This feels like a circular argument, but I'll bite. First, let's just dispense with the strawman that is the simple inclusion of women in games. That's not a problem, and never has. Games that allow you to make your own character have had male or female as a choice for as long as I can remember. The problem is that one group that is on the constant hunt for anything that might, in any way, shape, or form, imply something that hardcore feminists decide is offensive.
The biggest problem I have with that is "offensive" is so retardedly subjective, it forces people to walk on eggshells hoping and praying that there's no little personality nuance about them that might set someone off. Senses of humor are stifled. Can't tell off-color jokes. Can't roleplay a personality type because that personality type is WACIST/SEXIST!...
Which fucking games are we talking about? Or are you just spewing hypothetical bullshit that exists only in your own mind? Games have, if anything, become way more "offensive" and juvenile than they were back in the day. Just look at Saint's Row III or Mortal Kombat or sex in the Witcher or whatever.
Not that I mind any of that, I'm not the one making an argument that this shit has changed/should change gaming. But your argument crumbles to dust the moment you start identifying that there are plenty insanely politically incorrect games out there compared to earlier.
This boils down to two groups being mad at one another, claiming the other has total domincance of the medium and everything is being made in their image.