.
Hey Blaine, if they do get to, say, 15 or 20 millions, does that only mean that investors will have less/zero influence on the game's development or will they still take their money? I think Chris said that he was holding them off but I don't exactly remember if he really meant taking less money from them.
In the early 2000s, I never figured that being an obsessed superfan, spamming 20,000 posts on a fan forum, running a fan site, and generally ingratiating oneself with veteran developers at every opportunity could actually get you onto a development team.
Turns out I was wrong, and not just regarding Star Citizen. That said, Ben Lesnick is a pretty cool guy and interacts with the community daily on the forums and in live chat.