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Starfield Thread - Shattered Space expansion coming September 30th


Undisputed Queen of Faggotry Bethestard
Oct 24, 2018
did yours have the same damage at lvl 20?
Yes, that's what I meant.
That gun now has lower damage, I think after I leveled up, how does level scaling work? now it does 179 per shot where before it was 206? I didn't have any active buffs in both cases.


Philosoraptor in Residence
Sep 30, 2009
Combatfag: Gold box / Pathfinder
Codex 2012 Codex+ Now Streaming! MCA Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
It's obvious, the site itself lets us speak almost as freely as 4chan and tools like you can be counted with one hand, on the other hand people against cultural marxism are very vocal in here and tools like you barely try to even engage in the conversation because you know perfectly well this isn't reddit were you can downvote our speech to hide it or report us with your faggot moderator that will ban our accounts for speaking the truth.

So yeah all you are doing is making yourself a target, almost nobody here will be in agreement with your goy NPC programmed opinions, you only look like the clown you are.

Take your political shit out of here and shove it up your ass post it in one of the designated areas, totally not an alt newfag. Besides, you've identified as a Mexican with an animu avatar. Literally no one wants to be you.


Undisputed Queen of Faggotry Bethestard
Oct 24, 2018
Starborn, can you get me some tampons from the Trade Authority on the way?



Undisputed Queen of Faggotry Bethestard
Oct 24, 2018
I don't care for politics but in the case of Starfield I am constantly hearing some kind of Indian or African accent or speaking with a nigger, I couldn't give 2 shits about cultural marxism I just want good games, but these things go hand in hand, so yeah, whatever, Heil Hitler und mach meine Spiele wieder niggerfrei.
Start by not being Part of the Problem
Modders are hard at work polishing this turd, meanwhile you are rating spamming this thread 24/7 and posting snarky one-liners.


Aug 19, 2023
It's obvious, the site itself lets us speak almost as freely as 4chan and tools like you can be counted with one hand, on the other hand people against cultural marxism are very vocal in here and tools like you barely try to even engage in the conversation because you know perfectly well this isn't reddit were you can downvote our speech to hide it or report us with your faggot moderator that will ban our accounts for speaking the truth.

So yeah all you are doing is making yourself a target, almost nobody here will be in agreement with your goy NPC programmed opinions, you only look like the clown you are.

Take your political shit out of here and shove it up your ass post it in one of the designated areas, totally not an alt newfag. Besides, you've identified as a Mexican with an animu avatar. Literally no one wants to be you.
As if being a smug, tranny-enabling Canadian faggot with ironical nigger avatar is any more desirable.

Late Bloomer

Apr 7, 2022
The only people with a diversity fixation are schizophrenics like you.

Oh no, women and blacks in a game set 300 years in the future.

The people who made the game have a diversity fixation. It doesn't take much effort at all to see these things as you play. As has been documented in this thread and the original one, when the game requires someone to be a coward, a fool, a criminal, asks the player to be a criminal, unqualified, a laughing stock, spoken down to, they are almost always, by and large, the white male characters. If you honestly think the people who complain about negroes are basing it solely on skin coulour, you are more of a cuck than you let on.


Glory to Ukraine
Jul 11, 2019
Remember, Bugthesda took more time to make Starfield than Oblivion, FL3 and Skyrim combined. And with much more workers.

Is the result better or worse than this 3 games?

Why so much inefficiency? Diversity hires?


Feb 28, 2015
Original release date was 2021 if the FTC leaks are correct, so the actual game took 6ish years (pre-development started in 2015), I do wonder what they were doing for the extra 2 years and what state the game was in for the original release.


Oct 21, 2019
Been reading everyone's trashing the "not Arasaka" quest line for it to contain too much fetch quests (I was ok with that actually except those quests were really just too primitive and therefore short). Was more concerned with the girlboss overload on screen. Otherwise it was an ok quest line, written surpisingly sensibly, just not fleshed out enough by much. The stealth mission was meh though - all the guards look in *other* direction oh so convenient.

And at the same time the pirate quest line's been somewhat praised? In my opinion, for one it contains the worst quest in the entire game (not counting too side ones like with the fags and the ring in New Atlantis). It starts with a lesbo forcing you to buy access to the private dope bar or some shit. What I mean is you cannot kill her, cannot steal the access card from her or the money afterwards. As a fucking pirate. You should oblige her while listening about her girlfriend. Then you can actually kill her gf, surprisingly. But the first lesbo has no reaction to it whatsoever. Anyway, the whole story with that second girl doesn't make any sense and neither any outcome (for example, you can persuade her, the allegedly second person in the company to give you access to said company while you say to her that you're onto steal their biggest product). Then it follows by utterly retarded dungeon layout with huuuuuge ass ridiculous ventilation passages which put nuDeus games to shame tenfold (I didn't use them though and killed all the guards which wasn't as I got what I was supposed to do... as a space pirate. Then when you're done with the dungeon, the oh so convenient lift takes you directly to... the club where you're suppose to meet your employer (like wtf why the chick gave you access to the other, *wrong* end of the dungeon then?!). And then there's a retarded twist with yet another unkillable npc. The whole time I was like wtf Chan meme, the shit happening didn't make any sense at all.

But even that single quest aside it was so annoying that thanks to the primitive Beth set in stone by stages (who's ever used console in Beth games will understand) quest structure you have 0 freedom within that whole "undercover" plot line. They simply shouldn't go for that plot with this linear structure. You must report to your fucking nigger superwiser again, again and again, he warned me about consequences of going through missions "dirty" and I was at least anticipated those and finally he says that he's arresting me (nevermind that I didn't want to dock his ship in the first place but then again) and I see that "attack" option, and.... he and a whole bunch of other npcs there are unkillable. And of course I cannot sabotage let alone take over the ship - what kind of bullshit is that? And on the other hand they couldn't properly seize my ship the moment I docked either, was able just fly away like that. It's so stupid I cannot even. Especially after playing BG3 where majority of quests gives you tremendeous action freedom.

And also, Mathis. In the same manner, it's so stupid that you cannot kill him untill the game finally sets you the space encounter with him but not a minute earlier.


Philosoraptor in Residence
Sep 30, 2009
Combatfag: Gold box / Pathfinder
Codex 2012 Codex+ Now Streaming! MCA Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
It's obvious, the site itself lets us speak almost as freely as 4chan and tools like you can be counted with one hand, on the other hand people against cultural marxism are very vocal in here and tools like you barely try to even engage in the conversation because you know perfectly well this isn't reddit were you can downvote our speech to hide it or report us with your faggot moderator that will ban our accounts for speaking the truth.

So yeah all you are doing is making yourself a target, almost nobody here will be in agreement with your goy NPC programmed opinions, you only look like the clown you are.

Take your political shit out of here and shove it up your ass post it in one of the designated areas, totally not an alt newfag. Besides, you've identified as a Mexican with an animu avatar. Literally no one wants to be you.
As if being a smug, tranny-enabling Canadian faggot with ironical nigger avatar is any more desirable.
Sup drog


Aug 28, 2020
I feel like they wasted a huge opportunity to introduce playable alien races, it would have worked well considering the star trek feel of the setting. Also the current companions are four shades of the same shit, even synths from Fallout 4 had more personality, at least the Fallout 4 companions were all unique and memorable.


Undisputed Queen of Faggotry Bethestard
Oct 24, 2018
How can cliches like this still be in a AAA game and unironically at that:

you find out about a hidden alien threat, you petition to speak to the senate to get secret, sealed away knowledge that is potentially dangerous but urgently needed to prevent an “alien apocalypse”. Then, right at that moment when you are making your case infront of the president (woman) of the United Colonies, the aliens attack the city and its code red. After that of course they praise you as a hero and come over to your side.

What a lazy, cliched, crutch of a plot device.
What do you do with your bad writing? Acknowledge it and pretend it wasn't actually bad writing:


Oh, and throw in a typo for good measure.


Oct 9, 2020
Codex Year of the Donut
Oh no they broke the only mechanic Bethesda was actually loved for.


Oh, and throw in a typo for good measure.
It's not a typo if you never knew how to spell properly to begin with.


You'd think a professional writer knew of - and could navigate - homophones.


Jun 15, 2009
And at the same time the pirate quest line's been somewhat praised? In my opinion, for one it contains the worst quest in the entire game
That quest is indeed one of the best, yet it's hilariously bad in some ways. If you kill too many people and act violently, the UCS will halt your mission and arrest you. I thought, 'Finally, some reactivity!' But if you resist arrest, you can shoot everyone in the ship, yet the commander NPC and assistant are unkillable—zero reactivity from the game. So, I chose not to resist and got arrested, thinking they'd send me to some high-security place with a quest to escape! Nope, just a slap on the wrist—one day in jail for mass murder. And here I am, teleported to Woke City UCS Bureau...


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
I feel like they wasted a huge opportunity to introduce playable alien races, it would have worked well considering the star trek feel of the setting.

Strongly disagree with this and I'm not sure why you get a star trek feel from it, apart from maybe the "shining city" of new atlantis. The game's setting or art style are largely inspired (read: they rip off) Firefly, Alien (ship design both internal and exterior, not just the xenomorph ripoffs), 2001: A Space Odyssey (main quest story only with a slight multiverse twist, the starborn are just a take on the starchild with artifacts ascending the player character to something more evolved just like Bowman was in the movie, more so than they are a reuse of dragonborn from a storytelling perspective, the style of the visions is another obviously inspired element - borrowing ideas from 2001's stargate sequence) and (less so, but still) Starship Troopers.

Those setting are all human-centric settings and aliens in the latter 3 (Firefly has no aliens) of those are meant to be "alien", difficult to understand, impossible to communicate with, distant or outright dangerous. This and the "early" space opera setting where mankind has set foot into its interstellar neighborhood isn't something that games often do, and it is definitely one thing I must praise Bethesda since this is far more off the beaten path than I would expect from them.

Also your small crew and exploits on a "smaller" vessel are closer to something like what the crews in Firefly and Cowboy Bebop did (misfits, freelancers, rogues) rather than a "uniformed" organization like Star Fleet with their large capital ships, procedures, orders and missions.

Also the current companions are four shades of the same shit, even synths from Fallout 4 had more personality, at least the Fallout 4 companions were all unique and memorable.

Now with this I do agree. Last UC Vanguard quest left a bad taste when they all bitch if you do not pick the bacteria as everyone whines about it. And as if the game already did not have enough no fun allowed roadblocks thrown the player's way if he decided to be a criminal, there aren't really any evil companion choices. Even KOTOR was better regarding this.

Also I should have let Sarah die, she's an obnoxious snobby space karen cunt.
Last edited:


Jul 4, 2023
Why decline will never cease, even weeks later when it should be obvious to everyone this is a steaming pile of shit, we have this nice metric to show that goyslop is exactly what the masses want. Half-baked, buggy, diversity filled, pozzed out, dumbed down low IQ garbage is what sells baby! Surely over 50k NPCs can't be wrong?

Better find a new hobby bros, gaming's heyday is pretty much over. It was bad when the normies discovered the internet but these newest batch of gamers the zoomers, take decline to a whole other level with their diversity fixation, room temperature IQs, and Tik-Tok length attention spans.

View attachment 41310
The only people with a diversity fixation are schizophrenics like you.

Oh no, women and blacks in a game set 300 years in the future.


I don't know who are you trying to rally here or who's attention you are seeking but the majority of people here are against cultural marxism so you only look like an idiot and a tool.
I have nothing against women and blacks, but I don't like cultural marxism. :smug:


Philosoraptor in Residence
Sep 30, 2009
Combatfag: Gold box / Pathfinder
Codex 2012 Codex+ Now Streaming! MCA Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
I feel like they wasted a huge opportunity to introduce playable alien races, it would have worked well considering the star trek feel of the setting.

Strongly disagree with this and I'm not sure why you get a star trek feel from it, apart from maybe the "shining city" of new atlantis.

Nah, I agree with him. Scanning crap on various worlds feels like TOS Trek to me too. I was joking about it earlier ITT. It's a mash of influences, for sure into generic every sci fi world just like TES is generic every fantasy world other than say, Morrowind.


Aug 1, 2019
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is.
the style of the visions is another obviously inspired element to 2001's stargate sequence
what do you mean? The ring? I didn't get any stargate out of the game


Oh, I thought you meant Stargate SG-1, there's a small similarity with the temple ring when it opens, but I thought it was minor.

The actual concentric rings are one hundred percent ripped off from the movie Contact, it isn't even a question. It is the literal same device, just shrunk down smaller. Watch at 20 seconds and again at 2:30 and you'll see what I mean.



Undisputed Queen of Faggotry Bethestard
Oct 24, 2018
okay I'm done with this game, finished the United Colonies questline, which is one of the four factions in the game and "mediocre" doesn't even describe it. I know Hadrian is a clone of a man but come on, she was a really cool character that I was looking forward to getting as a companion. All I get for this shitty questline is an apartment and some store discounts? Are you kidding me.

Well, at least I can now say I've seen most of what the game has to offer, though the Crimson Fleet questline is supposed to be the best, I won't bother doing any quests in this game anymore until they release a DLC, and patches, and mods. In fact, I'm not going to touch it until a "Game of the Year" edition or something like that comes out with all DLCs bundled. Then, and only then will I give this turd another try.

Some might be wondering why I became so critical of the game towards the end. Well, it's because in the end all games fall apart, all but the classics that is. I can infinitely replay BG1, VTMB or even New Vegas. On the other hand games like Starfield, and all of Bethesda's games really, fall apart at the seams sooner or later and you see them for what they are: a turd.

Only true classics can stand the test of time, and Niggerfield is a far cry from one. After doing some of the quest content, I have to revise my initial score of 6/10 to a 4/10, it's hilariously badly written and if I add that up with the spacesim, base building and looter shooter systems that basically go nowhere, that's a pretty fair score I'd say.

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