Hi, I want people that have experience win Icewind dale 2 to build a challenge for me to play like this one in KOTC.
I only played icewind dale 2 in the past, and I dropped it in the ice temple, I dont know if its worth to play icewind dale 1 because everyone says 2 is so much better that it makes 1 look dull.
In any case. The idea is to create a fun challenge, not just a hard challenge. I liek to create a DISCRET set of rules in the RPGS i play, that make the game fun for me even if I try the best to beat the challenge
Here are some tips in what im looking for and my problems and comming up with them myself.
1. Party creation
I want to play max number of characters , and I dont want crazy restrictions on the creation, though i can accept some specific class or race ban/restrictions if you people think its too op.
The reason i find hard to play all bioware games is that is optimal to do the classic, Rest/Superbuff/Bombard/repeat, making most fights just an annoyance. I want in RPG all the "filler" fights meaningful and a good way to do that in RPG is to restrict Rest in some way. In KOTC I used the 1 use per campfire which worked awesome since by doing that there is enough limitation to rests that every fight that drains resources has a meaning, but is not so little that the game is impossible.
But I dont know the game well enough or know a discrete way to restrict rests in a way that is both challenging but not prohibitively impossible.
Also a potential problem is that there are a lot of healers that can provide you cure light wounds for minimal price, For some reason they also provide way less money efficient spells. But there is never a reason to pay for the other healing.
If htere is a restriction to resting, spamming cure light wounds is optimal, so one has to have in mind NPC healers when it comes to create the rest restriction rule.
3. Combat
I hate RTwP because it makes the fight more clumsy that Turn based, but a good way to solve a little that is to threat IWD a little more like like an RTS. So the idea is to disallow normal pausing, and only use the the autopauses (Which sadly are somewhat bugged) What would be the most balanced autopause configuration?
4. Prebuffing
I really dislike outofcombat advantage, so whatever set of rules, it has to super restrict or completly ban prebuffing. I dont like it because it either rewards game knowledge to much and is time consuming and boring.
5. I´m all up for mods so if any mode make anything more interesting, let me know
6. Im not super fan of the difficulty options in the game, since its just more HP/Damage, which tends to be biased towards shifting the power to some specific classes or strats. I prefer to make the game more difficult banning op spells, class or weapons etc, than just adding more stats to enemies, but I can be convinced that some other than normal difficulty is the most interesting difficulty to play on.
That´s it. Thanks for your help!