Thanks for all the responses.
octavius said:
I played Ultima Underworld I and it's a great game, dunno about the second. But as Sceptic noted, not exactly what I was asking about.
Sceptic said:
Anvil of Dawn is one of the better ones and worth a shot. There's also... what was it called, Black Crypt? IIRC a Raven game.
Anvil of Dawn is definately my favorite real time blobber. Has many flaws, but it's the only one I replay every couple of years. Always thought it was published by Westwood, not NWC
Black Crypt. I've seen it mentioned a couple of times here, looks like it's the best Amiga exclusive of this genre. Will definately try it if I ever properly setup WinUAE.
Fowyr said:
Calem Ravenna said:
]Speaking of SSI, how is Dungeon Hack?
It's good for what it is. EOB roguelike. I liked it, it was one of my first CRPGs. Finished it three times
Sounds interesting. I gather the dungeon is randomly generated, how does it end up in terms of puzzles and combat difficulty?
Unkillable Cat said:
The first (and only) game of the genre that had multiplayer in it. It's also quite old and simple compared to latter titles.
Captive. It's a Sci-Fi take on the crawler where you control a party of robots. You start with your bare fists and some crude melee weapons, but you'll be pew-pewing with machine guns and lasers before long. The interface is a little clumsy and the PC version is broken, so fire up an emulator. It's virtually endless.
Xenomorph. You're the only crewman on a space tug that's crash-landed at an asteroid outpost that's seemingly abandoned. You must explore the station to find spare parts for your ship. It's tough, slow and I found it a bit dull, but it's worth a look. (The guys who made Amnesia could propably remake it into something worthwhile if given the chance.)
Interesting stuff.
Bloodwych does look pretty simplistic and the interface horrible. The multiplayer mode sounds like fun though, even if only because of the uniqueness.
Captive is one of those games that I once saw a screenshot of in a magazine, remembered the visuals for my whole life (in this case the colourful interface) and then forgot completely about its existence. Looks decent and the character system sounds interesting. What do you mean by "virtually endless? It has randomly generated content?
Xenomorph - nice concept, but I just watched a video of it on youtube and yeah, doesn't look very appealing.