Looks pretty damn impressive.
I think i found something that looks equally impressing.
Treasure tech gameplay mod and the demo WAD based on it called Treasure Tech Land.
Treasure Tech is a mod that claims to be inspired by Wario Land 4. Funnily enough i actually played that one on a gameboy advance a long time ago, barely remember anything about it.
Your melee options are quite beefed out here. You can jump and ground slam enemies, charge and body tackle them or even grab and throw them.
The weapons are also ridiculosly beefy here. Your basic but very huge pistol sends imps and pinkies flying and your shotgun can supercharge for some big explosions. My favourite weapons are the HORNET SM-BEE that sends homing bees and POP ROCK launcher that bonks your enemies with a bomb that explodes after a few seconds. You have very limited ammo carrying capacity though, to compensate for their power and you melee strength i guess.
The levels themselves are focused on exploring and collecting treasure with a bit of platforming here and there. Treasure can be spent in a shop(accessible at any time) on uprgades like getting the ability to grab mancubi or increasing your ammo capacity. Your goal is to reach a frog that will trigger a countdown during which you must run back towards the exit while trying to grab some extra treasure that have just opened, exactly like Wario Land 4.
I liked this one a lot but the demo has only like two levels + 1 secret one and a tutorial level that comes with the base gameplay mod. The last update appears to be 3 years ago though the dev is still active on twitter. Not expecting the full story WAD designed around this arsenal any time soon but the gameplay core is already here, can be used in some other WAD.
Treasure tech land was short so i tried another TC that is on my list. GMOTA, aka Go Medieval On Their Ass.
Dev suggested a few WADs to use it on like SCYTHE1/2 or The Brotherhood of Ruin, decided to go with the Brotherhood. Doing pistol start just like i did with the pirate Doom.
The third character is currently being reworked as i understand it
This Lord Blaz character turns the game into an almost first-person beat'm'up. Technically you only have two weapons - dagger throw and stunning blazter. You also have your basic sword that can be charged for extra strength or thrown so that you can switch into the fist mode. You also have chain that can pull certain enemies from far away to you.
Instead of picking up new weapons you pickup upgrades that make you stronger or alter the way your attacks work. Like giving your blazter a triple shot or making you rapid fire a bunch of frost daggers.
Pretty fun expect for that enemy that has a centaur shield from Hexen. Didn't try to play as the Doomslayer yet.
Now for something more beautiful again, some time ago i also remembered that i left a few Quake maps unfinished aside from Brutalism jam. Returned to Dwell for a bit.
These egyptian temples reminded me of Serious Sam and funnilly enough Dwell borrows a few elements from it.
Headless kamikaze caught me offguard.
Not a big fan of quad shotgun, arcane dimension Widowmaker is a lot more fun to use. Dual axe powerup is pretty fun on the other hand.
It's pretty good but i am again experiencing a slight burnout with Quake. Will need a break before continuing.