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Decline Sword Coast Legends - RIP n-Space!


Jan 10, 2012
They must be feeling the heat, already announcing drow elves and Drizzt are just around the corner :lol::

...Two more "Community Packs" are planned for release on November, followed by a third in December, and then an entirely new adventure set in the Underdark and featuring Drizzt Do'Urden called Rage of Demons.

"Please don't hate us....give us a chance! Drizzt! Drizzt is coming soon!


Rage of Demons is a D&D thing though. They intend to apply it on every platform (tabletop, computer and console, according to the webpage) but it's not a n-space thing.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
This game is amazing. It's done somethinge ven I in all my spamming couldn't do - make extreme anti NWNers say positive things about NWN. HAHAH!

Too bad that SCL is such a low bard even POR2 is a better DnD game. LMAO Hell, BG:DA is a better DnD game and at least it was HONEST.

Seriously, this is a fukkin' joke.
Dec 14, 2012
So (again speculating here) I think what happened with SLC is they worked with WotC on a new expression of D&D and the fan blowback on release outside of the pre-orders was worse than they were expecting. After following this game for quite a while, sitting in on a lot of the Twitch streams and seeing WotC push the heck out of it marketing wise I really think they felt they were doing a new version of D&D that people were going to like.

I don't think it was a "new version of D&D" so much as sacrificing mechanics in the name of accessibility and sweet console sales. From the first announcement the WOTC rep was coming up with stuff about not needing to use exact D&D mechanics as long as "a fireball feels like a fireball". On the other hand, those who dug through the game files apparently noticed detailed feedback and nitpicking from WOTC on the story.

So I guess that sums up Hasbro's approach to this title and multiplatform DnD in general: Aim from sales from as broad a market as possible, not just old tabletop and IE players. Focus on the content and story tie-ins, get Drizzt involved ASAP. Profit.

The problem came when the ex-Dragon Age and casual game devs came up with an extremely casual system more DA than DnD, and a chunk of the core audience attracted by the DnD name were put off, resulting in negative reviews and refunds. And it turns out that not many of the people who dislike DnD mechanics were attracted in their place, as there are plenty of games out there aimed at them.

So now they seem to be changing course and trying to placate those who are actually interested in DnD games and have been asking for changes on their forums for months. Guess we'll see how it goes, but as others have said at least they seem to be making some sort of effort instead of blaming "entitled gamers" which is what I expected.


In My Safe Space
Feb 16, 2015
as long as "a fireball feels like a fireball"
Does it? I'm not up to date with 5E but D&D Fireball used to be 1d6 per level, 5d6 minimum. Nuking a L3 party with 5d6 means anyone who fails Ref save loses at least 50% HP, probably more. SCL Firework feels more like a sparkler stick.
Dec 14, 2012
Does it? I'm not up to date with 5E but D&D Fireball used to be 1d6 per level, 5d6 minimum. Nuking a L3 party with 5d6 means anyone who fails Ref save loses at least 50% HP, probably more. SCL Firework feels more like a sparkler stick.

Yes, they really fucked the pooch on wizards, and the combination with scaling monsters just contributes to the "sparkler stick" feel. Here is the original quote from the WOTC rep back in February which set off alarm bells for anyone who is even vaguely interested in actual DnD mechanics:

Stewart (WotC): An example is magic, more specifically let's focus on the fireball spell. It isn't important that the Fireball spell does 8d6 damage or has 150 range in all our games, but is instead important that in each instance it is a mid-level spell that explodes and causes a wider range of damage. In other words, for our partners it's critical they capture the feel of the latest edition of rules, but not necessarily the specific mechanics.


4 Dimension Games
Aug 27, 2015
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is. Pathfinder: Wrath
Just in case any of you is wondering:


I think it's safe to say SCL is not selling at all.


Jan 10, 2012
So men...we've come to this: the new D&D game is so shitty that it makes mediocre stuff like DA:O and the NWN OCs look like masterpieces in comparison. How in the hell, in this day and age, can you develop a game that so wildly misses the mark with the target audience and still release it?! Had they gone the kickstarter route, they might have realized early on that their vision for the project was flawed. Would have saved them a lot of time and grief.

How can you fuck that up? I mean, it's D&D and people have certain expectations. Even casuals and young'uns who could give a shit about D&D would expect a game bearing this name to be a certain way, I assume. So when you slap the D&D name onto something that deviates from that standard, you're not going to please anyone. Grognerds are gonna get triggered and rage and the young'uns will just think "This isn't what I was expecting, why play this when I can play X?".


So men...we've come to this: the new D&D game is so shitty that it makes mediocre stuff like DA:O and the NWN OCs look like masterpieces in comparison. How in the hell, in this day and age, can you develop a game that so wildly misses the mark with the target audience and still release it?! Had they gone the kickstarter route, they might have realized early on that their vision for the project was flawed. Would have saved them a lot of time and grief.

How can you fuck that up? I mean, it's D&D and people have certain expectations. Even casuals and young'uns who could give a shit about D&D would expect a game bearing this name to be a certain way, I assume. So when you slap the D&D name onto something that deviates from that standard, you're not going to please anyone. Grognerds are gonna get triggered and rage and the young'uns will just think "This isn't what I was expecting, why play this when I can play X?".

The biggest facepalm decision was the forced level scaling. WTF were they thinking? If you want to be a filthy casual and create a module with lvl 1 beholders then go crazy. But at some point everyone will realize that level scaling kills any desire to level up....because nothing you gain has value as you never really get stronger on a relative scale.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
"The problem came when the ex-Dragon Age and casual game devs came up with an extremely casual system more DA than DnD,"

The major probkem is DA fans don't care for this game either though. I like DA. Hell, despite the whining the Codex voted DA top game its year. And, more importantly as you said, even NWN a game that the Codex blatantly dislikes (despite always brining it up about how awesome it is) is praised to high heaven.

\Heck, I loathe POR2 yet it is obvious that it is a better DnD game.

I was looking forward to SCL but I haven't even bothered with it. It also being Steam only helps too. But, if the game was good enough even Steam wouldn't stop me.



Jan 30, 2014
Come get your treats!

This episode: Wolves, double crosses and more shenanigans with Burkins.



May 9, 2014
Does it? I'm not up to date with 5E but D&D Fireball used to be 1d6 per level, 5d6 minimum. Nuking a L3 party with 5d6 means anyone who fails Ref save loses at least 50% HP, probably more. SCL Firework feels more like a sparkler stick.
Fireball (3rd Level spell): All creatures within a 20ft radius sphere centered on the fireball must make a Dexterity saving throw*. Failure means 8d6 points of fire damage (half as much on a success). When casting with a higher spell slot level, add 1d6 per additional level.

*Fort., Ref., and Will. saves are gone in 5th Ed. Instead, there are six types of saving throws based on the six basic attributes. Each class is proficient in two types of saving throws.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
That is b/c youa re an idiot who liked it so you probably never tried to uninstall it. L0L



*This is my thousandth post here.... :negative:

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