I don't remember this fight.
I don't remember this fight.
This is Blackguards 1 right?
Grand prize to the first person who can name the game and the book the text is inspired by.
I don't remember this fight.
This is Blackguards 1 right?It's one of the last fights.
You fight against Aurelia, I read in the Blackguards thread that she doesn't necessarily fight you depending on the decisions you make during the game, so maybe you don't mandatorily do this fight (I personally did).
Grand prize to the first person who can name the game and the book the text is inspired by.
Eh. The Hegemony in Terra Nova, as described by the manual and in-game, is a weird mutant. It's not quite Plato-like, it's more of a mutant of Communism with a human face (it's not outright genocidal, it's focused on the well-being of his citizens above all) with tons of POWER TO THE BUREAUCRACY. It's pretty much the opposite of the Starship Troopers model: it's a state of bureaucrats controlling the soldiers, focused on universalism and globalism, bent on sacrificing even History (that's considered a crime, due to Nationalism) to mantain its grip on power. Still more intredasting than the Centaurians, that were pretty much national stereotypes IN SPEEEESH.
And then in the game they are a bunch of crazies focused on "genetical purity" and clone armies. What the heck. But the campaign was a mess in any case.
Yes, the game is obviously inspired by Starship Troopers, but the society it describes sounds a bit like an extreme version of Sweden but with all capitalism removed. Or a Utopia that is imperialistic and are not shy of genocide.
Based on what I read in the in-game "Library". I didn't read it all, but the Hegemony seemed like a weird mix of ruthlessness and philantophism.
Rape in Space
And your wingmen are as useless as 'Dex' newfags:
Anyway, 2nd ToD is mostly do...