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Decline Sword Coast Legends - RIP n-Space!


Apr 28, 2015
Well, after a few days, the data on Steamspy is consolidated. Even ignoring the last couple days (which are often inaccurate), either steamspy is bugged/broken, or there have been thousands of refunds and sales are frozen.

As someone said before, I hope the publishers don't blame it on D&D or RPGs :D

These are lose lose situations. No one wins. Always sad.
There's always the off-chance that the D&D license gathers dust for a while and is picked up for little by a talented non-AAA developer.

I am being unreasonably optimistic, ain't I? :negative:


Dec 28, 2011
Core City
When D:OS2 "GM Mode" proves itself superior to the SC:L one (as it will, because ANYTHING would be better)...

...then this failure will be even more embarrassing.


Mar 16, 2015
I put lots of hours into PoR2, really tried to get the most of it. But what I got is lots of frustration.
Dec 14, 2012
Someone dug into the game files to check on what improvements might be possible. They discovered that.... SCL could have been even worse

So I've been poking around the game files (nothing nefarious, I've just always done this with games that I like) and I've come across some interesting things. I list these in no particular order, and am not trying to make a point or take a stance on anything. I also only had a couple hours to look around (and I obviously don't have the source) so I don't speak with 100% authority.

1. There is a DM levelling up system written into the files. DMs would cap at level 20. At each level, the DM would unlock one of the DM abilities like promote, make a door secret, a bonus to threat, etc. Imagine having to grind to 20 before using all the DM tools we currently have. Good design change but it kind of gives credence to my theory that I don't think the DM mode was originally created for PnP roleplay style gaming but rather a pseudo-MOBA that evolved into the hybrid we have now.


Aug 19, 2015
I think it should be done. It is an offcial D&D release.

Yes, there are standards to maintain. Shall we draw straws? :hahano:

Eh. I'm usually happy to be the 90's guy. But I'm bailing out on this one.

I look forward to buying this in a Humble Bundle for $1 next year. I can keep it in my Steam account next to my unplayed copy of Daikatana.

Yes, that will be my approach as well.


Jan 30, 2014
Fortunately for you guys I'll be continuing my SCL Let's Play, chock full of all the goodness the Codex loves nay DEMANDS!


Jun 15, 2009
Despite my loathing towards Steam, I must admit that the refunds thing is genius. Now even Bethesda feels obligated to re-check their games at least once.

Steam was forced to do it to comply with european laws.
Dec 14, 2012
Good news SCL fans, a week after launch they've decided to communicate with those asking for the fabled development roadmap which was coming "closer to release day". Even the fanboys have been insisting more improvements are coming soon, so I guess this is where things finally come to a head. My prediction is they blame DnD neckbeards for unreasonable expectations and not understanding the awesome game. It's big news on prestigious RPG sites:

Look for a ton of information to drop tomorrow at 9:00 am EDT (SwordCoast.com).

We will also have a special stream tomorrow afternoon around 3:00 pm EDT.

Talk to you soon.

I'm sceptical as well. I don't see where the budget for big changes should come from.

since the tiny post of Ash made it even to the headlines of http://www.rpgwatch.com it should be really a "ton of good news" as you pointed out there


Per CEO, Roadmap was published. A bunch of forgettable changes, but seems like they made some overhauls of DM mode that were the source of the largest complaints:
  • Doubled the max length for DM quest conversation text
  • Nature Set - (New outdoor area cleared and ready for customization with over 150 new placeable nature objects for DMs.)
  • Skill Rolls - (Players will be able to use ability rolls that take their character's bonuses into account. For instance, characters will be able to specifically make a"Strength" roll and have their Strength modifier automatically added to the roll.)
  • Increased Number of Available Monster Abilities
  • DM-placeable visual effects
  • Revisions and improvements to the rules for death, party wipe, and stabilize, including new options for players that want more challenge
  • Village area and village-related placeable objects for DMs to use in their modules
  • Ability to give ambient text to NPCs on select
  • Ability for DMs to change the randomized interiors of every tile
  • Lock/unlock locations on all quest states (give/update/complete)
  • Official introduction of mod support
  • Tile based level editor
  • Branching dialog editor
  • Adjustable game systems, ex: round timer, loot tables, etc.
  • Community facing development of these features to begin immediatel
  • Option to disable monster level scaling in DM campaign
  • New creatures available for DMs
Been following this game mainly for the butthurt and horrible design decisions the devs have made. However, kudos for at least making the changes; as retarded as it was for them not to include them in the base game in the first place.

One thing that probably will never be changed enough to make the game good is the combat. No indication that the cooldown/MMO/semi-hack and slashiness of the combat will ever change.

Larian, I hope you're paying attention to how to fuck up a GM mode. These guys are an expert in it.
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Mar 16, 2015
None of these changes made me excited. even the monster level scaling is going to be turned off only in DM mode.

Also I don't expect them to do it on time or without bugs.


4 Dimension Games
Aug 27, 2015
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is. Pathfinder: Wrath
Per CEO, Roadmap was published. A bunch of forgettable changes, but seems like they made some overhauls of DM mode that were the source of the largest complaints:

Been following this game mainly for the butthurt and horrible design decisions the devs have made. However, kudos for at least making the changes; as retarded as it was for them not to include them in the base game in the first place.

One thing that probably will never be changed enough to make the game good is the combat. No indication that the cooldown/MMO/semi-hack and slashiness of the combat will ever change.

Larian, I hope you're paying attention to how to fuck up a GM mode. These guys are an expert in it.
Can you now put a +1 longsword in a chest?


Jan 30, 2014
At one point recently Ash from Sword Coast Legends had said by email he would be open to coming on Shane Plays radio. Still following up with him, I'll let you guys know if it comes together.

By the way the Chris Avellone thing is still happening, he had to go out of country for a couple of weeks but we are in routine touch.


Jan 30, 2014
Coomme aaand geeet ittt....

This episode: Another nightmare, then a nightmare of a time getting into Luskan because the gates are closed. Okay, well maybe not a nightmare of a time, but it fit thematically with the beginning of the description and. Ah, forget it.



Mar 16, 2015
At one point recently Ash from Sword Coast Legends had said by email he would be open to coming on Shane Plays radio. Still following up with him, I'll let you guys know if it comes together.

By the way the Chris Avellone thing is still happening, he had to go out of country for a couple of weeks but we are in routine touch.
If you get him on the radio be sure to ask him if there is any chance they might modify game mechanics to be more in line with 5e.


Apr 7, 2015
n-Space has issued a press release acknowledging that their recently released RPG Sword Coast Legends has been "polarizing," and that for many players the game "did not meet their expectations" As such, the developer is assuming gamers "We hear you."

According to the developer, "We are a very small, independent development team, and we would not have made it this far without you. We thank you for your continued support. In D&D, the party is everything, and you are the best party to have, by far."

To start with, the first DLC, released today for free, is "The Pumpkin Patch", which includes a "Liars' Night" themed area with Halloween-themed placeable content. A new Cemetery location has its own 35 placeable objects along with new player gear.

The DLC also contains the following game updates:

  • Screen nudge with mouse (toggled option): Players will now be able to move the camera by nudging the edges of the screen. The WASD keys and the middle mouse button will still work the way they currently do.
  • Auto-heal at Adventurer's Camp: When entering the adventurer's camp, the party will heal any damage previously taken.
  • DM collect quests will display "x of x found" on the HUD
  • Hotkey added to re-center camera on player
  • Doubled the max length for DM quest conversation text
  • Added the option to lock your cursor to the window
  • Bug fixes
The developer also dated some upcoming Community Packs, the first coming on 9 November 2015, and includes:

  • Companion-Specific Skill Trees Unlocked for Players: Existing unique companion skill trees will become available to players
  • Nature Set
  • New outdoor area cleared and ready for customization with over 150 new placeable nature objects for DMs.
  • Ability Respec: Characters wishing to forget their prior training will be able to do so. All character points will be refunded, allowing players to change builds or reselect their characters' abilities.
  • Player Stash: Players will be able to store additional items within their own personal stash.
  • Skill Rolls: Players will be able to use ability rolls that take their character's bonuses into account. For instance, characters will be able to specifically make a "Strength" roll and have their Strength modifier automatically added to the roll.
  • Increased Number of Available Monster Abilities: Custom creatures will have additional monster abilities available to them.
  • Bug fixes and additional community feedback items as time allows
Community Pack 2 will come the week of 30 November 2015 and will include:

  • Address concerns with ninja looting in multi-player games
  • New Playable Sub-race: Drow Elves (including access to Darkness and Faerie Fire abilities)
  • DM-placeable visual effects (fire, smoke, etc.)
  • Revisions and improvements to the rules for death, party wipe, and stabilize, including new options for players that want more challenge
  • Village area and village-related placeable objects for DMs to use in their modules
  • Ability to give ambient text to NPCs on select
  • Ability for DMs to change the randomized interiors of every tile
  • Lock/unlock locations on all quest states (give/update/complete)
  • Bug fixes and additional community feedback items as time allows


In My Safe Space
Sep 13, 2014
Safe Space - Don't Bulli
At one point recently Ash from Sword Coast Legends had said by email he would be open to coming on Shane Plays radio. Still following up with him, I'll let you guys know if it comes together.

By the way the Chris Avellone thing is still happening, he had to go out of country for a couple of weeks but we are in routine touch.

Ask him what he would change if he could go back with unlimited time and budget.
Like what is the one feature or gameplay element he would want to do.

INB4 he says nothing - the game is perfect.


I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
Original press release: https://swordcoast.com/content/sword-coast-legends-state-game


Sword Coast Legends: State of the Game
by Dan Tudge
Director for Sword Coast Legends & President at n-Space

This is Dan Tudge, Director for Sword Coast Legends, President at n-Space, and stalwart party member, here with our first post-launch State of the Game.

Sword Coast Legends launched last week on PC, Mac, and Linux. We've worked closely with Wizards of the Coast to bring this Dungeons & Dragons experience to you. The D&D team has been involved the whole way, and we know they share our excitement about the many adventures that will be had as a result of Sword Coast Legends. Together, we set out to deliver a compelling, fresh RPG with an epic storyline, co-op gameplay, and even some extra twists on dungeon crawls with a real-time DM mode. The end result is something we're extremely proud of -- something we all believe fits nicely into the diverse catalog of D&D titles spread across different genres, be they MMO, action RPG, conventional CRPG, or even arcade hack 'n' slash.

However, early user impressions for Sword Coast Legends have been polarizing. While many players love it, it is clear that for many, Sword Coast Legends did not meet their expectations. For those who have expressed disappointment in the game, I have just one thing to say: "We hear you." We are a very small, independent development team, and we would not have made it this far without you. We thank you for your continued support. In D&D, the party is everything, and you are the best party to have, by far.

As much and as long as we've labored to launch SCL, this is really just step one, a foundation for an even greater experience we have always intended to improve and expand. Our goal has always been to put Sword Coast Legends into the hands of would-be adventurers and to work with them to improve that experience. We have an aggressive list of content and updates planned for the near-term... one that will be delivered to you at no additional charge, starting TODAY!

Halloween Update: "The Pumpkin Patch": October 30th

  • New "Liars' Night" themed area and placeables in the spirit of Halloween
  • Cemetery DM location with over 35 new placeable objects and new player gear
  • Screen nudge with mouse (toggled option)
  • Players will now be able to move the camera by nudging the edges of the screen. The WASD keys and the middle mouse button will still work the way
    they currently do.
  • Auto-heal at Adventurer's Camp
  • When entering the adventurer's camp, the party will heal any damage previously taken.
  • DM collect quests will display "x of x found" on the HUD
  • Hotkey added to re-center camera on player
  • Doubled the max length for DM quest conversation text
  • Added the option to lock your cursor to the window
  • Bug fixes

    Community Pack 1: Week of November 9th
  • Companion-Specific Skill Trees Unlocked for Players
  • Existing unique companion skill trees will become available to players
  • Nature Set
    New outdoor area cleared and ready for customization with over 150 new placeable nature objects for DMs.
  • Ability Respec
    Characters wishing to forget their prior training will be able to do so. All character points will be refunded, allowing players to change builds or
    reselect their characters' abilities.
  • Player Stash
    Players will be able to store additional items within their own personal stash.
  • Skill Rolls
  • Players will be able to use ability rolls that take their character's bonuses into account. For instance, characters will be able to specifically make a
    "Strength" roll and have their Strength modifier automatically added to the roll.
  • Increased Number of Available Monster Abilities
  • Custom creatures will have additional monster abilities available to them.
  • Bug fixes and additional community feedback items as time allows

    Community Pack 2: Week of November 30th
  • Address concerns with ninja looting in multi-player games
  • New Playable Sub-race: Drow Elves (including access to Darkness and Faerie Fire abilities)
  • DM-placeable visual effects (fire, smoke, etc.)
  • Revisions and improvements to the rules for death, party wipe, and stabilize, including new options for players that want more challenge
  • Village area and village-related placeable objects for DMs to use in their modules
  • Ability to give ambient text to NPCs on select
  • Ability for DMs to change the randomized interiors of every tile
  • Lock/unlock locations on all quest states (give/update/complete)
  • Bug fixes and additional community feedback items as time allows

    Community Pack 3: December
  • Official introduction of mod support, including
  • Tile based level editor
  • Branching dialog editor
  • Adjustable game systems, ex: round timer, loot tables, etc.
  • Community facing development of these features to begin immediately
  • Option to disable monster level scaling in DM campaigns
  • Bug fixes and additional community feedback items as time allows

    Rage of Demons: Coming Soon

    Return to the Underdark in this all-new adventure taking place as part of D&D's "Rage of Demons" storyline, featuring the legendary outcast drow Drizzt Do'Urden and some of the deadliest enemies ever to terrify Faerûn.
  • New Rage of Demons tile sets and placeable objects
  • New playable race: Tieflings
  • New creatures available for DMs
  • New Playable class based on community input
  • Allow player-created characters as companions in story mode
  • Enable players to control their characters' movement with the WASD keys
  • Bug fixes and additional community feedback items as time allows

We intend to continue this effort into the new year, but not just with content and free DLC. We have been collecting your feedback and incorporating it with our own plans. The resulting changes and additions will be published [HERE]later this week and we welcome all feedback on this living document.

I would like to extend my sincerest thanks (and the endless gratitude of our entire development team) to everyone from our community and Design Council for their amazing support ever since Sword Coast Legends was first announced. With over 82 years of total playtime logged from previous Head Start access weekends and last week's launch, Sword Coast Legends players have adventured extensively. That's a lot of dungeons explored, content created, bosses downed, loot gained, and campaigns run. In this sense, Sword Coast Legends is a game that belongs to its players as much as its developers. We'd love to hear your thoughts so we can work together to make Sword Coast Legends even better. Share your feedback on the forums and drop us a review if you've been playing. We are hard at work on developing new content, addressing bugs, improving the overall experience, and providing players with more robust Dungeon Master tools.

This is truly just the beginning. We hear your concerns, wishes, and desires loud and clear, and we are already working on them and hope you stay with us to continue the adventure.


Dan Tudge
Director, Sword Coast Legends
President, n-Space

Last edited:
Dec 14, 2012
Whoever's doing the Codex review can rest easy knowing the console release is still on the way:

Oddly, if we talk about console, the PC folks get up in arms about it being a game built for console and ported to PC. When we talk about PC people wonder if Console is a port. We are committed to both and all of the improvements to PC appropriate to console will roll straight into that release.

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