agris . Thanks for the response! Perhaps rather than thinking i have no standards, maybe u could entertain the notion of "different strokes for different folks"? Basically, I really enjoyed my time with the game. The puzzles, to me, were great! They were often brain-teasing and I welcomed them being there. U say the combat and such is bland, but I also greatly enjoyed it. I enjoy slower-paced, low...."excitement"? I guess? To me the combat was meaty and thoughtful on Hard difficulty. That said, I did think the game became too easy in combat for me sometime after a dozen hours or so on Hard difficulty, so I'm hoping Legendary difficulty presents more of a challenge for longer. But that said, I did love the game and what they did with the genre.
It's fun for me to enjoy different games from all over the RPG spectrum. I still enjoy the classics and the old-school offerings just as much as a newer RPG. What is life without variety, right?

All I know is that I can't wait to start another run of the game after a few years of shelving it. And I think it offers something fresh for fans of the genre that they might like it too, so I recommend it. Different strokes for different folks, my friend! Take care.