The wicker Cthulhu statue on a throne is hilarious. Anyways, art is gorgeous, but I'm worried about the combat aspect of the game, although it says in the description ''Physical combat will be scarce and difficult''. I don't know, can the devs confirm it? Hopefully we don't have to run around hitting eldritch abominations with spoons on their heads. What about stealth? Yeah stealth, I know nothing about Lovecraft, but sneaking past horrible monsters feels much more consistent to me than fighting head on creatures that can warp your mind and sanity just by looking at you. What about different approaches to gameplay? Do I have to investigate things and fight spooky squid humanoids? Nothing else? Just investigating and fighting, finding clues and-GASP-fighting again? I hope there are interactions, maybe pockets of survivors here and there, side quests with different possible outcomes and, why not, dialogues with strange entities.