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Vapourware Scam Citizen - Only people with too much money can become StarCitizens! WOULD YOU LIKE TO KNOW MORE?


GM Extraordinaire
Jul 29, 2015
In the ether
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut
how fair the game is when it comes to monetization

Is it fair to all the people that bought ships a decade ago and never got their purchase?



Oct 23, 2017
how fair the game is when it comes to monetization

Is it fair to all the people that bought ships a decade ago and never got their purchase?

Very specific ships that would take up the better half of an instance when properly manned. Meanwhile they have access to the game and the following loaner ships. The largest of which is the Hammerhead intended for 6. Then they also have the Vanguard Harbinger and a personal cargo vehicle.

If you can't understand and sympathize with why they're holding off on implementing these ships until the persistent universe is partitioned into many different meshes instead of allowing half the server to be clogged by a single ship's crew, then that's your problem. If they did despite that, I'm sure you'd be bitching about that too so it's a damned if they do, damned if they don't scenario. That being said, I'm sure those capital ship owners really appreciate your concern and outrage on their behalf.
If you buy an Idris now, CiG will gift you, completely free of charge, a shiny rectal cream.
No thanks, I'll just buy one in game if I ever want a capital ship.


GM Extraordinaire
Jul 29, 2015
In the ether
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut
how fair the game is when it comes to monetization

Is it fair to all the people that bought ships a decade ago and never got their purchase?

No, it's not fair to all the people that prepaid for ships and died while waiting for Chrissie to get off of his fucking fat ass to ensure his cultists got their items.

You don't say. It's hilarious that you bounce off onto a tangent and ignore what a person asked. You make excuses where things are inexcusable. If they didn't have the tech to make those ships available to be put in then you don't sell them unless your a scam artist.

Thane Solus

Apr 29, 2012
X-COM Base
i got to say after cough hoax and totally "a war" in UKR where "the good guys are wining", i think Chris already knew that half of the planet are idiots. So he did what he does best, scam people. Still better than Kojima tho, hahaha. Just watch some of our resident posts, and u will understand starting with Morgoth, Excidium etc, literal NPCS. Oh i forgot the invasion of weaboos, jesus! those are even worse. Their anime is filled with the same shit as Netflix + pedo stuff, "its great!"... We are in the Death of Civilization part, then Blade Runner ran by idiots, and absolute Besthesda Fallout 76 haha, with or without microtransactions, not sure:) Meh
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RPG Codex Polish Car Thief
Staff Member
Nov 4, 2007

I just cannot tell if this video will be objective.


Mar 28, 2014
View attachment 32873

I just cannot tell if this video will be objective.

Referal codes give you like 5000aUEC in game currency. Which is effectively nothing. starter missions give you like 5-8k...
cheapest ship to buy with Quantum drive for ingame currency is Aurora es for 130k. There are some cheaper things like off road car or hover bike but those can't be used to travel to other planets etc.


Nov 13, 2019
Civitas Schinesghe
View attachment 32873

I just cannot tell if this video will be objective.
I think that most of those " Should you buy - insert mmo here - in - insert current year -?" videos are made by players that sit deep in that mmo for years, unless the game is in such state that even the most ancient whales will start to leave the ship, those videos will probably always end with "yeah you should try it".


Village Idiot
Oct 12, 2016
The only capital-size ship currently in game you can buy with uAEC and any decent sized corp could easily afford it. A solo player could probably grind it out in a month of consistent play. So yeah, when the Idris K becomes flyable in game I don't see why it wouldn't be.
As of Star Citizen Alpha 3.17.4, there are 113 flyable vehicles, 92 of which are ships.

That's fucking sad. Zoomers roleplaying like they are selling homes to other zoomers who can't afford a home. Also having it shaped like ship but in space makes it look retarded.


Jan 25, 2022
View attachment 32873

I just cannot tell if this video will be objective.
I think that most of those " Should you buy - insert mmo here - in - insert current year -?" videos are made by players that sit deep in that mmo for years, unless the game is in such state that even the most ancient whales will start to leave the ship, those videos will probably always end with "yeah you should try it".
idk it's such an easy obvious topic for a channel that I always just assumed people don't even play the games but just crank out videos about them year after year
i mean really if you want to make those vids all you need to do is like check the website for big updates, check reddit for controversies or general player sentiment, then copy paste those things into a 10 minute rambling over random game footage... honestly an AI could probably churn out a ton of these without even playing any of the games lmao


RPG Codex Polish Car Thief
Staff Member
Nov 4, 2007
View attachment 32873

I just cannot tell if this video will be objective.

Referal codes give you like 5000aUEC in game currency. Which is effectively nothing. starter missions give you like 5-8k...
cheapest ship to buy with Quantum drive for ingame currency is Aurora es for 130k. There are some cheaper things like off road car or hover bike but those can't be used to travel to other planets etc.
That's even more pathetic.


Oct 26, 2008
That's even more pathetic.
Welcome to Star Citizen. Would you like to know more?

Also, is the 3.18 patch thing out for the hoi polloi yet?
I mean, no rush, it's only been like half a year of "it's totally just round the corner and it's gonna change everything".


Most trustworthy slavic man
Aug 17, 2016
don't identify with EU-NPC land
Strap Yourselves In
Sci-fi novel status: Strong black women and trannies save the world from global warming and white men (AKA one long *beeeeeeeeeeeep* from the EKG)

"Oh new hugo and nebula awards are upon us! Im so excited, let me see the abstracts of the winner's books, hmm the plot is an obfuscated metaphor of white privilege in space, maybe another one will be better? Oh this one is about struggles of feminism in space fleet, fascinating material *yawn*"

Theres no space left for old sci-fi nerds. We are resorted to read some obscure hypermasculine niche trash from some less known and almost non published writers, or just old literate in general.


Cis-Het Oppressor
Oct 6, 2012
Roanoke, VA
Grab the Codex by the pussy
"Oh new hugo and nebula awards are upon us! Im so excited, let me see the abstracts of the winner's books, hmm the plot is an obfuscated metaphor of white privilege in space, maybe another one will be better? Oh this one is about struggles of feminism in space fleet, fascinating material *yawn*"

Theres no space left for old sci-fi nerds. We are resorted to read some obscure hypermasculine niche trash from some less known and almost non published writers, or just old literate in general.

Fortunately, there's plenty more good-to-great sci-fi remaining to dig up and read that dates from the '50s-'90s than I would have assumed. The problem is finding it. The Internet is only slightly helpful in this regard, as the signal-to-noise ratio is extremely high.

The other problem, of course, is that the dream of space exploration is effectively dead. In the '60s, '70s, and '80s, people could very reasonably believe that their children or grandchildren would be driving buggies around a Moon colony; whereas today, we can feel sure that our grandchildren will be reading the same overhyped pop-sci bullshit about how we "could be" launching the first Mars mission, "likely" within the next two decades.


Feb 26, 2016

8 years struggling with elevators, I guess A Dumb Looser was actually right about something, papa Chris is really doing what other companies won't even dare to try... clearly, it's these mother fuckers that are going to revolutionize the gaming industry as we know it, you'll see, after they finally figure out how to make these work without murdering players in the next 2-3 years, Jesus Tech will be out in no time.
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RPG Codex Polish Car Thief
Staff Member
Nov 4, 2007
I think the biggest issue was, is and forever will be the engine.

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