Port works fine for me. Zero framedrops on max settings (except depth of field and motion blur, fuck that shit), 1080p on fairly old (by now) hardware.
Controllers are completely unnecessary for this (literally no advantage whatsoever if you play with one). Half the steam forum is people complaining about controllers not working. Sign of the times, I guess.
Also feels a bit like a Ninja Gaiden game.
Things I like so far:
-You can get keyboard+mouse prompts. Thanks.
-Feels less clumsy than Souls combat for now, but we'll see how it holds up.
-More freedom of movement thanks to the grappling hook, though some movement (falling from a roof onto a lower, wider roof section for example) can be finicky.
Some things I don't like:
-Still no oldschool western controls for this type of game. I wasn't expecting any, but still. I just want my guy to attack/aim/jump where I'm looking at ffs. Lock-on combat doesn't belong on a pc.
I doubt you'd really need it on console either. This would also allow more intricate weak-point/anti-armor combat.
If you want to look at something while attacking in a different direction, just hold a mouse-button to temporarily divorce aim/look direction or something.
-Not really an RPG anymore. If Souls ever really fit the bill. Still, you can't even make your own character.
-Story so far is just typical manga-trope trash for this type of setting. Even the voice actors sound exactly the same as the ones you get in any single anime with this general theme (playing with jap voices)
It's boring as fuck, and poorly told/introduced imo. The acting fits the tropes exactly as well.
Also somewhat crappy looking (compared to in-engine) cutscenes... Why. Not as bad as NuDeusEx, but still weird.
In general, the story telling stuff has its vagueness still to some degree, but otherwise it's an annoying departure from the SoulsBorne approach imo. Too intrusive at times, too. Maybe that changes later...
I loved getting defeated in a cutscene after kicking the first big bad guy you meet around in actual combat. Always nice to know that the cutscene people don't know they're making a game, not a movie.
-Moving the camera around fast enough makes the picture seem rather unfocused or weird/jittery, idk. Maybe because it's sort of focused on your character, not the background you want to look at? Or a frame-timing issue?
Not a huge problem in actual gameplay, but weird to notice.
-Game can have weird murk or something going on when it should be a perfectly clear day. Maybe weird HDR implementation or IDK.
I don't really like the image quality all that much tbh. Again not a big issue in actual play though. At times things don't stand out enough from the background as well, depending on lighting and whatnot. Again maybe HDR problem.
I cannot turn HDR on in the options (it's greyed out and says "off") but it seems to be on in-game anyway (but I want it off for real...). There's another greyed-out option regarding image quality or something, not sure what it's supposed to be for. Sharpness?
-They have some nice per-object motion blur but you can't separate it from regular motion blur in the options, sadly. Since I can't tolerate having everything blurred to shit just because of some camera movement, I'm forced to turn the general motion blur option off and that kills the per-object blur as well.
-No weapon variety so far. Yay, Katana borefest (and arm weapon special thingies). Some of your opponents get other stuff though, guns, spears etc.
-It feels easy as hell when facing regular enemies, much more forgiving than some of the souls games imo.
-Minibosses/Bosses appear more involved so far.
-Having to do the right type of action depending on their special dangerous attacks occasionally has me quick-stepping out of the way instead because it seems like it should work, graphically, but it doesn't unless you're well away already.
Going to have to get used to that. I'm not really a fan of rock/paper/scissors approach in this type of combat when the game's graphical representation of the action kind of makes it seem like you should be able to do other stuff.
I kind of prefer proper distance-management and such over awesome-button, magic-counter stuff.