The story follows Elhant the elf ranger during an undead invasion of elf land. The main character has a inventory, potion bag, spell book and pick a skill bonus at level up system.
Most of the time Elhant fights/does quests alone to finish the mission, and in the whole campaign there are total of 3 base building missions.
Between missions you get animations or a lazy looking comix panels to explain the story.
At level 60 rats are still a problem, ranged weapons are to slow, melee weapons are a little better but you can get a disease from rats in melee and aoe magic is the best choice but it uses mana that needs potions or time to regenerate.
Finally took the enemy base, but at this level Elhant killed most of the enemy units and other units are just a meat shield for him.
Boss fights are a bit more tactical but i didnt want to bother with this guy, it would take to much dodging, potions and running in a circle to take him down, so just used the portal to leave.
During the campaign you get to fight with elfs vs the undead and very late in the campaign you meet the Machinarium Dwarfs and the Cryo nations that are available in Skirmish but in campaign show up in only a few missions.
A floating island is attacking the ice Cryo capital.
The final mission, Elhant on level 114 can melee plow through the weak undead units, but this is a fail because i wasted spells and potions on this weak ones and got raped when the tougher horde came.
Basically this is an RTS game trying to be an RPG. Constantly forcing you to fight huge groups of enemies with one hero that keeps getting level ups but always depends on spells, potions and "hit and run" tactics to win. Skirmish is a little bit more fun then the campaign.