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Screenshot thread

Multi-headed Cow

Fallen Enchantress Legendary Heroes

Is it still boring, soulless shit?
If you've already tried Fallen Enchantress and consider that boring soulless shit, yeah. Definitely.

If you haven't tried Fallen Enchantress then I'd say it's Stardock's least boring and soullessly shitty game. Not great by any stretch of the imagination but good enough I've played it a bit. Not a bad $10 fantasy strategy game.

And if you're asking if Legendary Heroes has been improved since I first talked about it in the FE thread... That's a bit of a mixed bag. It still seems ridiculously low on new content for a $20 expansion ($40 stand alone), and they've removed the encumbrance mechanic entirely and just put flat initiative bonuses and penalties on items themselves (And have added armor proficiencies you have to buy with skills from leveling up heroes, so your warrior has to spend multiple levels going down the side of the skill tree that gives access to wear chain and plate. Whereas in FE fighters typically had higher encumbrance which let them wear and wield heavy shit that wizards and rogues wouldn't want to). I still have no goddamn idea if I prefer Fallen Enchantress or Legendary Heroes. Instead of being a "This is an expansion, so it's the game only expanded! More stuff!" it's more of a weird sidegrade.
Fucking Stardock.


In cata, characters have to actually open doors and traverse the interior of the vehicle to dis/mount, a feature ArmA might have sometime around WHEN HELL FREEZES OVER

Too bad those ASCII characters can't touch this
Rabbit sex censored in Arma 3.


Mar 10, 2011
So. I spent years wrangling Lithuania and Hungary back into my realms. Kings came and went. I was bullied endlessly by Gotland, some pagan shithole of a territory that always managed to field mega-huge armies anyway. Russia never unified. It couldn't. I eventually lost Hungary for good, at least half of it, and resolved to settle in Lithuania again and try to connect some territories to Kiev. By one point, I had almost every count/grand prince of note in jail, as they were all after my sweet King-ass, proving once again that Lithuania = the Jerusalem of the North.

But none of it was to be. The Mongols showed up and swept through Russia. Every city of note was conquered. It took hundreds of years for me to get my lands in order. It took the Mongols six months to ruin it all. I was relegated to two counties in the north. Hideous Asiatic tribes took the rest. Hilariously enough, they used me to marshal their armies, and I led the Mongolian hordes into Poland. Sorry Poland.

After that guy died, I was left with one heir: an 8-year old kid. I had no friends except for a very old, elite spymaster. I reached the age of ten, ducking past a few assassination attempts as numerous Lithuanian hitmen wanted me beyond dead. Unfortunately, my guardian spymaster died of old age. I'm sure his last words were: "You're fucked."

My new spymaster was a shaky, wire-framed man who had no idea what he was doing.

Trying to find meaning in life after my guardian and best bro had died, I walked the castle balconies.


And that is where a dynasty ends. From the King of Lithuangary and Leon, to a pile of broken bones in the brush.


Sep 11, 2005
Over there.
Graphics whore? Poor guy has to LARP that letters switching places are actually people entering a car.

My poor attempt at irony.

At any rate, after spending a couple of weeks regularly watching Dyslexci's videos and some from UO, I've come to the conclusion that 1. ArmA is meant to be played in multiplayer in an organized fashion, and 2. if something as petty as a lack of mount/dismount animation is enough to drive someone's angst about the game, they have larger problems than the game itself.


Oct 24, 2007
Chrząszczyżewoszyce, powiat Łękołody
Graphics whore? Poor guy has to LARP that letters switching places are actually people entering a car.

My poor attempt at irony.

At any rate, after spending a couple of weeks regularly watching Dyslexci's videos and some from UO, I've come to the conclusion that 1. ArmA is meant to be played in multiplayer in an organized fashion, and 2. if something as petty as a lack of mount/dismount animation is enough to drive someone's angst about the game, they have larger problems than the game itself.
I wonder if Skyway knows that he's larping that bunches of textured polygons switching places are actually people enetering a car.
Silly Skyway.

Tire textures are so last decade. Dragonfly wing textures are all the rage now.

Wings are ok, but WTF was wrong with the guy that made thorax and head.

What a shitty game, would not buy.


Nov 8, 2012
This dragonfly is too skinny, almost don't have fat on that abdomen, certainly needs better nutrition.

Multi-headed Cow

By and large the game has gotten worse the more I play it, but it still has moments.






Multi-headed Cow

That "Make the most of it" line though... God damn. And he's telling the husband of the woman who was raped and murdered. That whole bit of dialog made me laugh out loud. And the flat delivery of it by the voice actor, wonderful.

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