X4 looks quite interesting, shame it also looks to be riddled with bugs.
is this Drakan?
The amount of derp involved in that decision doesn't even fit into words.The first part was a PC exclusive, while the sequel was only available on PS2.
Actually, posting the name is welcome as it limits the number of otherwise pointless "wat gaem?" posts.It's not a rule. But if you want to look cool it's better not to post the name.
agentorange said it best.
They like the little ego boost they get when people have to ask what the title of the game is.Thanks for using spoiler tags unlike the rest of these savages
I was always more bothered has to why most of people here never say the name of the game in pictures.
There were a few classics with arguably superior graphics on the Mac, like Might and Magic 3.
Machocruz does the "Screenshot: {filename}" text appear on every screenshot you take with the built-in screenshot key? On the screenshots without the filename text, did you take those with an external tool?