I'm too lazy to do it manually.
Instead of being fucking happy that you can mod your game without hex-editing binaries by hand you complain that you have to unpack an archive and a check a box on a list.
GTFO, you're not worthy of being part of the Glorious PC Gaming Master Race.
Not having read ALL of this thread...and having studied and played and made mods for the last three of this series, yes i agree, Skyrim is a step back. Oblvoin remains superior even in graphics
That's just bullshit.
Oblivion is hardly superior to Chinese Water Torture, let alone Skyrim.
Skyrim may have simpler meshes and geometry, but it has better textures and far superior art direction which is more important than raw graphics potential.
It also uses graphics effects in smart and economic way (limited bloom and no DoF unless in menu, underwater or during bad weather), while in oblivious everything was bloom and specular covering up smudgy textures, potato faces and bland design.
the lighting in interiors in Skyrim is totally the worst I have ever seen in a RPG or any 3D world for that matter
Actually I can sort of agree on that. Beth seems to have cut a few corners to make the game run on ancient hardware of x-pox 360 and that includes substituting single source lighting wherever they could make it look kind of ok-ish with multiple supposed light sources (for example - a lot of candles around the room? stick single source sort of in the middle and tweak it up a bit, maybe no one will notice).
Worse than "durr you're an escaped convict standing over the emprah's corpse with bloody sword in one hand and empire's most important jewel in the other, emprah's personal bodyguard
executes you on the spot sends you unsupervised to deliver this item, also emprah was Tiber Septim's direct descendant even though he was not. Also Byzantium in jungle morphed into temperate medieval genercifantasyland of forest and meadows for no fucking reason."?
Yeah, no seriously, *everything* is better than oblivion in terms of story.
This includes Skyrim by default.
Better than cheerfully banal setting of oblivion with no politics, culture, tensions or anything.
Not as good as Morrowind's (obviously), but pretty good overall. At least it doesn't make you want to puke a fucking rainbow.
Too bad, as i had hopes for it.
Well, boo hoo. I had no hopes for it and it turned out quite decent apart from atrocious dumbing down of quests and mechanics.
And a lot of what didn't turn out decent could be modded into awesome, unlike Oblivion, where the fixing would have to begin with doing non-derpy gameworld from scratch.
I am about to release a mega mod for Oblvion
Too bad no one remotely sane will bother to play it, because, you know, oblivion.
Seriously, the only Oblivion mod I would be interested in would be re-doing the game, at least in terms of setting and story, from scratch. You can start by wiping the worldmap, then filling most of it with Imperial City surrounded by lake Raumare. That should give you enough scale to work with.
Even then, such a mod would probably work better done in Morrowind or Skyrim (using assets from that derpy tropical Skyrim mod, or maybe Moonpaths).
At least NPCs wouldn't look like malformed tubers about to be incinerated by a nuclear fireball.