this kind of games should probably be made in nice looking 2d
2D art seems to have a lot more room for artistic expression though, unlike 3D art that either looks more or less the same, or relies on gimmicky filters to look different.this kind of games should probably be made in nice looking 2d
No point in doing this since 3D art has already reached, even exceeded, fidelity of 2D art.
It's obviously true, too bad modern games basically never use it.3D art provides gameplay functionality that 2D art does not.
They hired a civ 5 modder to make this game?Screenshots from PC gamer review
I did a review of it.
wtf is this shit?
so any chance for a vague realism has been thrown out of the window already.
What the hell? What we've seen until now has been relatively serious if not exactly hard SF, but then they go and add magical floating rocks? I can accept sci-fantasy if it's well done, but the magic bits better be central to the plot/setting and not just random bullshit thrown in for the hell of it!Floatstone - natural resource that is linked(???) to Purity Affinity.
Floatstone - natural resource that is linked(???) to Purity Affinity.
That Pandora game covers that already, no? It might not be very good (going by hearsay) but then this will probably be worse.I'm waiting for this game, I wanted at least something resembling SMAC forever. Even if I know that C:BY will probably be full of friendly looking shiny buttons that do nothing or do the same thing.
They said Purity favors huge and massive units with lots of firepower and their most favorite weapon is giant floating platforms with giant guns.I'm more confused as thematically it seems to have nothing to do with the in-game concept of the Purity doctrine.