When was as far as you recall and what's your definition of shit? :DHow is Age of Conan holding up these days? Was pretty shit as far as I recall
Game was pretty unfinished in 2008, but I joined in 2009 when they started pumping PvE end-game content faster than I was able to beat.
PvP remained almost untouched - 3 minigames, training arena, laggy sieges (but fucking awesome when they worked!) and shrines of Bori (basically mat farming for PvP xp). The combat system kept the PvPers playing though.
On the other hand, PvE got a massive incline when T1-T3 landed and reached it's peak with the release of Rise of the Godslayer - amazing 6-mans, faction system and great writing (went from Tower of the Elephant into full Mythos plot, with Nyarly and Yog-Sothoth as main culprits).
I get a massive brain-boner every time I talk about TSW or AoC, so I'll just stop here. Now a very dear to me pic from Kheshatta (+ glorious 3500m draw distance):