The more I watch and read about this, the more I think it's probably not for me.
Combat seems to be especially one-dimensional. Play the fucking parry game and be aggressive at all times or get fucked. No, sorry; I want my combat encouters to offer some options—that was one of Dark Souls greatest strenghts. There were dozens of ways you could approach the game, each of them more or less viable.
Most things that made Dark Souls for me are watered down or completely missing here. Even exploration, which many people are raving about, is totally worthless if there's (almost) nothing to find. No weapons, no different armors, just these retarded prosthetics.
Even less customisation than Bloodborne, the fucking hook that's just usable at specific points, enemy indicators on screen, a departure from the optional storytelling in favour of a more story-driven experience, still the same shit engine from BB/DS3, and combat consisting of glorified QTEs. And I don't like the setting. Yeah, I'll skip this one. Difficulty alone doesn't make a good game for me.