Vikus Van Der Werme - Named after Vikus from District9
Born a noble, spent some time at study before becoming a master alchemist and linguist who dabbles at prose. He can also "make a good leg". Quite slick with the ladies, Vikus prefers to survey the din of battle from a distance.
Deitrich Von Bern - Named after one of Germany's most famous Knight heroes.
A nobleman and soldier, he has dedicated his life to the pursuit of his martial craft. Unfortinately, he's a hot head and dullard.
Brumhilde Von Bitch - Nun extraordinaire
She is quite prickly for one so acquainted with the divine. In spite of her methods, she is favoured by the gods and has been blessed with soothing hands. Some say her tart tone springs from her upper class upbringing.
Josef Allerberger - Named after Germany's famous WW2 sniper.
A skilled hunter, bowman and tracker, he has exceptional survival and stealth skills and is deadly with his long pole. Most comfortable in the wilderness, Josef is a loner and reluctant companion.
That took several hours... quite interesting so far. I will keep a loose record of my playthrough and post here periodically.