Seriously, it looks, feels, is written and plays like a fucking Iphone game man.
This is the beggining of the incline that we so desired?
This is the beggining of the incline that we so desired?
You're going to what? Do something somebody cares about?
It's a relatively small budget and short development cycle insofar as what many people in this thread seem to have expected from the game. Tell me it's not. Go ahead, be that idiot.
IMO the only people who might have a right to be pissed off are those who spent large sums of money in the Kickstarter campaign, in the expectation of getting a "full scale" RPG. To those people I would suggest selling their physical editions when they arrive - I'm sure they'll be worth quite a bit on eBay somewhere in 2027, when people forget about it.
They never said they were attempting to revive classic computer role playing gameplay unlike inXile, Obsidian, Brenda Romero, etc. The pitch appealed to nostalgia of the setting, and the SNES and Genesis games (particularly the SNES version).Seriously, it looks, feels, is written and plays like a fucking Iphone game man.
This is the beggining of the incline that we so desired?
Yeah and with +hit buffs in-the-face part is't even that relevant. SMG is fine tooShotgun blast in the face works like a charm too.- Ranged weaponry is truly ace in this game, I doubt anyone could survive sniper spam, or snipers, wizard and maybe shaman. I'd grab ranged weaponry for any character except battle mages.
There are actually some funny things about the main campaign that you can find in the editor.
Apparently, the raid on Telestrian's office was first supposed to be before hitting the Universal Brotherhood base. In fact, the raid was supposed to get Samedi killed and that would make Marie Louise butthurt enough to call Lynne to get her to the Brotherhood. There's one leftover of that still in the game - once you get to Telestrian's estate, there's a dialogue with M-L that says Samedi got busted during the run, completely out of the blue.
There are also traces of at least two full missions that got cut, and goddammit both actually sound kinda cool. One is after the UB infiltration, and I suspect has something to do with looking for Aegis samples? Looks like it's a Telestrian laboratory infiltration, with hacking cameras, using labcoats as disguises, etc. This is a set of 3 entire scenes cut from the game - the last in-game scene is labled c17, then there's c18 with cut dialogue, and then there's a gap until c21 which is again in-game. Whether c18-c20 were all one mission or three different ones is unknown
And then there's another one, which sounds fun as FUCK. One thing is that it mentions ghouls incoming. And the second is "do you want to place this turret here, y/n?", so it must be some sort of ghoul siege zombie apocalypse defence scenario. These are scenes labled 23-24, which is right before the final assault on the bug hive (25).
Apparently, the starting retrospection about the botched run with Sam was supposed to be longer as well.
There's also a handful of leftover cut dialogues floating there.
Or without, even. Hell, the two notable abilities actively encourage keeping some space between you and the targets (and one of them helps you do it.)Yeah and with +hit buffs in-the-face part is't even that relevantShotgun blast in the face works like a charm too.
To my everlasting shame I have to admit I am having my ass kicked while decking.
Any tips on how to suck less at l33t h4xx0ring?
To my everlasting shame I have to admit I am having my ass kicked while decking. I took the game's advice and hired Dodger, who either sucks terribly or I don't get the Matrix rules. I usually manage to fight my way to the final node and die like a sucker or with a bit of luck kill all the enemies, run out of time and get raped by black ice.
The rest of the team in the real world meanwhile turns the incoming kill teams into dog chow, so this is doubly irritating.
Any tips on how to suck less at l33t h4xx0ring?
Every third or so charisma point unlocks a new one.How the hell do you people have multiple etiquettes?