Uh, what's stopping people from disabling Mouse for Flight Controls, letting Joystick control flight and strictly Gun Control to the more precise mouse.
Throttle control is important in 6dof, too. I use my throttle for controlling the throttle axis (obviously), reverse thrust, the afterburner, "brakes," sliding up/down/left/right (with 4- or 8-way HAT), matching target speed, and a number of discretionary functions assigned to remaining buttons/HATs. On my throttle, there's even a console controller-esque little analog stick that "clicks in" to also function as a button (just like Xbox and PS3 controllers) that's handy for navigating game menus and making selections.
Replace that with a mouse and, aside from its use in aiming, you have only a few mouse buttons available to assign in addition to the joystick.
Not to mention, people generally use their dominant hand to control both joysticks and mice. With a joystick and mouse combo, you'd be forced to use either one or the other in your off hand. This isn't a problem with a throttle since it has only one axis (two parallel, if it's split) and doesn't need super-fine control.
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Note also however that CIG has mentioned in the past that gimbaled guns will quite probably be allowed to be linked to head-tracking devices (TrackIR 5, Oculus Rift, etc.) somewhere down the line. In real life, head-tracking helmet HUDs linked to gimbaled guns are already a reality on certain military helicopters.
In other words, the guns would point where you're looking. It's hard to say how precise that could potentially be or how draining it would be to have to glance directly at your target to keep the gimbaled guns on-point, but with some slight auto-aim (which mouse users already get), it could be very workable.
In which case, a TrackIR/Oculus and HOTAS would be VASTLY superior to a mouse, since instead of navigation and guns being on one axis you'll have nuanced maneuverability with the HOTAS and the ability to track your gimbaled guns just by moving your head.
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