So your village got attacked, you help defend it and they make you a chieftan. Well, you are really a servant that gathers wood, iron and gold so everyone can upgrade their houses.
You need to find out who is attacking your village, unite other tribes and kill some ugly bosses.
Also the Imperium Romanum invades your land but they are a joke (at start)
And you decide to visit them back. How rude.
Slow-down camera finisher.
Well the game has 5 playable characters each with different weapon, there is a dodge skill to avoid harder attacks and not alot of skills.
It has some bugs and some parts of the story sometimes fell like its added later and its just a filler.
The most annoying thing in the game are the chalanges to collect, kill, destroy x number of something that give bonus resources that are sometimes very hard to see rocks on the wall.