Myzzrym enjoyed the demo extreme visual improvement over Solasta 1 that's for sure.
I will still mourn the loss of Z axis movement for spells or spider climb if what I remember correctly hearing that was lost with the change in engine but being able to move around with WASD made movment feel a lot more fluid and more detailed environments and being or set pieces like the dragon swimming in the water does a lot for immersion.
Also at the start of the the demo reading that the demo party were all the adopted siblings of some one felt kinda "eh." Like some how a elf, dwarf, human, and halfling all became orphans and all got adopted by the same family.
But as I played it I enjoyed the references to their shared history and how they treated one another like when the halfing went "oh look mom's back from the dead" when the human was lecturing them a bit and the dwarf responded "don't" gave them all some personality to them.
Like I prefer the classic D&D varied group of adventures and ruffians forming a group together for the sole purpose of gold and glory and forming friendships along the way.
Which I felt Solasta 1 was trying to do but the inter-party dialogue in that game just did not do it for me like other rpgs have.
The demo party's inner-group dialogue and shared history gave the group a lot more personality and camaraderie together was more enjoyable than Solasta 1 and I prefered this demo group over the original party.
If on release for the main Solasta 2 party if we could perhaps some kind of option in character creation for our group of 4 that was a choice of "What brought your group together."
With different options like:
1. Discovery of a vault where group got together to loot it but x went wrong and after resolving it stuck together.
2. Mercenaries squad that was whipped out and we the survivors tried our hand at adventuring.
Or just stick with the "all adopted by the same family" anything to just to give them something more to talk about and have some shared history and personality to speak of while adventuring.
And for my last mention of positives I will say the combat felt faster than it did in Solasta 1's engine.
Now for my minor quibbles:
- Health bar on the turn order for characters I think should just be bright green, that light blue was really hard to see I could barely tell the human was half health and had to get to their turn or hover over them to actual confirm.
- Ultra-wide support in the demo is nice but if we could maybe get UI options to move things to the center of the screen and if possible expand cut-scenes to ultra-wide.
- It's a turn based game so eh if you can't have a UI adjustment thats fine not really a issue just be nice to have and I know it is a extreme pain to re-render cutscenes to ultra-wide so I get not doing it at all.
- Combat animations were fine but it... felt kinda weird to see the dwarf and the human to bother wasiting the time to put their shields away on their backs to then swing their weapon. Still need to make the animations for attacking while the shield stays out? Or Intented design?
And last but not least please if we cannot get custom campaigns and mod support with your switch over to the new engine consider doing a series of adventures/dlcs to get the party to level 20.
I also hope you folks can do more with the diffrent factions to make it feel like your picking sides and get diffrent content locking you out of other things.
Oh and I had a crash to desktop when tabing to the halfing while the party was standing on the rock for some reason my only crash.