I do think it could've used less successive battles in the bank part, though.
This beat em' up hallway of battles was my main issue with the backer demo too. Kind of dissapointed they haven't taken such critiques into consideration for the release of the public demo, but the rest is such incline my hopes remain high for this beautiful game.
This is the 'Publisher Demo' -> 'Backer Demo' with just improved stability, so I don't think any content has been touched.
Scrawled could let us know what Cultic Games think of the combat pacing in the Bank, though.
Is "research" implemented yet? So I didn't get to test that out, unfortunately, to see if I could craft enough booze/drugs/etc. to counteract bad combat stats.
No, I don't think Research is implemented in the demo.
I played through the demo with an Old Occultist Mesmirist and am left feeling conflicted. I'm
very cautiously optimistic. The dialogue was Fallout-ish, which is to say I liked it. Direct, to the point and nothing purple about it. But, the number of 'fucks' seems too high for the 1920s vibe it had going (ymmv), with all the people in suits and hats, and came across as amateurish. Still, when the dialogue bothered me, it was nowhere near as bad as TToN or POE. The character system implies that the game is going to be mechanistically deep, with lots of non-combat usage of different skills to interact with things differently ala Fallout 1/2. If the game lives up to the character system and doesn't go WL2 on us, then we're in for a chardev treat. The art is gorgeous.
My number 1 concern about Stygian is actually technical; I'm worried Cultic doesn't have the technical chops to realize their vision, and the most obvious example of this is the excessive number of load screens. My number 2 concern is how they're approaching combat, including the JRPG-esque "battlefields" that enemies trigger. My 3rd concern regards player skills and how they interact with the game world, outside of dialogue and combat, which appear almost non-existent. The 4th, albeit minor, concern is that various aspects of POE seem to have bled into Stygian such as camping supplies, some of the icons, and even the same font for some text.
edit: can someone please tell me what Spellpoints are? I was playing in 1920x1200 which clipped some of the combat interface, so I couldn't see a SP meter there, nor in the character sheet.