Not about your point, but the one above (x com vs. shadowrun descriptions)^ eh? what?
My point was that there wasn't any documentation. Read me wrong?
Not about your point, but the one above (x com vs. shadowrun descriptions)^ eh? what?
My point was that there wasn't any documentation. Read me wrong?
Who knows? Check the game's documentationby how much exactly?
Oh wait.
at least shadowrun does provide relevant stats in most descriptions
There's a ton of blank parts everywhere in the system. To name a few things I can't answer straight, although I've beaten game three times and never had trouble in combat: I don't know what exactly STR does with damage, by what % Quickness or any skill modify attacks, how exactly Willpower protects against spells, what is my overall bonus to-hit, what is my average chance to dodge attacks, what does armor actually do and what types of damage it actually shrugs off, how much Biotech adds to medkits, how does ley lines multiply magic abilities, what is % bonus for each type of cover, what is that special cooldown system for magical healing effects that prevent heal spam, what are the stats of summons, what are the stats of ESP programs, what is the difference between blind, mind wipe and petrify effects, how does enemy morale work and how do will-targeting spells work with the morale... enough for now I think.
Why do developers do shit like that FFS
And there's people who defend that shit.
ToxicQuick spoiler question: what type of spirit was that in the asylum?
On the editorWhere was it labeled as a Toxic, I'm curious.
I figured it was a corrupted spirit of some sort, but had no idea about it at all.
Holy shit, I can't beat Shadowrun Returns
Brotherhood quest didn't reward me with any nuyen, so I had no money left to hire a team for Renraku side mission ( Fuck that bitch Coyote for charging 1,5k to team with me, after all I've done to her). Anyway. Easy enough, I'll just do it solo, I thought to myself. Ho boy was I in for surprise. With proper use of barriers and hit-and-run tactics I managed to get past all the guards with no problems, but then was promptly raped by basilisks and that asshole mage that heals everyone. What's worse is that even top level spirits are useless as they get petrified, gang-raped by overwatching guards or breaking loose (even with a measly 10% chance, of course, because fuck you, dibens). Another thing that really grinds my penis is that pistol's Double Attack special takes 2AP to execute. What's the fucking point, then, especially since it doesn't work with revolvers. Tried the mission several times with varying degrees of success, even killed few basilisks, but no dice.
Why do developers do shit like that FFS
And there's people who defend that shit.
Because most people just want to click that awesome button and look at shit exploding, they don't really want to think about bothersome things like rules or what is actually happening on the screen, God forbid to have a chance of failing. Even if there is extensive documentation only a small number of player will read it, and if you actually make it necessary to understand the rules to play the game that small number of player are going to be the only ones that play your game. So it is better to use the time necessary for writing documentation for implementing a couple of more shit that will explode when you click on it.
I'm not saying that this is necessary the case with SRR (they were extremely limited), but it is how the things usually go.
Alternatively, if you absolutely don't want to miss the Renraku run, you could try scrounging up enough money to hire a rigger and exploit the hell out of the drones and shafts. Entering/exiting a shaft costs no AP, so you can lure enemies to them and afterwards come out, take two (or one, depending on rigging abilty) shots at the enemy with the drone, hide in the shaft and end turn.
Edit: Haven't tried a shaman yet myself, but I think spirits can also travel through shafts. Of course with those, you risk them breaking free by stalling.
Holy shit, I can't beat Shadowrun Returns
Brotherhood quest didn't reward me with any nuyen, so I had no money left to hire a team for Renraku side mission
Multiple simultaneous and devasting defensive threads discussing the same things
My problem is mainly with this and the no-spoiler one