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Starfield Pre-Release Thread [GAME RELEASED, GO TO NEW THREAD]

Late Bloomer

Apr 7, 2022
I hate how the rainbow was kidnapped by gays and stuff. When I was very little my dad had a spectrum computer and it had a very cool rainbow and to this day that's what I think about when I see art rainbows. That and She-Ra but well those guys were gay :lol: .


The Spectrum rainbow looks awesome. The LGBTQ++ flag might be co-opted anyhow.

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Jul 4, 2023
even if you live in a East European country that's 100% white (LOL EEs are white now?)
What's with supposed anti-racists who then laugh at Eastern Europeans for not being white? See this attitude a lot everywhere.
Eastern European race supremacists are believed trying to find common ground with Western race supremacists against the non-white races. Then you can remind the former that they were allegedly considered sub-humans by Hitler, and as such having more in common with the non-white races than with true Aryans.

Be Kind Rewind

Dumbfuck Zionist Agent
Mar 14, 2021
I hate how the rainbow was kidnapped by gays and stuff.
The rainbow was always used by the kikes in their reign of filth and genocide. The priests of El-Shaddai, Ba'al or Yahweh, the horned desert daimon they worshiped who helped them slaughter countless of better constituted tribes before they were enslaved by followers of a more powerful daimon in Babylon, wore a hoshen or breastplate which featured jewels the colors of the rainbow. The omnipresence of the rainbow in the post-war period when they celebrated their victory against the Germans who had briefly taken back their national media, stopped yids from trooning their kids and regained control of their nation, as well as the destruction of the Russian empire which had been too traditional to be controlled by bankers and gaining them total control of the East and the Wets, is to be expected. When the Germans were putting the sheenies into labor camps they didn't have any grand plan to purge faggots, it just so happens that 90% of the rats were homos.

It's no surprise either that when they wanted to show off their power and the rule of their faggy tribe in America they started waving the old rainbow around. It's now a symbol for the American empire, an alternative to the star of David that won't make the proles start asking too many questions. Original LGBTQ+ representative below.


as such having more in common with the non-white races than with true Aryans
I have nothing in common with niggers. A Jewish company like Bethesda isn't making games for Serbo-Croats, Starfield is a game made with the average intelligence of the brown Amerimutt in mind. It's a game by a company that worships niggers and is ran by kikes. It's rather telling that both Slavs and "Nahtzees" have been the acceptable villains in Jewish-American entertainment since they usurped power in America from the Anglos. The same people that want White people dead also want all Slavs dead, cheer the war in Ukraine and follow every other (((globo-homo))) line. Reminds me of the American shooter Soldier of Fortune, a game with the most gratuitous gore of the time, you could tell the developers took a sick sadistic pleasure in having the player tear people apart. The game starts out having you Waco a group of bad goyim American Whites in the subway, you then proceed to killing Slavs, finally you start mass murdering Iraqis and kill Saddam. That's the Axis of evil of Jewish America.

If you're not a kike, a nigger or a turkroach you shouldn't play Starfield.


Jul 4, 2023
When the Germans were putting the sheenies into labor camps they didn't have any grand plan to purge faggots, it just so happens that 90% of the rats were homos.
According to The Pink Swastika mostly feminine gays were put in camps, while macho gays were instead worshipped by the Nazis. Sounds logical to me, but alas I've only read a few pages of the book.
as such having more in common with the non-white races than with true Aryans
I have nothing in common with niggers.
But Hitler may have disagreed, which was the point of the argument in my previous post. For example, of the more than 1000 black Africans living in Nazi Germany only 20 individuals (less than 2%) were put in camps or prison, but only one of these "explicitly for being a Mischling (mulatto)". The yellow Japanese people were even considered Honorary Aryans --all this while white Slavs were massacred in Eastern Europe. I can only conclude that white skin color was not enough to earn Hitler's approval...

The Jester

Mar 1, 2020
What is it about this game in particular, that attracts the most rabid anti-"woke" people? Why are all the racist, mysoginist guys on the codex in this thread?
I feel sorry for you guys, even if you live in a East European country that's 100% white (LOL EEs are white now?) when you go outside, 50% of the people you see around are ones you hate anyway: women. Must be painfull.
The CHAD 6.5 Howard will save gaming from turning into GAYming.


Jul 4, 2023
Limited Edition Starfield GPU's (they are AMD...)

Oh I just *love* the little rainbow painted on it!
It's just four stripes though. At first I thought it was some GPU standards organization, but the colors seem to be based on the in-game Starfield:Constellation logo. I'm sure any resemblance to the Pride flag is purely coincidental --maybe the designers just happened to think about Pride when they simplified the logo into stripes?


Glory to Ukraine
Mar 28, 2010
I guess it's gonna be just like in Cyberpunk 2077 where it was so diverse that the only blond hair, blue eyes, white male in Night City was the character you created...

I haven't really been paying that much attention to most of the media about this game prior to release other than a few trailers (trying to avoid spoilers), so I am not fully up on whatever the starfield lore is.

While I dislike when fantasy or historical settings randomly insert ethnic diversity without a good explanation for it, most people being brown is probably a pretty accurate view of a future space society. With increased ease of travel and communication the human race will continue to homogenize ethnically, and white is definitely a global minority even as of right now.

Even significant colonization within our solar system is decades away at the earliest, while interstellar colonization is much further out than that. So we will be even further ethnically homogenized by then, as well as having increased ethnic diversity in all areas from the easier movement of people globally.

Birth rates also trend that humanity in general will be even browner in the future with most of the significant population growth we are seeing and expecting to see being in Africa.

The only way to support significantly different ethnic make ups in the far future would be if somehow some colonization effort deliberately made the effort to be from one specific ethnic group.

The only ethnic group I could see possibly achieving that would be the Chinese. Due to China's potential to manage a Chinese only colonization effort (although given the likely size of such an effort it may not be possible for any one nation to do it themselves) and because China is still relatively less diverse with a government that may enforce much lower rates of accepting migrants (although their demographics are about to fall off a cliff, so maybe importing labor with gusto will happen soonish for them).

Another realistic scenario could be that the more developed parts of the world take the lead, and provide most of the people, for interstellar colonization, while global ethnic homogenization is still not complete. But that wouldn't mean white. That would mean that earlier colonization waves would be lighter brown (higher original input of east Asians and white) compared to later colonization waves which would be darker.

The other potential source of ethnic differences in the future is of course genetic engineering to adapt to different environments. And maybe that might include engineering lighter skin as part of that.

But outside of that I don't see any reason to expect a significant number of white people in a future sci-fi game that takes right now as the starting point. The only things that make sense realistically are Chinese (maybe), light brown, and dark brown.

The actual issue with realism is that of most sci-fi portraying the moderately distance future being unrealistically white.

Based on these complaints, Starfield seems to be taking their world building seriously and taking a realistic view of things.
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