finished the game few days ago. now that the impressions have settled, i can say i enjoyed this game. yes, the combat is not that good, the war table is cute but utterly meaningless (if at least there was influence penalty and options to fail), the trading system is laughable and side quest are mostly inadequate etc. the main quest is also too short and last part is rushed (with few very cheesy-cringe worthy moments- choir singing especially).
on the other hand i never play MMO-s and i find the majority of games have tedious side quests so there's that.
so, this was overall still better and more engaging than celebrated DOS, that ironically more stereotypical in narrative department and only had good combat going for it. in the end this confirms i'm a storyfag, i don't care for an rpg without story, plenty of other games to satisfy ludus only.
to be honest, very few games can be considered artistic achievement and this is not one of them- it should be enjoyed as an AAA- title that panders to the inner hero fantasy everyone has, just like majority of hollywood for example. in that regard it is entertaning and excellent at times, better than dull origins or da2.
codex is just too proud too put credit where credit is due, and i hope this game is massively successful so i always have a fresh thread to return to, to listen the delicious crying of butthurt codex cisquisitors.