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Decline Sword Coast Legends - RIP n-Space!


If you want a frame of reference:

When I first played it, I had some problems trying to get it to run properly (without too many glitches), it did not had the hard drive killer bug but overall the game was clunky, slow and boring. People say ToEE is broken but in comparison I'd say ToEE is perfectly playable.


Apr 18, 2008
That is b/c youa re an idiot who liked it so you probably never tried to uninstall it. L0L

I'm quite sure this is just a myth that went on and on among dumbasses who just believed it and told it to other dumbasses and so on. Proof: Volourn believes it even though he never experienced it.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
It's not about me beliieving it. It is a matter of POR2 sucking so bad that anything that lets me mock it makes me smile. :)
Dec 14, 2012
I'm quite sure this is just a myth that went on and on among dumbasses who just believed it and told it to other dumbasses and so on. Proof: Volourn believes it even though he never experienced it.

Well, I can't speak from personal experience with having my hard drive formatted, but it was pretty widely reported at the time (apparently if you tried to install it somewhere other than default location in program files and then uninstalled it) and even mentioned in the mainstream reviews. But who knows, just a fun bug to think about anyway.

On the other hand, some people really liked POR2 when it came out:



Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
Except he's wrong. The combat, turn base notwithsatnding, is not tatical at all.

Still, props to the dead guy for writing the best NWN review ever. :)


Apr 18, 2008
Well, I can't speak from personal experience with having my hard drive formatted, but it was pretty widely reported at the time (apparently if you tried to install it somewhere other than default location in program files and then uninstalled it) and even mentioned in the mainstream reviews. But who knows, just a fun bug to think about anyway.

On the other hand, some people really liked POR2 when it came out:

It's quite likely there was something wrong with the un/installer since there's an official patch for it, but still you only hear this from people who heard it from other people. I never once seen someone say it happened to them.

And since Volourn doesn't like it you know the game is at least worth a shot.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
Agreed. By that logic so MW, Fable, DS3, Sonic: RPG, and Barbie.

Feb 28, 2011
Chicago, IL, Kwa
Anyway, I think the blow back is hard because people actually cared. I was legit excited for this game, if there had been a box I would have preordered. They said (and probably meant) all the right things. It's a real bummer it turned out like this, and that's why ppl are angry.

I'm not trying to be rude, but I really think you weren't paying attention or were allowing wishful thinking to get in the way. They broadcasted the fact that this was going to be shovelware pretty much from Day 1. The only moment of brief hope I had for this game came from Bubbles' Gamescom report, but luckily I remembered you can never trust a German (I know, I'm married to one).


Jan 30, 2014
Ok so Ash from n-Space / Sword Coast Legends is lined up for the radio show on November 14th.

Also still working with MCA on the special podcast, he has been staying in touch with me but is out of the country at the moment.


The Steam page says you need a SCL account to play. I noticed that yesterday and to my memory that wasn't there before. Is this some sort of damage control method?


Jun 15, 2009
This game is amazing. It's done somethinge ven I in all my spamming couldn't do - make extreme anti NWNers say positive things about NWN. HAHAH!

Too bad that SCL is such a low bard even POR2 is a better DnD game. LMAO Hell, BG:DA is a better DnD game and at least it was HONEST.

Seriously, this is a fukkin' joke.
Yes but what will be the next "D&D" game that will make this one look amazing ? I am pretty sure it will happen.Full action + pad next time maybe , and fallout 3 level of writing and plot.
Hmm nope its not enough its already at fallout 3 plot level... They'll manage to do worse , i trust them


Yes but what will be the next "D&D" game that will make this one look amazing ? I am pretty sure it will happen.Full action + pad next time maybe , and fallout 3 level of writing and plot.
Hmm nope its not enough its already at fallout 3 plot level... They'll manage to do worse , i trust them

So D&D in an alternative 1950s future that makes no sense internally?



People tend to forget games quite easily these days. I'm not really surprised by this.


In My Safe Space
Sep 13, 2014
Safe Space - Don't Bulli


Jan 30, 2014
You are not allowed to be happy if the Codex doesn't like it!!! Mua ha ha ha ha ha!!!

Dec 14, 2012
So, he likes the story, environmental artwork, sound/voice acting. Doesn't mention anything else. Even the fanboys I've encountered haven't been claiming it's one of the best crpgs ever but perhaps the grumpy old Codex is just out of touch with what makes an all time great game these days.


Jan 30, 2014
So, he likes the story, environmental artwork, sound/voice acting. Doesn't mention anything else. Even the fanboys I've encountered haven't been claiming it's one of the best crpgs ever but perhaps the grumpy old Codex is just out of touch with what makes an all time great game these days.

I think the game is just a solid fantasy cRPG story. It's not bad, it's just comfortable in a there's a terrible evil and we learn more as we go along kind of way, with lots of fights on the road.

I don't think new ground always has to be blazed for a story to be enjoyable, when new ground IS blazed (for example, the original KOTOR for me) I love it but I can watch a movie on late night TV and totally dig it if I'm in the right mood.

Last night I had a combat that almost kicked my butt and in retrospect could have used better tactics rather than just "gang everyone up on same enemy".

Also, the visuals and sound and etc are quite well done. There's a moment outside of Luskan where you come to a cliff overlooking the ocean and it was really impressive.

So... not saying GOTY, but other than the lack of 100% 5E conversion and people wanting more out of the DM tools some of the blowback I'm not totally getting. I can see people wanting more of a pure RPG but this game does not seem to be an epic fail to me after putting several hours into it.

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