28 million dollars.
- Salvage: none known
Yah, I'm still skeptical of this entire thing. Don't see how they could possibly pull it off, even with this ridiculous amount of cash. And the crazy focus on getting ever more funding is kinda scary. Aren't they now at the point where they're leaving even AAA titles behind in terms of pure development funds? Nah, I'm thinking I'll either hate the gameplay, the multiplayer aspect or the 'pay2win'. Something has to be wrong with it.The game sounds (and looks) good so far but it seems too ambitious. Don't know... maybe I've been let down too many times but it seems to good to be true.
Couldn't you just do that with a tractor beam and a reasonable cargo hold?
Getting itchy fingers again. I might plot down another hundred or two now that the grey market is emerging as a safety net.
Getting itchy fingers again. I might plot down another hundred or two now that the grey market is emerging as a safety net.
Exactly. Star Citizen's biggest shill on the Codex (that's me) also has a solid gold corporate parachute just in case things go south—and don't worry, some fans are so religiously devoted to the game (if anyone thinks I'm even remotely bad, remind me to collect a few screenshots of the pulpit-pounding "PRAISE CHRIS!" fervor in the official forums) that the grey market for ships will remain even when people with their heads screwed on tight can clearly see it's time to pop the top and bail out.
They really ought to make a unique in-game ship just for Roberts. Out of solid gold, of course.
Exactly. Star Citizen's biggest shill on the Codex (that's me) also has a solid gold corporate parachute just in case things go south—and don't worry, some fans are so religiously devoted to the game (if anyone thinks I'm even remotely bad, remind me to collect a few screenshots of the pulpit-pounding "PRAISE CHRIS!" fervor in the official forums) that the grey market for ships will remain even when people with their heads screwed on tight can clearly see it's time to pop the top and bail out
29 mill, will probably reach 30 mill before the weekend is over.