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Editorial The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion Retrospective


Mar 28, 2010
The article's writer should be thanking the Codex, rather than being offended and juvenile. The increased exposure of his unparalleled critical eye and tremendous writing ability will surely land him a job at IGN, or perhaps even a vaunted position working for Bethesda's elite writing team.
Feb 7, 2010

the fuck? i think homeboy need a calculator and a math class.

Overall score is not an average[/IGN.co.uk]
Just a teaser of the overall stupidity in these days' reviews.
May 6, 2009
Glass Fields, Ruins of Old Iran
TwinkieGorilla said:
i honestly think i would like to hurt Todd Howard. like, when i think about it, it calms my rage. and hell, he'd probably like it, right? because violence is fucking funny! right?

shit. i'd like to at least put a severed horse's head in his bed while he sleeps.

Make sure it's an armored horse head.

entertainer said:
you know what i think would be cool in oblivion2 if you wher allowed to go to the shivering isle ond get knights of the nine without an ecspanshon pack. you should also be abe to get yo be an emporor but you get robbed and turn poor then the story of the game should be to rise back to bwing imporor
:lol: :lol:

don't laugh, it's a well know fact that the imporor is just the current richest guy in the imperial empire, and if you rob him you get to be imporor yourself. A true man's impire.

Foreign Mind

Apr 29, 2010
never once in their reviews do they say it's based on an average.

It clearly says "Overall Score".

The reviewers score each category and then give an overall score.

That site is clearly a niche site, they have a target audience.

If you don't like what they do at the site then stop going there.


does a good job.
Oct 19, 2007
Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Pathfinder: Wrath
Foreign Mind said:
never once in their reviews do they say it's based on an average.

It clearly says "Overall Score".

The reviewers score each category and then give an overall score.

That site is clearly a niche site, they have a target audience.

a little late on the draw, partner. unlike your Imporor, i only need to have things pointed out to me once.

If you don't like what they do at the site then stop going there.

sorry. i clicked on a link that said "All Anal Chain Reaction Action" and all i got was this lousy review site!


Apr 22, 2010
the vast
Foreign Mind said:
That site is clearly a niche site, they have a target audience.

The fuck? Didn't see any visitor criteria mentioned anywhere there. Do i have to be this high? Do i have to have a gold chain on my neck and make silly gestures with my hands to be able to comprehend and perceive the words written there as they should be?

It's an article posted on a website, stop being so god-damn butthurt over a few people making fun of this guy's gangsta style and uninspired wank of a review. Still can't believe you played the racist card. You know who is racist here? You are. Because you seem to think just because the guy is black he's immune to critique, that he deserves special leniency due to his skin colour. Fuck off.

Foreign Mind

Apr 29, 2010
madbringer said:
Foreign Mind said:
That site is clearly a niche site, they have a target audience.

The fuck? Didn't see any visitor criteria mentioned anywhere there. Do i have to be this high? Do i have to have a gold chain on my neck and make silly gestures with my hands to be able to comprehend and perceive the words written there as they should be?

It's an article posted on a website, stop being so god-damn butthurt over a few people making fun of this guy's gangsta style and uninspired wank of a review. Still can't believe you played the racist card. You know who is racist here? You are. Because you seem to think just because the guy is black he's immune to critique, that he deserves special leniency due to his skin colour. Fuck off.

I never said you had to be anything to comprehend the words written. Just that not everyone will appreciate the content they have on the site. They have a lot of hip hop related content, and gaming content. Which suggests that people who like hip hop and gaming will appreciate what they have to offer more.

I am not sure how I am being racist for counteracting a foolish stereotype that somebody put on the author because of his skin color. But I assure you he is not exempt from any from of critique. However there are more mature ways to go about giving criticism. I am sure he would welcome you speaking to him like a man to discuss why you do not agree with his opinions.

Whatever, I won't waste time trying to resolve this issue anymore. Clearly people forget people skills when sitting at a computer.


Apr 27, 2010
Foreign Mind said:
Clearly people forget people skills when sitting at a computer.

Deep insight man. If you don't want a review to be attacked and criticized maybe even in a manner you find hurtful with don't post it on the freaking Internet.


Apr 22, 2010
the vast
@Foreign Mind:

I don't even care about this article of his, i'm just annoyed by your knight in a shining armor act. All the racism here boils down to people making fun of his style that caters rather strongly to the common stereotype of a black wannabe gangster.

Yes, there are More Mature Ways to criticize the written word, but c'mon, this is the codex, what do you expect?

Alsoplustoo, when you post something on the internet, you have to expect people of all demographics, social circles and breed to read, comment and adequately express their feeling on your material. Target audience notwithstanding, and i still think it's bullshit. Everyone wants as many hits as they can get, after all.

All i'm saying is, don't take this so seriously.

Foreign Mind

Apr 29, 2010
madbringer said:
@Foreign Mind:

Alsoplustoo, when you post something on the internet, you have to expect people of all demographics, social circles and breed to read, comment and adequately express their feeling on your material. Target audience notwithstanding, and i still think it's bullshit. Everyone wants as many hits as they can get, after all.

All i'm saying is, don't take this so seriously.

Like I said, people who like hip hop and gaming will appreciate their content more. I am not saying that nobody at all should criticize. You guys just went overboard with the racism thats all. I am pretty sure if he was an average white guy he wouldn't have been personally attacked like that.

I am far from a knight in shining armor. I just do not agree with people using race to undermine someones opinion. Why can't you just disagree with him without personally attacking him?


Apr 18, 2008
What does he mean he's sad the comments had to go? Do they get deleted automatically if they get too many negative votes or he deleted them because he's a pussy?

Also, he's so gonna hate on white guys even more now.


Apr 22, 2010
the vast
I'm pretty sure there are numerous instances of Codexians napalm bombing merry white folk with the same glee they verbally assaulted sir Bling Bling over there.

It's not about his race, it's about his way of expressing himself plus his style. Not sure i can put more emphasis on that. Hell, it was covered earlier in the thread, why do i even have to explain this? Do you really believe everyone that falls into this 'LOL NIGER' brainwave on the internet is a racist and/or truly believes he's the master race or some ridiculous shit like that? Meh.

If you can't stand the fumes, get out of the gas chamber. :smug:

Foreign Mind

Apr 29, 2010
madbringer said:
I'm pretty sure there are numerous instances of Codexians napalm bombing merry white folk with the same glee they verbally assaulted sir Bling Bling over there.

It's not about his race, it's about his way of expressing himself plus his style. Not sure i can put more emphasis on that. Hell, it was covered earlier in the thread, why do i even have to explain this? Do you really believe everyone that falls into this 'LOL NIGER' brainwave on the internet is a racist and/or truly believes he's the master race or some ridiculous shit like that? Meh.

If you can't stand the fumes, get out of the gas chamber. :smug:

Even so, what's wrong with how he expresses himself?

Is every human being supposed to act the same way? He likes hip hop music so naturally his style is influenced by it.


Feb 26, 2005
Foreign Mind said:
Like I said, people who like hip hop and gaming will appreciate their content more.

Liking hip hop doesn't make you immune to criticism, and, as others have mentioned, neither does being a nigger. There is absolutely nothing in that article that gives a unique "hip hop" perspective.

You guys just went overboard with the racism thats all.

One person (ME! :D) said nigger. That's not going overboard. You're making up what you want to see. Also, just come out and admit you are this douchebag because trying to act like his "knight in shining armor" is pretty gay, dude.

I am pretty sure if he was an average white guy he wouldn't have been personally attacked like that.

If he... *ahem* YOU had been an average white guy with that stupid hat and that stupid pose you would have been attacked even MORE.

I am sure he would welcome you speaking to him like a man to discuss why you do not agree with his opinions.

No. He'll show up and cry racism, completely ignoring all criticism.


"Four years later"
Welcome to the new ancient history.

"so what kind of so called journalist would I be"
You're not one. Writing an article for some fanboy console site does not make you a fucking journalist.

"each character race dominates its own region"
Except for Cyrodiil, which in lore is (was) a melting pot. Imperials didn't even exist as a race until Morrowind.

"Every region of the Elder Scrolls world has its own secrets and mysteries"
What the hell does this mean?

"you will come across many different races in each of the towns"
You will in the most artificial sense. They all share the same body, many share the same texture, and most share the same voice actor. They all share the same dialog lines.

"Those who enjoy a fluent pace in storyline’s to hold their attention might throw Elder Scrolls: Oblivion to the side very quickly"
You mean good storytelling?

"You are completely in control of the pace of the plot in Oblivion, which is what I love because the game is essentially letting you craft your own destiny however you like it"
Within the confines of the completely linear quests, of course. Your "crafting" basically amounts to what order you tackle the paper thin missions.

"You must fight constant dark forces until you are able to once and for all eradicate the threats of Oblivion and its ruler Mehrunes Dagon"
See what you've done to the lore, Bethesda, by appealing to these failed abortions? Dagon is now the ruler of Oblivion. Not his plane, but Oblivion itself. The other daedra hardly even exist because you took the destruction guy and set him up as a goddamn Satan.

"It is an interesting quest that will see you exploring the whole of Cyrodiil and closing Oblivion gates"
How is it interesting? Describe, please. The whole of Cyrodiil is basically cut and pasted forests, and the Oblivion gates are carbon copies of each other.

"What Elder Scrolls: Oblivion does real well, is give the player complete freedom throughout the quest. You only have to complete as much of it as you wish to."
That's not freedom. That's ThereIsNoCowLevel.

"You will discover useful items that will allow you to create powerful enhancements that will make you become a force to be reckoned with"
Unfortunately, every monster in the game will magically become an even greater force to be reckoned with, thanks to level scaling. Progress is an illusion in this game. You're more successful if you stay at level 2 or 3.

"the main quest is nothing"
First true thing said in this "article".

"The fact that there are two huge expansion packs doesn’t make it any easier either"
I'm sure he meant one moderate expansion pack and a slightly longer than average DLC.

"What’s incredible is that these quests aren’t just pitiful side quests you see in your average RPG’s or Sandbox titles"
Uh, yes they are, and...

"In every quest you accept in Elder Scrolls: Oblivion you will face great challenges, and once finished you obtain a great sense of accomplishment"
... you have to explain your absurd conclusions, playa. Just saying them doesn't make it true. You sound like a press release.

"Many quests will result in something in the world changing, making you feel like you have actually made a difference in the world"
That never happens. The first main quest gets rid of the Daedra spawns from a burned out city, and the last puts a statue in the middle of the Imperial City. That's the extent of world changing events.

"Every character you come across in this game has a schedule, their own attachment to the world"
Welcome to Bethesda hype, circa 2005.

"The people within the various communities all know and greet each other daily, sometimes meeting at bars or inns for conversation"
I saw a mudcrab the other day. Over, and over, and over.

"When the world is so life like, every contribution you make results in some kind of after effect."
Please explain this, because you sound like Pete's lapdog.

"To put it simply, these quests aren’t just something you do to level up or earn more money. Every quest has a purpose, and an after effect."
You're right. You don't gain experience points for creating quests. And yes, the quests' do have a purpose - to get you money. The after effect is you getting that money. Sometimes it's a level scaled item.

"What’s completely amazing about this game is that you don’t even have to do the main quest at all."
How is that amazing? It's interesting, sure, but not completely amazing.

"Once you escape from jail the world is yours (to quote Scarface)"
You can always tell newfag ganstas these days by their giddiness at quoting scarface.

"If you want to get real creative you can come up with a little quest of your own, such as visiting all the towns and killing everybody in the game (which I actually tried to do once)"

Real creativity, to me, is running around town and killing everybody. It's nice to see the limits of this journalist's imagination, and that he considers genocide a fun little "quest". Also, this quest is impossible because of essential NPCs, natch.

"You are only limited by your own imagination"
And the incredibly restrictive game mechanics.

"How about getting into real estate and saving up money to purchase all the available houses in the game? Once you’ve done that you can even become a collector by going out and obtaining certain objects and then decorating your mansion with them."
So collecting digital crap is the main point of the game. Thanks for pointing that out!

"It is completely up to you, Bethesda has provided you the world, and it’s up to you how you how you wish to live in it"
Pete called again, he wants his PR back.

"If you choose to go the Grand Theft Auto route, you better be careful because your crimes will earn you jail time (if you get caught)"
Jail time that is completely inconsequential. Also, guards are psychic. Also, you can reach a point where they will all just basically want to kill you.

"You actually have to serve the jail sentence too, but you can of course opt to skip through the whole sentence, because what kind of game would make you actually sit there through a 100 day sentence?"
Pointless sentence is pointless.

"How about becoming the most powerful being in Cyrodiil before you even start the main quest? Yes it is actually possible"

"There are novels to read, caves to explore, houses to break into, guilds to discover and unique items/weapons to obtain"
Less novels than Morrowind, less caves than Morrowind and they are all cut and paste, houses that are all the same and have no valuable items (level scaling), guilds that are all the same (and a smaller amount of them than Morrowind) and don't interact with each other, and level scaling means that unique items and weapons are horribly broken and can't be discovered by exploration until you've reached a certain level.

"I have never played a game this open before"
Just because you haven't played one doesn't mean they don't exist. Do a little research, mmkay? In fact, one that surpassed Oblivion in every way came out only a few years earlier than it - Morrowind. Even the ESF brats who prefer Oblivion can admit that that's only because it was their first introduction to the series. Hell, Fallout 3 was a better Oblivion than Oblivion.

"Four years later"
Welcome to the new ancient history.

"so what kind of so called journalist would I be"
You're not one. Writing an article for some fanboy console site does not make you a fucking journalist.

"each character race dominates its own region"
Except for Cyrodiil, which in lore is (was) a melting pot. Imperials didn't even exist as a race until Morrowind.

"Every region of the Elder Scrolls world has its own secrets and mysteries"
What the hell does this mean?

"you will come across many different races in each of the towns"
You will in the most artificial sense. They all share the same body, many share the same texture, and most share the same voice actor. They all share the same dialog lines.

"Those who enjoy a fluent pace in storyline’s to hold their attention might throw Elder Scrolls: Oblivion to the side very quickly"
You mean good storytelling?

"You are completely in control of the pace of the plot in Oblivion, which is what I love because the game is essentially letting you craft your own destiny however you like it"
Within the confines of the completely linear quests, of course. Your "crafting" basically amounts to what order you tackle the paper thin missions.

"You must fight constant dark forces until you are able to once and for all eradicate the threats of Oblivion and its ruler Mehrunes Dagon"
See what you've done to the lore, Bethesda, by appealing to these failed abortions? Dagon is now the ruler of Oblivion. Not his plane, but Oblivion itself. The other daedra hardly even exist because you took the destruction guy and set him up as a goddamn Satan.

"It is an interesting quest that will see you exploring the whole of Cyrodiil and closing Oblivion gates"
How is it interesting? Describe, please. The whole of Cyrodiil is basically cut and pasted forests, and the Oblivion gates are carbon copies of each other.

"What Elder Scrolls: Oblivion does real well, is give the player complete freedom throughout the quest. You only have to complete as much of it as you wish to."
That's not freedom. That's ThereIsNoCowLevel.

"You will discover useful items that will allow you to create powerful enhancements that will make you become a force to be reckoned with"
Unfortunately, every monster in the game will magically become an even greater force to be reckoned with, thanks to level scaling. Progress is an illusion in this game. You're more successful if you stay at level 2 or 3.

"the main quest is nothing"
First true thing said in this "article".

"The fact that there are two huge expansion packs doesn’t make it any easier either"
I'm sure he meant one moderate expansion pack and a slightly longer than average DLC.

"What’s incredible is that these quests aren’t just pitiful side quests you see in your average RPG’s or Sandbox titles"
Uh, yes they are, and...

"In every quest you accept in Elder Scrolls: Oblivion you will face great challenges, and once finished you obtain a great sense of accomplishment"
... you have to explain your absurd conclusions, playa. Just saying them doesn't make it true. You sound like a press release.

"Many quests will result in something in the world changing, making you feel like you have actually made a difference in the world"
That never happens. The first main quest gets rid of the Daedra spawns from a burned out city, and the last puts a statue in the middle of the Imperial City. That's the extent of world changing events.

"Every character you come across in this game has a schedule, their own attachment to the world"
Welcome to Bethesda hype, circa 2005.

"The people within the various communities all know and greet each other daily, sometimes meeting at bars or inns for conversation"
I saw a mudcrab the other day. Over, and over, and over.

"When the world is so life like, every contribution you make results in some kind of after effect."
Please explain this, because you sound like Pete's lapdog.

"To put it simply, these quests aren’t just something you do to level up or earn more money. Every quest has a purpose, and an after effect."
You're right. You don't gain experience points for creating quests. And yes, the quests' do have a purpose - to get you money. The after effect is you getting that money. Sometimes it's a level scaled item.

"What’s completely amazing about this game is that you don’t even have to do the main quest at all."
How is that amazing? It's interesting, sure, but not completely amazing.

"Once you escape from jail the world is yours (to quote Scarface)"
You can always tell newfag ganstas these days by their giddiness at quoting scarface.

"If you want to get real creative you can come up with a little quest of your own, such as visiting all the towns and killing everybody in the game (which I actually tried to do once)"

Real creativity, to me, is running around town and killing everybody. It's nice to see the limits of this journalist's imagination, and that he considers genocide a fun little "quest". Also, this quest is impossible because of essential NPCs, natch.

"You are only limited by your own imagination"
And the incredibly restrictive game mechanics.

"How about getting into real estate and saving up money to purchase all the available houses in the game? Once you’ve done that you can even become a collector by going out and obtaining certain objects and then decorating your mansion with them."
So collecting digital crap is the main point of the game. Thanks for pointing that out!

"It is completely up to you, Bethesda has provided you the world, and it’s up to you how you how you wish to live in it"
Pete called again, he wants his PR back.

"If you choose to go the Grand Theft Auto route, you better be careful because your crimes will earn you jail time (if you get caught)"
Jail time that is completely inconsequential. Also, guards are psychic. Also, you can reach a point where they will all just basically want to kill you.

"You actually have to serve the jail sentence too, but you can of course opt to skip through the whole sentence, because what kind of game would make you actually sit there through a 100 day sentence?"
Pointless sentence is pointless.

"How about becoming the most powerful being in Cyrodiil before you even start the main quest? Yes it is actually possible"

"There are novels to read, caves to explore, houses to break into, guilds to discover and unique items/weapons to obtain"
Less novels than Morrowind, less caves than Morrowind and they are all cut and paste, houses that are all the same and have no valuable items (level scaling), guilds that are all the same (and a smaller amount of them than Morrowind) and don't interact with each other, and level scaling means that unique items and weapons are horribly broken and can't be discovered by exploration until you've reached a certain level.

"I have never played a game this open before"
Just because you haven't played one doesn't mean they don't exist. Do a little research, mmkay? In fact, one that surpassed Oblivion in every way came out only a few years earlier than it - Morrowind. Even the ESF brats who prefer Oblivion can admit that that's only because it was their first introduction to the series. Hell, Fallout 3 was a better Oblivion than Oblivion.

"Four years later"
Welcome to the new ancient history.

"so what kind of so called journalist would I be"
You're not one. Writing an article for some fanboy console site does not make you a fucking journalist.

"each character race dominates its own region"
Except for Cyrodiil, which in lore is (was) a melting pot. Imperials didn't even exist as a race until Morrowind.

"Every region of the Elder Scrolls world has its own secrets and mysteries"
What the hell does this mean?

"you will come across many different races in each of the towns"
You will in the most artificial sense. They all share the same body, many share the same texture, and most share the same voice actor. They all share the same dialog lines.

"Those who enjoy a fluent pace in storyline’s to hold their attention might throw Elder Scrolls: Oblivion to the side very quickly"
You mean good storytelling?

"You are completely in control of the pace of the plot in Oblivion, which is what I love because the game is essentially letting you craft your own destiny however you like it"
Within the confines of the completely linear quests, of course. Your "crafting" basically amounts to what order you tackle the paper thin missions.

"You must fight constant dark forces until you are able to once and for all eradicate the threats of Oblivion and its ruler Mehrunes Dagon"
See what you've done to the lore, Bethesda, by appealing to these failed abortions? Dagon is now the ruler of Oblivion. Not his plane, but Oblivion itself. The other daedra hardly even exist because you took the destruction guy and set him up as a goddamn Satan.

"It is an interesting quest that will see you exploring the whole of Cyrodiil and closing Oblivion gates"
How is it interesting? Describe, please. The whole of Cyrodiil is basically cut and pasted forests, and the Oblivion gates are carbon copies of each other.

"What Elder Scrolls: Oblivion does real well, is give the player complete freedom throughout the quest. You only have to complete as much of it as you wish to."
That's not freedom. That's ThereIsNoCowLevel.

"You will discover useful items that will allow you to create powerful enhancements that will make you become a force to be reckoned with"
Unfortunately, every monster in the game will magically become an even greater force to be reckoned with, thanks to level scaling. Progress is an illusion in this game. You're more successful if you stay at level 2 or 3.

"the main quest is nothing"
First true thing said in this "article".

"The fact that there are two huge expansion packs doesn’t make it any easier either"
I'm sure he meant one moderate expansion pack and a slightly longer than average DLC.

"What’s incredible is that these quests aren’t just pitiful side quests you see in your average RPG’s or Sandbox titles"
Uh, yes they are, and...

"In every quest you accept in Elder Scrolls: Oblivion you will face great challenges, and once finished you obtain a great sense of accomplishment"
... you have to explain your absurd conclusions, playa. Just saying them doesn't make it true. You sound like a press release.

"Many quests will result in something in the world changing, making you feel like you have actually made a difference in the world"
That never happens. The first main quest gets rid of the Daedra spawns from a burned out city, and the last puts a statue in the middle of the Imperial City. That's the extent of world changing events.

"Every character you come across in this game has a schedule, their own attachment to the world"
Welcome to Bethesda hype, circa 2005.

"The people within the various communities all know and greet each other daily, sometimes meeting at bars or inns for conversation"
I saw a mudcrab the other day. Over, and over, and over.

"When the world is so life like, every contribution you make results in some kind of after effect."
Please explain this, because you sound like Pete's lapdog.

"To put it simply, these quests aren’t just something you do to level up or earn more money. Every quest has a purpose, and an after effect."
You're right. You don't gain experience points for creating quests. And yes, the quests' do have a purpose - to get you money. The after effect is you getting that money. Sometimes it's a level scaled item.

"What’s completely amazing about this game is that you don’t even have to do the main quest at all."
How is that amazing? It's interesting, sure, but not completely amazing.

"Once you escape from jail the world is yours (to quote Scarface)"
You can always tell newfag ganstas these days by their giddiness at quoting scarface.

"If you want to get real creative you can come up with a little quest of your own, such as visiting all the towns and killing everybody in the game (which I actually tried to do once)"

Real creativity, to me, is running around town and killing everybody. It's nice to see the limits of this journalist's imagination, and that he considers genocide a fun little "quest". Also, this quest is impossible because of essential NPCs, natch.

"You are only limited by your own imagination"
And the incredibly restrictive game mechanics.

"How about getting into real estate and saving up money to purchase all the available houses in the game? Once you’ve done that you can even become a collector by going out and obtaining certain objects and then decorating your mansion with them."
So collecting digital crap is the main point of the game. Thanks for pointing that out!

"It is completely up to you, Bethesda has provided you the world, and it’s up to you how you how you wish to live in it"
Pete called again, he wants his PR back.

"If you choose to go the Grand Theft Auto route, you better be careful because your crimes will earn you jail time (if you get caught)"
Jail time that is completely inconsequential. Also, guards are psychic. Also, you can reach a point where they will all just basically want to kill you.

"You actually have to serve the jail sentence too, but you can of course opt to skip through the whole sentence, because what kind of game would make you actually sit there through a 100 day sentence?"
Pointless sentence is pointless.

"How about becoming the most powerful being in Cyrodiil before you even start the main quest? Yes it is actually possible"

"There are novels to read, caves to explore, houses to break into, guilds to discover and unique items/weapons to obtain"
Less novels than Morrowind, less caves than Morrowind and they are all cut and paste, houses that are all the same and have no valuable items (level scaling), guilds that are all the same (and a smaller amount of them than Morrowind) and don't interact with each other, and level scaling means that unique items and weapons are horribly broken and can't be discovered by exploration until you've reached a certain level.

"I have never played a game this open before"
Just because you haven't played one doesn't mean they don't exist. Do a little research, mmkay? In fact, one that surpassed Oblivion in every way came out only a few years earlier than it - Morrowind. Even the ESF brats who prefer Oblivion can admit that that's only because it was their first introduction to the series. Hell, Fallout 3 was a better Oblivion than Oblivion.

"Four years later"
Welcome to the new ancient history.

"so what kind of so called journalist would I be"
You're not one. Writing an article for some fanboy console site does not make you a fucking journalist.

"each character race dominates its own region"
Except for Cyrodiil, which in lore is (was) a melting pot. Imperials didn't even exist as a race until Morrowind.

"Every region of the Elder Scrolls world has its own secrets and mysteries"
What the hell does this mean?

"you will come across many different races in each of the towns"
You will in the most artificial sense. They all share the same body, many share the same texture, and most share the same voice actor. They all share the same dialog lines.

"Those who enjoy a fluent pace in storyline’s to hold their attention might throw Elder Scrolls: Oblivion to the side very quickly"
You mean good storytelling?

"You are completely in control of the pace of the plot in Oblivion, which is what I love because the game is essentially letting you craft your own destiny however you like it"
Within the confines of the completely linear quests, of course. Your "crafting" basically amounts to what order you tackle the paper thin missions.

"You must fight constant dark forces until you are able to once and for all eradicate the threats of Oblivion and its ruler Mehrunes Dagon"
See what you've done to the lore, Bethesda, by appealing to these failed abortions? Dagon is now the ruler of Oblivion. Not his plane, but Oblivion itself. The other daedra hardly even exist because you took the destruction guy and set him up as a goddamn Satan.

"It is an interesting quest that will see you exploring the whole of Cyrodiil and closing Oblivion gates"
How is it interesting? Describe, please. The whole of Cyrodiil is basically cut and pasted forests, and the Oblivion gates are carbon copies of each other.

"What Elder Scrolls: Oblivion does real well, is give the player complete freedom throughout the quest. You only have to complete as much of it as you wish to."
That's not freedom. That's ThereIsNoCowLevel.

"You will discover useful items that will allow you to create powerful enhancements that will make you become a force to be reckoned with"
Unfortunately, every monster in the game will magically become an even greater force to be reckoned with, thanks to level scaling. Progress is an illusion in this game. You're more successful if you stay at level 2 or 3.

"the main quest is nothing"
First true thing said in this "article".

"The fact that there are two huge expansion packs doesn’t make it any easier either"
I'm sure he meant one moderate expansion pack and a slightly longer than average DLC.

"What’s incredible is that these quests aren’t just pitiful side quests you see in your average RPG’s or Sandbox titles"
Uh, yes they are, and...

"In every quest you accept in Elder Scrolls: Oblivion you will face great challenges, and once finished you obtain a great sense of accomplishment"
... you have to explain your absurd conclusions, playa. Just saying them doesn't make it true. You sound like a press release.

"Many quests will result in something in the world changing, making you feel like you have actually made a difference in the world"
That never happens. The first main quest gets rid of the Daedra spawns from a burned out city, and the last puts a statue in the middle of the Imperial City. That's the extent of world changing events.

"Every character you come across in this game has a schedule, their own attachment to the world"
Welcome to Bethesda hype, circa 2005.

"The people within the various communities all know and greet each other daily, sometimes meeting at bars or inns for conversation"
I saw a mudcrab the other day. Over, and over, and over.

"When the world is so life like, every contribution you make results in some kind of after effect."
Please explain this, because you sound like Pete's lapdog.

"To put it simply, these quests aren’t just something you do to level up or earn more money. Every quest has a purpose, and an after effect."
You're right. You don't gain experience points for creating quests. And yes, the quests' do have a purpose - to get you money. The after effect is you getting that money. Sometimes it's a level scaled item.

"What’s completely amazing about this game is that you don’t even have to do the main quest at all."
How is that amazing? It's interesting, sure, but not completely amazing.

"Once you escape from jail the world is yours (to quote Scarface)"
You can always tell newfag ganstas these days by their giddiness at quoting scarface.

"If you want to get real creative you can come up with a little quest of your own, such as visiting all the towns and killing everybody in the game (which I actually tried to do once)"

Real creativity, to me, is running around town and killing everybody. It's nice to see the limits of this journalist's imagination, and that he considers genocide a fun little "quest". Also, this quest is impossible because of essential NPCs, natch.

"You are only limited by your own imagination"
And the incredibly restrictive game mechanics.

"How about getting into real estate and saving up money to purchase all the available houses in the game? Once you’ve done that you can even become a collector by going out and obtaining certain objects and then decorating your mansion with them."
So collecting digital crap is the main point of the game. Thanks for pointing that out!

"It is completely up to you, Bethesda has provided you the world, and it’s up to you how you how you wish to live in it"
Pete called again, he wants his PR back.

"If you choose to go the Grand Theft Auto route, you better be careful because your crimes will earn you jail time (if you get caught)"
Jail time that is completely inconsequential. Also, guards are psychic. Also, you can reach a point where they will all just basically want to kill you.

"You actually have to serve the jail sentence too, but you can of course opt to skip through the whole sentence, because what kind of game would make you actually sit there through a 100 day sentence?"
Pointless sentence is pointless.

"How about becoming the most powerful being in Cyrodiil before you even start the main quest? Yes it is actually possible"

"There are novels to read, caves to explore, houses to break into, guilds to discover and unique items/weapons to obtain"
Less novels than Morrowind, less caves than Morrowind and they are all cut and paste, houses that are all the same and have no valuable items (level scaling), guilds that are all the same (and a smaller amount of them than Morrowind) and don't interact with each other, and level scaling means that unique items and weapons are horribly broken and can't be discovered by exploration until you've reached a certain level.

"I have never played a game this open before"
Just because you haven't played one doesn't mean they don't exist. Do a little research, mmkay? In fact, one that surpassed Oblivion in every way came out only a few years earlier than it - Morrowind. Even the ESF brats who prefer Oblivion can admit that that's only because it was their first introduction to the series. Hell, Fallout 3 was a better Oblivion than Oblivion.

"Four years later"
Welcome to the new ancient history.

"so what kind of so called journalist would I be"
You're not one. Writing an article for some fanboy console site does not make you a fucking journalist.

"each character race dominates its own region"
Except for Cyrodiil, which in lore is (was) a melting pot. Imperials didn't even exist as a race until Morrowind.

"Every region of the Elder Scrolls world has its own secrets and mysteries"
What the hell does this mean?

"you will come across many different races in each of the towns"
You will in the most artificial sense. They all share the same body, many share the same texture, and most share the same voice actor. They all share the same dialog lines.

"Those who enjoy a fluent pace in storyline’s to hold their attention might throw Elder Scrolls: Oblivion to the side very quickly"
You mean good storytelling?

"You are completely in control of the pace of the plot in Oblivion, which is what I love because the game is essentially letting you craft your own destiny however you like it"
Within the confines of the completely linear quests, of course. Your "crafting" basically amounts to what order you tackle the paper thin missions.

"You must fight constant dark forces until you are able to once and for all eradicate the threats of Oblivion and its ruler Mehrunes Dagon"
See what you've done to the lore, Bethesda, by appealing to these failed abortions? Dagon is now the ruler of Oblivion. Not his plane, but Oblivion itself. The other daedra hardly even exist because you took the destruction guy and set him up as a goddamn Satan.

"It is an interesting quest that will see you exploring the whole of Cyrodiil and closing Oblivion gates"
How is it interesting? Describe, please. The whole of Cyrodiil is basically cut and pasted forests, and the Oblivion gates are carbon copies of each other.

"What Elder Scrolls: Oblivion does real well, is give the player complete freedom throughout the quest. You only have to complete as much of it as you wish to."
That's not freedom. That's ThereIsNoCowLevel.

"You will discover useful items that will allow you to create powerful enhancements that will make you become a force to be reckoned with"
Unfortunately, every monster in the game will magically become an even greater force to be reckoned with, thanks to level scaling. Progress is an illusion in this game. You're more successful if you stay at level 2 or 3.

"the main quest is nothing"
First true thing said in this "article".

"The fact that there are two huge expansion packs doesn’t make it any easier either"
I'm sure he meant one moderate expansion pack and a slightly longer than average DLC.

"What’s incredible is that these quests aren’t just pitiful side quests you see in your average RPG’s or Sandbox titles"
Uh, yes they are, and...

"In every quest you accept in Elder Scrolls: Oblivion you will face great challenges, and once finished you obtain a great sense of accomplishment"
... you have to explain your absurd conclusions, playa. Just saying them doesn't make it true. You sound like a press release.

"Many quests will result in something in the world changing, making you feel like you have actually made a difference in the world"
That never happens. The first main quest gets rid of the Daedra spawns from a burned out city, and the last puts a statue in the middle of the Imperial City. That's the extent of world changing events.

"Every character you come across in this game has a schedule, their own attachment to the world"
Welcome to Bethesda hype, circa 2005.

"The people within the various communities all know and greet each other daily, sometimes meeting at bars or inns for conversation"
I saw a mudcrab the other day. Over, and over, and over.

"When the world is so life like, every contribution you make results in some kind of after effect."
Please explain this, because you sound like Pete's lapdog.

"To put it simply, these quests aren’t just something you do to level up or earn more money. Every quest has a purpose, and an after effect."
You're right. You don't gain experience points for creating quests. And yes, the quests' do have a purpose - to get you money. The after effect is you getting that money. Sometimes it's a level scaled item.

"What’s completely amazing about this game is that you don’t even have to do the main quest at all."
How is that amazing? It's interesting, sure, but not completely amazing.

"Once you escape from jail the world is yours (to quote Scarface)"
You can always tell newfag ganstas these days by their giddiness at quoting scarface.

"If you want to get real creative you can come up with a little quest of your own, such as visiting all the towns and killing everybody in the game (which I actually tried to do once)"

Real creativity, to me, is running around town and killing everybody. It's nice to see the limits of this journalist's imagination, and that he considers genocide a fun little "quest". Also, this quest is impossible because of essential NPCs, natch.

"You are only limited by your own imagination"
And the incredibly restrictive game mechanics.

"How about getting into real estate and saving up money to purchase all the available houses in the game? Once you’ve done that you can even become a collector by going out and obtaining certain objects and then decorating your mansion with them."
So collecting digital crap is the main point of the game. Thanks for pointing that out!

"It is completely up to you, Bethesda has provided you the world, and it’s up to you how you how you wish to live in it"
Pete called again, he wants his PR back.

"If you choose to go the Grand Theft Auto route, you better be careful because your crimes will earn you jail time (if you get caught)"
Jail time that is completely inconsequential. Also, guards are psychic. Also, you can reach a point where they will all just basically want to kill you.

"You actually have to serve the jail sentence too, but you can of course opt to skip through the whole sentence, because what kind of game would make you actually sit there through a 100 day sentence?"
Pointless sentence is pointless.

"How about becoming the most powerful being in Cyrodiil before you even start the main quest? Yes it is actually possible"

"There are novels to read, caves to explore, houses to break into, guilds to discover and unique items/weapons to obtain"
Less novels than Morrowind, less caves than Morrowind and they are all cut and paste, houses that are all the same and have no valuable items (level scaling), guilds that are all the same (and a smaller amount of them than Morrowind) and don't interact with each other, and level scaling means that unique items and weapons are horribly broken and can't be discovered by exploration until you've reached a certain level.

"I have never played a game this open before"
Just because you haven't played one doesn't mean they don't exist. Do a little research, mmkay? In fact, one that surpassed Oblivion in every way came out only a few years earlier than it - Morrowind. Even the ESF brats who prefer Oblivion can admit that that's only because it was their first introduction to the series. Hell, Fallout 3 was a better Oblivion than Oblivion.



Apr 22, 2010
the vast


Feb 26, 2005
I don't know why, but I am actually interested in how this guy would respond. Or, at least how his alt would respond for him.
May 6, 2009
Glass Fields, Ruins of Old Iran
Why are we even discussing that review? It was filled to the brim with vague shit like "every character will", "every quest has", "every region is".

Worthless unless you know the reviwer and blindly trust his opinion.

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