All my dreams have come true! I created the Lithuanian Kingdom and then promptly took over the Hungarian realm in a great coup.
Approximately ten years later...
I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you damn pesky Catholics! After seizing the Hungarian throne -- and stacking the Lithuanian one atop it like two lawn chairs -- a bunch of southerners got the idea that a Ruskie had no business mucking about their tall grass and trailer parks. Rebellions broke out because I was a dickbag ruler. Rebellions broke out because a goddam duke thought he should rule the Kingdom. And rebellions broke out under large red banners of "Meh, why not?" I called on my Russian brothers for aid (including a few mercenary bands), but they refused. Meanwhile, northerners demanded I lower the crown authority. I told them I bow low to no commoner. They promptly rebelled and fractured Lithuania. Seeing as how I had no loyal armies with which to fight them, they currently stand around desks with surrender papers, impatiently tapping their feet as my forces get utterly clowned in the south.
Panic began to settle in when I realized the civil war's factions were fighting one another with bigger armies than everything I had. Trying to repeat old strategies, I moved to ally myself with the Byzantine Empire again. It made sense, but there was a problem. The Empire was nowhere near as powerful as it was when I was stomping about Estonia and Latvia (those days spent watching 20,000 strong Byzantine armies conquer my enemies for me). It was a shell of its former self. The purple cloaks had been in the sun far too long.
I went for it anyway. Acquiring their friendship and giant armies required this series of events: I found the Emperor's sister. The sister was married to some schmuck. Literally a nobody. I paid 50gold (seriously) to have him offed. Coincidentally, my own wife died around this same time.
Offering the sister's hand in marriage was but a formality. Soon Byzantine armies would come swooping in and... well, as it turns out, I need a better spy network. The Byzantine Empire was having a civil war itself, and was wholly incapable of putting down the rebellion of a simple count. I wept. In a mad state, and with darkness closing in, I handed half my treasury over to the men who find comfort in the shadows. Assassins butchered my enemies and their kin. I slept at night with ghosts of old men and young children peeking out of my dressers. But the killings did not stop the revolts.
Some options remain for me. One, I could settle the matter of crown authority in the North, bringing my levies back into the fold. Two, I could let things continue to go to shit. As any gentleman of coups knows, you always have a backup plan. For me, that would be the Kingdom of Leon, which my family shall inherit when my son comes of age. If Lithuangary is to fall, I shall rope my way over the Serb-Italian ratlines and arrive in western Spain to live out the rest of my days.