After trying to play this game past the Skyhold section and quitting in disgust half an hour later, I can safely attest to the fact that the multitude of copy-pasted fetch quests and buttfuck else to do in this game is the one and only factor that killed it.
You could get past the shallow, restrictive combat system and just watch flashy effects flying around.
You could get past the crap writing, reminding yourself that this is Bioware (or a distant descendant thereof) and that writing has been crap since Baldur's Gate and it's not why any normal perosn would play a Biogame.
You could get past the cringeworthy SJW characters and laugh at their clown-like facial expressions and bad writing.
You could get past the cliche story and just go on a derp fantasy power trip.
You could get past the ugly graphics where every tree looks like it's made of colored carton.
You could get past the bland, mediocre, unmemorable, generic score, and a total lack of musical ambiance in 90% of the game.
You could get past the uncomfortable interface that makes you wonder what was wrong with DAO's interface where everything was visible and easy to use.
That's how I played through DAII, at any rate, and I only lost 40 points off my IQ after beating it. (don't worry, I'm still way beyond anyone on the Codex)
But the fact that 90% of the stuff you're going to do in this game is repeating the same basic chore over, and over, and over, until the game decides it's enough and lets you tackle another endless iteration of identical chores - this is one a game-killer.
If you come across an astrarium that gives you XP for "connect the dots" type of puzzle, you will have to find another three astrariums and do the exact same puzzle again.
If you find a crystal skull that shows you a number of shards to collect, you'll have to find another five skulls and collect another 20+ shards in this location alone.
If you happen to collect five random items and complete a requisition, you will have to find more sets of four random items for the other 10 requisition.
Nothing in this game is unique, and it doesn't help that almost every location is a bland, visually boring, generic terrain where nothing stands out, and a number of copy-pasted points of interest are sprinkled around the map with no rhyme or reason. The only half-way memorable place was the Fallow Mire, solely because it was a nocturnal, green marsh where undead came out every time you touched the water - and it was significantly smaller than the other locations.
And the cities - hahaha, remember Baldur's Gate or Athkatla, divided into numerous full-sized maps, filled with buildings, roads, architecture, docks, city walls, markets, and everything? Well, we're in glorious 2015 sci fi future, and the famed, much lauded and anticipated Capital of the Empire of Orlais,
Vál Röyéǔáx itself, is one tiny round square with four nooks heading in every direction, and a tiny upper level consisting of one short corridor. Imperial capital and world hub of fashion, art and glamour indeed.
I have no choice but to conclude that DAI is indeed a worse game than DAII, at least I could run through DAII once, cringing at how awful it is, and uninstall it forever with a clear conscience. DAI will forever remain the one CRPG whose story mode I could not finish even once. This is the last time I ever try playing DAI, and the last thing I ever have to say about it - ever. Goodbye, Bioware, you won't be getting any business from me ever again - not even pirate business.