This is from the same people studio that gave us Freespace 2.

Looks like the trainwreck everyone with half a brain expected it to be,they only cared about getting the Epic exclusivity money
The TL;DR for people who don't want to watch the videos: it's as cringe as expected, the cast has no charm, the game lacks the soul of the earlier iterations and it's almost as buggy of a mess as Cyberpunk 2077.
They also make fun of Todd Howard's It Just Works™ while being way less polished than anything Bethesda ever put out.
Oi, let Joanna have some dignity. Don't compare her to this.From what I'm seeing from the Skillup review, It has the map of Cyberpunk 2077 with the graphics of Perfect Dark zero.The TL;DR for people who don't want to watch the videos: it's as cringe as expected, the cast has no charm, the game lacks the soul of the earlier iterations and it's almost as buggy of a mess as Cyberpunk 2077.
They also make fun of Todd Howard's It Just Works™ while being way less polished than anything Bethesda ever put out.
it's almost as buggy of a mess as Cyberpunk 2077
Ah! Gothic 4 ArcaniA is better than this game according to the metascore. Even fucking ArcaniA.
Metascore of 63, even journalists think it sucks.
Now I really need to experience this disaster piece myself.
SheeeitAh! Gothic 4 ArcaniA is better than this game according to the metascore. Even fucking ArcaniA.
Metascore of 63, even journalists think it sucks.
Now I really need to experience this disaster piece myself.
Forgotten about in 3 months.It just occurred to me this POS is being released tomorrow. Eagerly anticipating the r00fles!
Forgotten about in 3 months.It just occurred to me this POS is being released tomorrow. Eagerly anticipating the r00fles!
At first I thought to myself "more like 3 days", but the staggering amount of bugs in this game might actually prolong it's memory to fit your prediction.
implying having to continue with the choices you made and seeing them to the end is a bad thing
A game for abortion addicted sluts, zoomer fags and predditor groomers lul