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The Dragon Age: Inquisition Thread


Kill all boxed game owners. Kill! Kill!
May 9, 2012
the mixed-gender military and the fact that Fereldon has spontaneously grown a sizable black population in the the years between Origins and Inquisition.

iirc according to journal entries in Origins Ferelden has always had a mixed-gender military, they just didn't reflect it in actual character models. presumably for the same reason only humans in Mass Effect have two sexes.

frankly what I find most annoying are those journal entries that say "nobody in Thedas cares about sexual orientation." that's just boring. you can have much more interesting "this is a world where people aren't shitheads" take than that, even just borrowing from real-world historical sexual mores. Terry Pratchett's Discworld dwarves come to mind as a great example, where an important element of courtship is attempting to determine the sex of the object of one's affections and it's considered utterly impolite to ask which member of a marriage is the female, or even directly to imply that one of them must be. not because of gayness, explicitly, but because all dwarves are "culturally male." the implications as read by a real person are charming, but don't even necessarily occur to the dwarves in-setting. that's a creative way to deal with sexual orientation. "we're all just nice here" feels like a cop-out.

I was unsure how to feel about the Bull insisting that under the Qun transfolk are all treated super well. it's nice to depict non-shit societies, but considering the Qun is all about being in your assigned place, it seems strange that personal identity is even allowed into it. on the other hand, that place is assigned intelligently, I guess, not by an accident of birth, so maybe the assignment takes things like that into account.


Oct 5, 2010
New Vegas
For as much as you guys complain about it the queer stuff is an insanely small part of the game, and through dialog you get to respond "ewww" if you want. Who gives a fuck?

MMO quest design is a much bigger issue than Dorian fucking dudes up the ass.


Kill all boxed game owners. Kill! Kill!
May 9, 2012
For as much as you guys complain about it the queer stuff is an insanely small part of the game, and through dialog you get to respond "ewww" if you want. Who gives a fuck?

MMO quest design is a much bigger issue than Dorian fucking dudes up the ass.

one person was complaining about it, and I was calling him a shithead. I am a faggot. I am complaining about it not for being there, but for being embarrassingly badly-written at times.


Oct 5, 2010
New Vegas
one person was complaining about it, and I was calling him a shithead. I am a faggot. I am complaining about it not for being there, but for being embarrassingly badly-written at times.

Many more have complained about it, trust me ;)

I thought Dorian's part of it was well written. The Qunari thing I dunno, I ignored Iron Bull and his buddy for the most part.


all caps, rainbow colors, SOMETHING.
Jun 16, 2007
For as much as you guys complain about it the queer stuff is an insanely small part of the game,.

I dunno man. Seeing RK47 glitch through all of those walls/floors was excessively queer.



Franny Frogpill

Dec 4, 2014
Terry Pratchett's Discworld dwarves come to mind as a great example, where an important element of courtship is attempting to determine the sex of the object of one's affections and it's considered utterly impolite to ask which member of a marriage is the female, or even directly to imply that one of them must be.

~smiles fondly
To expect even the slightest whiff of Pratchett's genius from shitty little Bioware "writers" seems a bit cruel, though.

Slow James

Dec 10, 2012
Louisville, KY

There are only males seen in the other species (Krogan, Turian, Volus, etc.) in ME1. The only exception are the Asari (which are all mono-gendered anyway) and the Quarians and the Salarians, who have "females" who look exactly like a male character models with a slightly higher pitch voice and purple clothes.

In fact, this is exactly how other genders are portrayed in other games in the trilogy. It could be we aren't able to detect the subtle differences in these physical gender differences or some other lore/narrative explanation, but it honestly is a cost saving technique/limited resource issue.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Oct 5, 2010
New Vegas

There are only males seen in the other species (Krogan, Turian, Volus, etc.) in ME1. The only exception are the Asari (which are all mono-gendered anyway) and the Quarians and the Salarians, who have "females" who look exactly like a male character models with a slightly higher pitch voice and purple clothes.

In fact, this is exactly how other genders are portrayed in other games in the trilogy. It could be we aren't able to detect the subtle differences in these physical gender differences or some other lore/narrative explanation, but it honestly is a cost saving technique/limited resource issue.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

It's kind of amazing that they made a huge deal about ME3 DLC showing the first Turian woman. Like... all those cities, all those missions, and no Turian females were seen before that? How cheap can you get?

Sent from my keyboard using desktop PC.


Kill all boxed game owners. Kill! Kill!
May 9, 2012

There are only males seen in the other species (Krogan, Turian, Volus, etc.) in ME1. The only exception are the Asari (which are all mono-gendered anyway) and the Quarians and the Salarians, who have "females" who look exactly like a male character models with a slightly higher pitch voice and purple clothes.

In fact, this is exactly how other genders are portrayed in other games in the trilogy. It could be we aren't able to detect the subtle differences in these physical gender differences or some other lore/narrative explanation, but it honestly is a cost saving technique/limited resource issue.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

It's kind of amazing that they made a huge deal about ME3 DLC showing the first Turian woman. Like... all those cities, all those missions, and no Turian females were seen before that? How cheap can you get?

Sent from my keyboard using desktop PC.

especially since they're, like, lizard-bird people and it would make perfect sense (inasmuch as anything in their anthropic soft scifi hellscape makes sense) for them not to have sex markers mammals can easily distinguish. apparently even ornithologists can only sex some birds behaviorally or surgically/postmortem. internal genitalia + no mammary glands = hard to tell.

I wonder how birds without sex-differentiated plumage distinguish. maybe they're like dwarves and have to approach it with care. or maybe that's why homosexuality's relatively prominent among birds, because they actually can't. "everyone is gay for Birdget!"

except Shepard.
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Jan 14, 2014

There are only males seen in the other species (Krogan, Turian, Volus, etc.) in ME1. The only exception are the Asari (which are all mono-gendered anyway) and the Quarians and the Salarians, who have "females" who look exactly like a male character models with a slightly higher pitch voice and purple clothes.

In fact, this is exactly how other genders are portrayed in other games in the trilogy. It could be we aren't able to detect the subtle differences in these physical gender differences or some other lore/narrative explanation, but it honestly is a cost saving technique/limited resource issue.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Ah, OK he meant the first game, I thought he was talking about the ME universe.


Feb 15, 2014

Edgy McCool guy review incoming

Echo Mirage

Aug 19, 2013
Tirra Lirra by the River

The mans a massive idiot. I tried to watch his Xcom enemy within LP a few months ago. He was so incompetent that he was unable to figure out that the progeny soldier he had just done a timed mission for was in fact a psionic soldier. So instead he sent every useless recruit for Psi testing after another until he got lucky on a completely random recruit at endgame long after having the hyperwave relay.
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hell bovine

Sep 9, 2013
Secret Level
Pretty sad days....All Bioware is doing these days is release games to appease the LGBT communities...friggin faggots cant even keep their noses out of gaming meh

not really? Bioware's portrayal of queers is pretty much always embarrassing to the point of their being hard to look at. Zevran was alright, but Fenris was whiny, Anders was creepy, the guy in ME3 was horrific, Dorian's sexuality is barely relevant to his character unless you can get past his mustache and the Iron Bull, while occasionally hilarious, is a pastiche of niceguy S&M stereotypes. I liked the scene where he tried to guess what everyone in the party would choose as a safeword.

if you really think one gay character, one weird bisexual leather daddy and one transman in a game with 100 hours of (terrible) content constitutes--

why am I even talking to you.

It's not gay characters, it's romantic interests in general that Bioware has problems with. The heterosexual romances in Baldur's gate were either creepy or annoying, or both (I'll give a free pass to those who played Aerie's romance as teenagers, but otherwise, NO). But a lot of players are noticing just now, because "the gay", it's infiltrating our games! No it's not, Bioware just decided to be gay-inclusive and, honestly, why should only heterosexual people suffer, lets share the misery. :D


Aug 28, 2013
I liked viconias romance, pretty sure i still will if i replay the game. Saying we just found out today its shit because we "dont identify with it" is simply wrong. DAI writing is below twilight quality, and worst of all, it doesnt even seem to be aware of how bad it is and takes itself seriously (and thats the biggest joke, that we keep repeating, because its just that fucking funny).

For fucks sake mate, we are not wrong here.

hell bovine

Sep 9, 2013
Secret Level
I liked viconias romance, pretty sure i still will if i replay the game. Saying we just found out today its shit because we "dont identify with it" is simply wrong. DAI writing is below twilight quality, and worst of all, it doesnt even seem to be aware of how bad it is and takes itself seriously (and thats the biggest joke, that we keep repeating, because its just that fucking funny).

For fucks sake mate, we are not wrong here.
Yeah, but Viconia's romance was the only normal one. I found both Aeria and Jaheira's romances creepy, for different reasons. The female romance option was both creepy and annoying; actually, that character was annoying even if not romanced. Now it's just more visible, because they focus on it, whereas romances were a minor aspect of BG2 and easily avoided.


Oct 21, 2013
Viconia is interesting because of her alignment change in general, need more of those in RPGs.

Leiliana/Alistairs can have alignment changes, though not really, they're kind of just subtle and their characters only seem to subtly change.

Jick Magger

Dec 7, 2010
New Zealand
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Serpent in the Staglands Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Bubbles In Memoria
Yeah, Bioware's romance writing has always been juvenile at best (Viconia's romance being the exception). It's just that it's become more noticeable in recent years because they're pushing it further and further into the forefront as one of the 'appeals' for their games. The signs have been there since at least BG2, what with the huge modding scene dedicated to making each and every significant character in the game romanceable, and it kinda culminated with the embarrassingly bad romances in DA2 and TOR.

If anything, DA:I's romances are tame by comparison. There are actually companions now who have, gasp, sexual preferences and are not just glorified blow-up dolls who'll fuck any one who chats them up sufficiently regardless of gender, and some who are just not interested in the main character, unlike DA2, where everyone's willing to fuck you, male or female, save the one heterosexual male who's DLC only, Varric, and one character who's completely oblivious to your advances.


Kill all boxed game owners. Kill! Kill!
May 9, 2012
if Zevran hadn't been depicted as essentially being "redeemed" from slut status by the Warden, I don't think I'd've had any problems with his romance track. he's forward, he's the interested party, he's not super-demonstrative (until, of course, he has to be in the end, saying embarrassing shit about "being yours").

"everyone is bi" is as boring as "nobody notices sexual orientation kekeke," yeah. makes them feel like objects, not people. I wouldn't've minded a few scenes with Cole on his knees, but it's better that it's not there than that it's there and feels false.

as an aside, the BG2 mod scene only has one queer romance in it I've ever liked, and I can't for the life of me remember what the guy's name was now. it was by that guy Beamdog took on to help them with the extended editions. he was a druid and he was great. I think it was bisexual, but at least some of the content actually acknowledged the sex of your protagonist, rather than just being homogeneous except for a line or two about "BUT WHAT ABOUT--"

that druid was more charming and less emotionally damaged than any Bioware/Black Isle fuckable NPC I can think of.

Abu Antar

Turn-based Poster
Jan 19, 2014
Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is. Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
Dragon Age: Inquisition did not make it into the top 10 of best selling games for November in the US.

1.) Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (360, XBO, PS4, PS3, PC)
2.) Grand Theft Auto V (PS4, XBO, 360, PS3)
3.) Super Smash Bros. (NWU, 3DS)
4.) Madden NFL 15 (360, XBO, PS4, PS3)
5.) Pokemon Alpha Sapphire (3DS)
6.) Far Cry 4 (PS4, XBO, 360, PS3, PC)
7.) Pokemon Omega Ruby (3DS)
8.) NBA 2K15 (PS4, 360, XBO, PS3, PC)
9.) Assassin's Creed: Unity (PS4, XBO, PC)
10.) Halo: The Master Chief Collection (XBO)

Slow James

Dec 10, 2012
Louisville, KY
Yeah, but Viconia's romance was the only normal one. I found both Aeria and Jaheira's romances creepy, for different reasons.

Yeah... "Hey, your husband was just killed due to someone wanting to kidnap me... wanna bang?"

It is somewhat... problematic.

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