At least one developer had a sense of irony.Optional Tomb: Tomb of the Unworthy
Pulling off headshots with your bow and countering melee enemies is amazingly satisfying, and I quite enjoyed scouring the larger wilderness areas for hidden items and tombs - scaling ledges to get hidden caches and using new equipment to open previously blocked areas (though most of these are in the same maps as you find them)
Pulling off headshots with your bow and countering melee enemies is amazingly satisfying, and I quite enjoyed scouring the larger wilderness areas for hidden items and tombs - scaling ledges to get hidden caches and using new equipment to open previously blocked areas (though most of these are in the same maps as you find them)
Same here, I've gathered all the collectibles just to see the whole map and secrets. I maxed everything at the end and had some points left I think. Those samurai ghosts were dropping like flies and I was using only my bow for most of the time.
The most tiresome was navigating throught the wrecks near the sea and finding the mines and letters. Tombs were too easy, and it was a sloppy nod to the roots of the series. Very good port, even on my prehistoric rig it worked for the most time like a charm. Not with all the high settings, but whatever, it looked good enough. The game felt like a weird mix of Rambo and The Descent (probably due to the dark palette and all these dark places that we visit, plus gruesome death animations of Lara).
PS. Lara has the best booty in the Underworld part. That swimsuit !
That said, I owe Crystal Dynamics an apology for assuming Lara would be some manfaced stronk independent wombyn the devs are too spineless to sexualize. She still has large breasts, a voluptuous rear and a very pretty face, retaining perfect eyeliner and lipstick even after being submerged in blood, mud, entrails and debris I didn't quite feel as sympathetic towards her predicament as I did Nilin from Remember Me, but she certainly deserves to join the ranks of the new Top 10 Waifus. I'll definitely grab the updated Rise of the Tomb Raider once it goes on sale
That said, I owe Crystal Dynamics an apology for assuming Lara would be some manfaced stronk independent wombyn the devs are too spineless to sexualize. She still has large breasts, a voluptuous rear and a very pretty face, retaining perfect eyeliner and lipstick even after being submerged in blood, mud, entrails and debris I didn't quite feel as sympathetic towards her predicament as I did Nilin from Remember Me, but she certainly deserves to join the ranks of the new Top 10 Waifus. I'll definitely grab the updated Rise of the Tomb Raider once it goes on sale
For all the bullshit about objectifying women in games, I can only say they really made her a sexual object in this game. She really is a real woman, and not a cartoon anymore. I'd fug TR2013 Lara.
Do you feel any differently when you approach writing a character when you know that they’re female or male? Grant Morrison famously said that he had written his version of Batman as a gay man, even though he never made that particularly clear in the series itself. Do you ever have those kinds of little sub-narratives that you establish for yourself even if you don’t say so explicitly?
Yeah, I mean…[pause]. Sometimes, though I can’t think of a specific example. I’ve seen a number of threads about Lara’s relationship with Sam that suspect there’s something more going on under the surface. With Faith as well. I’ve seen an entire essay about how I have a “gay agenda.” That was an interesting take on it, and not necessarily something that I’d considered.
There’s part of me that would’ve loved to make Lara gay. I’m not sure Crystal would be ready for it! But we’ve not spoken about it directly, either. Who knows what the future might hold.
...I just thought: “I’d love to make Lara gay!” That’s probably going to be your headline....
Games that?
Ed123 said:I only played Onimusha as part of the Resident Evil retrospective. Doubt I'll ever bother with the sequels.