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Editorial The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion Retrospective


Jan 16, 2010
Mastermind said:
Sceptic said:
I was enjoying the post until I got to "things that made Oblivion successful". Then I stopped reading after "deep, involving story". WTF is wrong with people? How can you find OBLIVION'S story deep?

Actually it's pretty simple: most of it is not spoonfed, you have to figure it out yourself. It's hardly a surprise that the typical codexer retard who thinks fallout had a good plot is incapable of comprehending how ES storytelling works.

Obvious troll is obvious; however, I would like to point out that I, like a lot of codexians I'm sure, hold Fallout's story to be... mediocre. Merely passable. Especially the second one. But its not a story based game. It is a free-roaming, choice-based game. With great atmosphere, music, graphics, and satisfying combat to boot. And in these aspects it is undoubtedly unsurpassed.
Apr 16, 2010
I actually liked the Mythic Dawn part of Oblivion's main quest a lot. Too bad it's not fleshed out enough, though. But it still nicely fits into the lore.

Dawn is breaking. Greet the new day.


does a good job.
Oct 19, 2007
Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Pathfinder: Wrath
Mastermind said:
Actually it's pretty simple: most of it is not spoonfed, you have to figure it out yourself. It's hardly a surprise that the typical codexer retard who thinks fallout had a good plot is incapable of comprehending how ES storytelling works.

Master, Master, where's the dreams that I've been after?
Master, Master, you promised only lies
Laughter, laughter, all I hear or see is laughter
Laughter, laughter, laughing at my cries


Dec 18, 2008
Mastermind said:
Sceptic said:
I was enjoying the post until I got to "things that made Oblivion successful". Then I stopped reading after "deep, involving story". WTF is wrong with people? How can you find OBLIVION'S story deep?

Actually it's pretty simple: most of it is not spoonfed, you have to figure it out yourself. It's hardly a surprise that the typical codexer retard who thinks fallout had a good plot is incapable of comprehending how ES storytelling works.

I'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite troll on the Codex.


Cognito Elite Material
Apr 15, 2010
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
CrimHead said:
Obvious troll is obvious;

Just because I don't have the massive barbed cock of Bethesda Hatred in my mouth doesn't mean I'm trolling. Though I suppose posting something like that here could be considered trolling.

however, I would like to point out that I, like a lot of codexians I'm sure, hold Fallout's story to be... mediocre. Merely passable. Especially the second one. But its not a story based game. It is a free-roaming, choice-based game. With great atmosphere, music, graphics, and satisfying combat to boot. And in these aspects it is undoubtedly unsurpassed.

I haven't played Fallout 2 because I uninstalled it as soon as they tried to force me to go through the most POS "tutorial" I've ever seen in any game (which is quite a feat because I've been known to give all sorts of shit games a decent try, I even managed to finish Dungeon Lords), but I did play and beat Fallout 1 three times and it was about as "free roaming" as Rosie O'Donnel's treadmill (which isn't necessarily a bad thing, beats the eye bleeding, repetitive shit that was Daggerfall's exploration). Coincidentally, Oblivion is also a free roaming game, and the story is at its core identical to Fallout 1 in that it's the same old cliche shit involving some inhuman douchebag trying to take over the world. The difference between Fallout and Oblivion's story is that Oblivion's story has a lot more details added to it, many of which you have to figure out yourself, some of which tie into the lore from the previous games and would thus require you to do quite a bit of research if you haven't played them (and even if you have as nobody can remember everything), and some of them are open ended allowing for a great deal of speculation (which is vital to a good story) and perhaps having them tied up in future games. By comparison Fallout 1 has a simple, straightforward story and a minimal amount of side information to find which is only there because it's necessary for one of the endings. In other words, it's perfect for consoletards and codex fags (but I repeat myself).

Oh, one more thing: if the story is shit, choice and consequence is irrelevant. When I played fallout I literally gave next to no shit about who i helped and who i screwed because I didn't like any of the boring, generic characters that were asking for it. I'm actually getting the urge to install the game again just so I can kill every single npc in the game.


Apr 22, 2010
the vast
Mastermind said:
Just because I don't have the massive barbed cock of Bethesda Hatred in my mouth doesn't mean I'm trolling.

No, you just have a regular massive barbed cock in your mouth.


Cognito Elite Material
Apr 15, 2010
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
madbringer said:
Mastermind said:
Just because I don't have the massive barbed cock of Bethesda Hatred in my mouth doesn't mean I'm trolling.

No, you just have a regular massive barbed cock in your mouth.

What can I say, your mother's an interesting woman.


Apr 22, 2010
the vast
Mastermind said:
madbringer said:
Mastermind said:
Just because I don't have the massive barbed cock of Bethesda Hatred in my mouth doesn't mean I'm trolling.

No, you just have a regular massive barbed cock in your mouth.

What can I say, your mother's an interesting woman.

Why, thank you, kind sir. Politeness comes off as a surprise from a man walking around with massive barbed cocks in his mouth.


Apr 18, 2008
When I played fallout I literally gave next to no shit about who i helped and who i screwed because I didn't like any of the boring, generic characters that were asking for it.

Whereas in Oblivion you trip over awesome characters, that's how many there are!

Jesus, someone comparing positively Obliblian to Fallout. That's something new.

As for the story/plot of Fallout deal, that's one of the most retarded simplifications I've read. You Mastermind, are an idiot.

and some of them are open ended allowing for a great deal of speculation

Like the evil dudes in Mass Effect who don't want to say why they want do destroy everything. Open to speculation, awesome story.


Apr 18, 2008
I haven't played Fallout 2 because I uninstalled it as soon as they tried to force me to go through the most POS "tutorial" I've ever seen in any game

And this... did you play Fallout 3? Because the retardedness of that tutorial cannot be equaled.


Cognito Elite Material
Apr 15, 2010
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
FeelTheRads said:
Whereas in Oblivion you trip over awesome characters, that's how many there are!

Oblivion has so many characters that it would've been impossible for Bethesda to not make a few awesome ones no matter how hard they tried. Fallout 1 had only one memorable character: Tandi. And she's only memorable because she's the only one that looks even remotely fuckable. Though I'm sure Gizmo and Dogmeat are more up your alley.

Jesus, someone comparing positively Obliblian to Fallout. That's something new.

It's only new because nobody here's ever actually played Oblivion.

As for the story/plot of Fallout deal, that's one of the most retarded simplifications I've read. You Mastermind, are an idiot.

It's impossible for me to simplify a bare bones piece of shit like fallout. Anyone who thinks there is anything complex about Fallout should be happy because they are now eligible for a permit to park in the retard spot.

Like the evil dudes in Mass Effect who don't want to say why they want do destroy everything. Open to speculation, awesome story.

I only played Mass Effect a little longer than I played Fallout 2 before I uninstalled it so I can't comment here chief. I should note that a shit game (and mass effect is shit) can still have an excellent story.


Cognito Elite Material
Apr 15, 2010
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
FeelTheRads said:
I haven't played Fallout 2 because I uninstalled it as soon as they tried to force me to go through the most POS "tutorial" I've ever seen in any game

And this... did you play Fallout 3? Because the retardedness of that tutorial cannot be equaled.

Yes, I did play Fallout 3. The tutorial is bearable. I rarely dismiss a game out of hand because the tutorial's shit anyway. Fallout 2's an exception.


Apr 18, 2008
And she's only memorable because she's the only one that looks even remotely fuckable.

Good characters = fuckable characters. Got it.

Though I'm sure Gizmo and Dogmeat are more up your alley.


It's only new because nobody here's ever actually played Oblivion.


Anyone who thinks there is anything complex about Fallout should be happy because they are now eligible for a permit to park in the retard spot.

Here, let me try to be as edgy as you: anyone who thinks Oblivion's story is anything more than shit is a prime example for why abortion is a good thing.

It's cute how you try to save it with "lore" which was put in place by the previous games and raped by Oblivion, though.
If only for the different ways you can go about completing it and The Master's motivation and Fallout's story is more complex than Oblivion's bullshit.

The tutorial is bearable. I rarely dismiss a game out of hand because the tutorial's shit anyway. Fallout 2's an exception.

Tutorial in Fallout 2: 5-10 minutes (less if you run through it, which you can) in which you can get to try several skills
Tutorial in Fallout 3: more than 1 hour of hand-holding bullshit, shitty dialog and embarrassing moments

You fail.


Apr 22, 2010
the vast
Make sure to obtain all the downloadable content while you're at it. It's worth it's price, the quality to expense ratio is absurd, and who wouldn't want to see Mr. Hoofkins in a shiny set of steel armor, anyway.


Jan 21, 2008
Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Divinity: Original Sin Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Divinity: Original Sin 2
This thread amuses me.
Whiny bitches don't know how to argue the Codex way.



Cognito Elite Material
Apr 15, 2010
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
FeelTheRads said:
Good characters = fuckable characters. Got it.

I didn't say she's good, I said she's memorable. And it was a joke. TBH I'd sooner forehead dot-fuck her father. Although I did lie about something: the master was a pretty decent character that got shit all over so you c&c retards can have something to splurge over.

Here, let me try to be as edgy as you: anyone who thinks Oblivion's story is anything more than shit is a prime example for why abortion is a good thing.

Fail. To be as edgy as me you'd have to be capable of comprehending both subjects. TBH I doubt you even understand what made Fallout a good game in the first place given that you'd sell your first born for every piece of shit that has CHOICE AND CONSEQUENCE in it. The difference between people like you and people who think Mario is a good game because you can jump in it is trivial.

It's cute how you try to save it with "lore" which was put in place by the previous games and raped by Oblivion, though.

What lore did Oblivion "rape"? If you mean that some things changed, some things changed in Morrowind too. They're almost always trivial and irrelevant.

Well, the one exception I can think of is the way Beth raped Mannimarco, but if we're gonna introduce side quests as a point of comparison then Fallout fails even harder. I only need mention the caravan attacks quest where you are handheld all the way to a half dead deathclaw den. And then the quest ends. I don't really have to do anything, just talk with a bunch of people who helpfully guide me to the next mark faster than any compass arrow could ever dream. No actual investigation, no interesting intrigue (which I was looking forward to, and the absence of which ended up making me sacrifice seven kittens and one C&C faggot to Azathoth when they did not materialize), nothing. That pretty much sums up every fallout quest I had the stomach to finish. Judging by the fallout wiki, i missed a whole bunch which is proof God exists and wants me to be slightly less miserable than I usually am.

If only for the different ways you can go about completing it


It never ceases to amaze me how much dick a codexer is willing to suck as long as the game in question has a feature they like, even if it's poorly implemented. Fallout's story is shit. Just because you can complete it through more than one way does not make it good, just like a FPS is not automatically good just because it has guns in it. Unfortunately, your lilliputian brain is unable to comprehend the idea that just because a feature exists in a game does not suddenly make either the game or the feature good.

and The Master's motivation

A fusion of hippies and Hitler is bound to have interesting motivations.

Tutorial in Fallout 2: 5-10 minutes (less if you run through it, which you can) in which you can get to try several skills

HOLY SHIT I GET TO TRY SEVERAL SKILLS! MY KEYBOARD CAN TAKE ALL THIS MOISTURE! I don't give a fuck. You can try several skills in the Fallout 3 tutorial too. I already know how to play from fallout 1 and something tells me the shit skills haven't suddenly become any less shit.

Tutorial in Fallout 3: more than 1 hour

If it takes you more than 1 hour to finish the fallout 3 tutorial then you can forget about the retard parking spot because nobody'll let you behind the wheel of a car.
Nov 1, 2008
Cuntington Manor
Mastermind said:
Sceptic said:
I was enjoying the post until I got to "things that made Oblivion successful". Then I stopped reading after "deep, involving story". WTF is wrong with people? How can you find OBLIVION'S story deep?

Actually it's pretty simple: most of it is not spoonfed, you have to figure it out yourself. It's hardly a surprise that the typical codexer retard who thinks fallout had a good plot is incapable of comprehending how ES storytelling works.

Go on, I am reading. Tell me all about Oblivions story.


Apr 18, 2008
To be as edgy as me you'd have to be capable of comprehending both subjects.

Sorry, I was not able to judge your comprehension aptitude with that Bethesda dick so far down your throat.

TBH I doubt you even understand what made Fallout a good game in the first place given that you'd sell your first born for every piece of shit that has CHOICE AND CONSEQUENCE in it. The difference between people like you and people who think Mario is a good game because you can jump in it is trivial.

Nice assumptions there, however I never mentioned C&C.


Again, I didn't mention C&C. I don't know where you're pulling these out from. More ways to finish =/= C&C

Unfortunately, your lilliputian brain is unable to comprehend the idea that just because a feature exists in a game does not suddenly make either the game or the feature good.

Le yawn. Get over it already, dumbshit.

Also, somebody who thinks Oblivion is a good game, or even a mediocre one automatically loses any argument over what makes a game good.

I don't give a fuck.

It's completely irrelevant if you give a fuck or not. The point is that you can go through it so fast it's almost like skipping it. No such thing in Fallout 3 where you have to go through all the imbecilic moments like the birth, the first steps and so on.

I already know how to play from fallout 1
Oh, right, I guess you didn't know how to walk in a first-person game, good thing Fallout 3 is there to help.


Jun 10, 2007
Mastermind said:
What lore did Oblivion "rape"? If you mean that some things changed, some things changed in Morrowind too.

How about turning the province of Cyrodiil into a generic fantasyland instead of a lush, densely vegetated jungle?


Cognito Elite Material
Apr 15, 2010
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
FeelTheRads said:
Sorry, I was not able to judge your comprehension aptitude with that Bethesda dick so far down your throat.

Actually I hate Bethesda. They ruined oblivion's archery, removed all the gravity manipulation effects that made morrowind fun, thought it was a good idea to deal with the overpowered Enchant skill by removing it altogether (and still failing because staffs are the best weapon in the game), propped mannimarco's mouth wide open and shat down his throat, etc. They had the opportunity to make an excellent game and instead ruined a good chunk of it with stupid shit that for the most part could be fixed in a matter of minutes by someone who has access to the source code. Just because I like their RPGs and think they are vastly superior to much of the shit that passes for a 10/10 game around here does not mean their cock is lodged down my throat. Unlike you, my vision is not and probably never will be obscured by any game company's crotch.

Nice assumptions there, however I never mentioned C&C.

Again, I didn't mention C&C. I don't know where you're pulling these out from. More ways to finish =/= C&C

Sweet fuck, if you were any more retarded you'd be the President of the United States of America. You make choice A, you get ending A. You make choice B, you get ending B. You make choice C, you get ending C. Etc. That's choice and consequence.

Le yawn. Get over it already, dumbshit.

Also, somebody who thinks Oblivion is a good game, or even a mediocre one automatically loses any argument over what makes a game good.

A retard doing wheelies in a Corolla has a higher entertainment value than you do.

It's completely irrelevant if you give a fuck or not. The point is that you can go through it so fast it's almost like skipping it.

No it's not. If it was, I would've beaten fallout 2 as well, just to be able to explain to turds like you why it's not as good as you think it is.

No such thing in Fallout 3 where you have to go through all the imbecilic moments like the birth, the first steps and so on.

The Fallout 3 tutorial did not bother me at all the first time I played it and unlike fallout 2 I don't have to replay it again if I start a new game. I'm sorry if you lack the patience and attention span necessary to get through a quick, easy tutorial. Unfortunately, things will only get worse for you once you have to go to school and deal with all those numbers and letters and shit.

Oh, right, I guess you didn't know how to walk in a first-person game, good thing Fallout 3 is there to help.

Walking is not the only thing you need to know to play Fallout 3. I don't need a tutorial, but some people do and it was made well enough to justify its existence. Fallout 2 got an abomination that isn't even a real tutorial whose only purpose for existing is to piss people off.


Apr 18, 2008
How about turning the province of Cyrodiil into a generic fantasyland instead of a lush, densely vegetated jungle?

That's like trivial, dude.

It doesn't matter when the game has awesome characters like Picard.


And to get back to the tutorial bit a little, so he can understand it too:

Not only it takes only a few minutes, you also don't get any of "click here to move" bullshit. It's hardly a thing to make you don't want to play the game, as opposed to the "press jump to jump" bullshit you're served in Fallout 3.


Apr 18, 2008
Sweet fuck, if you were any more retarded you'd be the President of the United States of America. You make choice A, you get ending A. You make choice B, you get ending B. You make choice C, you get ending C. Etc. That's choice and consequence.

Keep going about it, it's very fun seeing you squirm in your own shit.

Mastermind said:
I'm sorry if you lack the patience and attention span necessary to get through a quick, easy tutorial.

Mastermind said:

Talking to yourself?

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