God damn it!MHC, you missed your shot again! I had to practically threaten to beat people to give away Cargo and The Void in the CDS. More gamez.....steam magic number 700 is coming up.
Indie gala mobile
I didn't read few previous posts and for a second I though you already own ALL Steam games except this oneEh. Only Steam game I don't own is Mutant Storm,
I'm only interested in Geneforge, as it's more cheaper than the Steam version (I mean the version sold @ Steam). The other trash I can live without.The JULY JUBILEE BUNDLE (Indie Royale) is out: http://www.indieroyale.com/
Geneforge Saga, Unepic, and some other ugly stuff. Oniken trailer music sounds cool.
(give multi-headed cow your mutant storm and unepic keys, you know you want to (actually now that i think about it desura keys for indie royale are for the whole bundle))I'm only interested in Geneforge, as it's more cheaper than the Steam version (I mean the version sold @ Steam). The other trash I can live without.The JULY JUBILEE BUNDLE (Indie Royale) is out: http://www.indieroyale.com/
Geneforge Saga, Unepic, and some other ugly stuff. Oniken trailer music sounds cool.
the bundle costs half than what unepic alone costs on desura, and it has extra ingame item for unepic plus extra credits (earned through completing challenges normally, spent on overpowered pop-culture reference ingame items)., so i'd say it's worth it.though I'm sorta interested in Unepic I'm not really inclined to buy the bundle just for it.