Get a heavy weapon and spank Artorias when he goes for his buff. It deals ridiculous damage and he gets stunned for a short while.
My character has 12 Strength. He's a wimp that can't even hold half the shields I've found.Get a heavy weapon and spank Artorias when he goes for his buff. It deals ridiculous damage and he gets stunned for a short while.
the funny thing I've found is that playing patiently with Artorias just makes the fight last longer than it should. If you match his aggressiveness, you can kill him quite quickly. Giving him breathing room just allows him to get you. Then again, I never wasted time with a dex build.My character has 12 Strength. He's a wimp that can't even hold half the shields I've found.Get a heavy weapon and spank Artorias when he goes for his buff. It deals ridiculous damage and he gets stunned for a short while.![]()
I had an easier time spanking Artorias as a mage especially one with lots of points put into INT. Both homing crystal soul mass, both soul spears, dark bead & pursuers allow you to do ridiculous amount of damage to him. He's magic resistant but high enough INT meant for spells would still do a good amount of damage while the new dark magic from the DLC did physical damage IIRCI can't even begin to imagine how casters would deal with Artorias without a method like that
now play dark souls 2 sotfsAlright it's official. I have defeated Gwynn and beaten the game.
Not for a while unfortunately, especially since I don't own the game and I can't really be spending any money on new games right now. I'm already planning on playing Wizardry I next play dark souls 2 sotfsAlright it's official. I have defeated Gwynn and beaten the game.
I defeated my first DS2 boss the other day, The Last Giant.
Armorer Dennis, man. This guy invaded me a couple of times, and at first I thought it was a player, but then he kept doing it in the same spot, so I figured it's an NPC, and googled him. That mother spams spells like a D&D recovering addict. I think I am too weak to take him on now without cheese.
Armorer Dennis, man. This guy invaded me a couple of times, and at first I thought it was a player, but then he kept doing it in the same spot, so I figured it's an NPC, and googled him. That mother spams spells like a D&D recovering addict. I think I am too weak to take him on now without cheese.
Sadly From decided after Dark Souls that NPC invaders should have the damage and HP of mini-boss fights in order to make up for their AI rather than have them resemble PCs.
I also started playing DS2 SotfS a few days ago and it feels easier than DS1
[...] here it looks like a walk in the park from the start. I just breezed through No Man's Wharf slaughtering everything and then watched my two NPC summons gank on that poor boss in the ship. Now, I know you are gonna say this is the pleb way of doing things, but my point is, for a game series renowned for its difficulty it offers way too much of a helping hand if you are a noob.
you are pleb for doing this.I still don't know how to parry, and this time I don't even try to block. I just spam the light attack on enemies and roll around. I haven't upgraded any weapons or armor, I use some basic nameless sword I got early on, and I just dump all my souls on 4 skills randomly just so that I won't lose them if I die. Most bosses I got on the first try with the help of NPC (not even player) phantoms. That pursuer dude looked hard, except he stood in front of the balista and died in two hits.
In DS1 I had trouble in the early game until my character became a walking death machine after Anor Londo, but here it looks like a walk in the park from the start. I just breezed through No Man's Wharf slaughtering everything and then watched my two NPC summons gank on that poor boss in the ship.
Whatever Dark Souls 2 faults' (there are many), some player opt-in adjustable difficulty isn't a bad thing. Any vision of the series being a meticulously curated "experience" kinda went out of the window with player messages, bloodstains, Ass-lover345 invading to toss dung at you, and the various wonky AI mechanics.
I just don't understand how so many people can claim that this is one of the hardest games out there when it gives you so many ways to gain an advantage.
That aside, if you're really wanting to show off the size of your e-peen, the covenant choice for you was the Champions covenant. It blocks co-op summoning - you can't summon help or be summoned (but you can still be invaded), and is a slight difficulty tweak upwards (you do less damage, enemies do more damage).